Talk:Vegan Rebuttal

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A Better Idea

Just replace the entire page with this image:

It's MUCH more effective! *nods* --Onideus 15:58, 28 May 2012 (EDT)


Talk about how many poor helpless little critters get slaughtered from the ~horrible~ COMBINES that are used to harvest their precious veggies. Very often only chopping off ~parts~ of their bodies and leaving them to die a very slow, agonizingly horrific death as they slowly bleed out over yer precious veggies. :D

Hmmmm....I think I have some pictures of ~that~ somewhere in my archive as well. --Onideus 16:02, 28 May 2012 (EDT)

Another Fun Image

--Onideus 17:37, 28 May 2012 (EDT)

It would probably be worth mentioning Gillian McKeith is a shit sniffing coprophile, too.( Also, I <3 Nigella ). ~ ~ Gaper 19:56, 28 May 2012 (EDT)