Talk:The Colbert Report

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Why crap?

I understand ED always wants to have that pessimistic snark when writing an article, and we strive to be overtly negative about EVERY FUCKING THING, however Stephen has rightly earned ED's praise for the hell he has given TOW. Not to mention the countless other lulz-worthy things he has accomplished. This article is just. It could use some updating however, it is just. Not crap. Remove such accusations promptly.

Ultrafaggotmaster 05:50, 14 October 2012 (EDT)

It feels outdated, Colbert's been pretty much a faggot lately. The days of him being Anonymous's hero is long gone (or rather, he's still the hero of new Anonymous). There's no reason to change it in my opinion. Most of the stuff against Jon Stewart also applies to Colbert and an anti-Colbert or "balanced" article would be less funny than the hero worship one right now.

--ZimZam 06:03, 2 August 2013 (EDT)

This article

Needs to get it's tongue out of Colbert's arsehole. I understand he attacked TOW and we van give him credit for that, but this is just not an ED article in spirit, we shouldn't be glorifying and hero-worshiping anyone but maybe weev and ODB. I'll prolly get round to rewritting this soon- ish. Elvis 21:38, 22 January 2013 (EST)

Dead Mother

Colbert's mother died a few weeks ago at 92. Figured someone might wanna mention that. --Cloudsoda 02:08, 26 June 2013 (EDT)

Sarkeesian & the End of "the Colbert report"

This article needs a serious re-edition, now that "the Colbert Report" is going to end soon and because of his GamerGate coverage, the myth of Colbert being /b/ in NORPs' clothing is now shattered for good. Even the #CancelColbert drama is not listed here. --Sveracrux 12:21, 30 October 2014 (EDT)

I don't really see a need to document Anita going on his show, but I agree that it should be updated to reflect him leaving for Letterman's job(?). I'd wait till after he leaves though, so as to riff on the butthurt of everyone saying he sucks now that he's not on comedy central. Talk | Contribs 13:22, 30 October 2014 (EDT)
  • I always thought he and his show are shit and never got why you guys all jerked off to him. This article is shit and Colbert is not, nor has he ever been, funny. oddguy 14:10, 30 October 2014 (EDT)
  • I think both #cancelcolbert and anita sarkeesian going on his show are pretty important and should be mentioned in separate sections. --Mantequilla (talk) 14:45, 30 October 2014 (EDT)

I would second the inclusion of #cancelcolbert at least, with possible content being borrowed from Suey Park --LulzKiller 20:44, 30 October 2014 (EDT)

I'll just leave this here

  • 1f you guys decide to cover the Anita thing use this:

oddguy 13:53, 5 November 2014 (EST)