Temple of the Vampire

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The Temple of the Vampire (aka ToV, TotV, TOV, or Vampire Temple) is an online religious group allegedly founded in 1989. It sells expensive books with illegible fonts and flying-skull jewelry.

They started out advertising in the back pages of magazines and spamming Usenet.

The leader (George/Lucas) is friends with Peter H. Gilmore who took over the Church of Satan (formerly run by Anton La Vey) in 2001, after which point CoS and ToV slowly began to affiliate more with growing years.

Now, most of the current CoS leadership (the Council of Nine) are also members of the ToV.

Flickr photos

Images once existed on Flickr of some of the members but were taken down, it is unclear whether or not they still exist.

  • Here are a few pictures of Nemo taken at the Hellfire Caves in High Wycombe, England. It was a conclave for CoS members only. http://www.flickr.com/photos/49275298@N06/ There you can see (Adept) Isabel, his wife, AEnigma, and Linguascelesta. Posted by Lu Yang in Earth on Tue Apr 13, 2010 at 09:17 AM


Rank unknown:

  • Aenigma: ImmInst member outed as ToV member to Sven, member of ImmInst board of directors, who asked how to join
  • Alert: moderator at ImmInst
  • Ellen Clarke aka Persophone: waifu of David Styles.
  • UmbraeNoctem

"Vampire Adepts" aka "Undead Gods" aka "Inner Circle or Order of Prometheus" (advanced "Priesthood of Ur")

  • David J. Styles aka Linguascelesta (often mispelled Linguacelesta or Lingascelesta): formerly part of the Board of Directors of Immortality Institute, organiser at Cryonics UK, ranked Warlock in Church of Satan (grade gained after the 6-6-6 event hosted by the CoS)
  • Erik Bourgouise (sometimes mispelled Bourgesie): affiliated with Cryonics Belgium
  • George C Smith aka Lucas Martel aka Nemo: administrator, links to CoS and Temple of Set, has a M.A., is a Washington state Certified Mental Health Counselor (C.M.H.C.) in private practice for over 25 years, has a background of "self-help" products: transcendental meditation, psychic readings, stock markets, martial arts and "anger cure"
  • Isabel (Smith?) Nemo's waifu
  • Michael Smith aka Faelyn (sometimes misspelled Faylean) aka Valentine: son of Isabel and Nemo, described "a man with a moustache, of average height, not particularly attractive" by Lu Yang
  • Nicholas Strathloch: ran the "Fang Club" in Beverly Hills prior to 1998, alleged founder, in A&E documentary

See also

External links