Talk:Sue Basko/1

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she speaks like a Scientologist. has anyone ascertained her religulous beliefs? -hipcrime 08:40, 28 December 2013 (EST)


This page is severely lacking in current lulz. It needs to be updated to include her current temper tantrums and lies. Like writing a blog saying that ED has malware so ppl dont see her page. She is even having a temper tantrum right now: occupypeaceinfo --Mantequilla (talk) 21:42, 12 March 2014 (EDT)

As a licensed attorney with much advanced education in Computer Crime law, my opinion is that posting anything about another person onto Encyclopedia Dramatica, posting any link to the materials on the site, posting or copying the obscene photos, and participating as an admin or running the server of the site are all crimes


This was my favorite. Unless someone beats me to it, I'll look into this later. reply 05:55, 13 March 2014 (EDT)

brb prison --Likeicare 22:12, 13 March 2014 (EDT)
No kidding! I also need to go through the rest of the forum thread about her this morning. See you in IRC abbo nigga, ah least your name isn't Bubba. reply 23:11, 13 March 2014 (EDT)

suebasko facts --Likeicare 01:41, 16 March 2014 (EDT)

At last I got a chance to look over her rants, anyone else notice how she starts almost every sentence with "I" ? reply 01:48, 16 March 2014 (EDT)

Sneaking onto my locked twitter account and retweeting my tweets but with changed wording or out of context, this having been done thousands of times.


reply 03:07, 16 March 2014 (EDT)

shes now accusing me of being an imposter and im not really who i say i am......-- Likeicare 03:12, 16 March 2014 (EDT)

Will the real Chris Jones please stand up, please stand up? CobaltCat 03:18, 16 March 2014 (EDT)

i want her to actually get the authorities involved, so i look more hardcore -- Likeicare 03:32, 16 March 2014 (EDT)

Sue Basko has centipedes in a very special place!


Props to whoever submitted that gold^ sickpuppy 15:05, 16 March 2014 (EDT)


It really does look to me like she might be possibly planning to go the Anita Sarkeesian route. I've been studying her recent rants and it sounds like she's about to get in touch with her inner Jew and try to somehow profit off of the attention she is currently receiving, possibly by way of a fundraiser like Kickstarter.

Anita accused video games of being "anti-feminist" and was attacked for it by trolls, and this netted her thousands of extra dollars in her Kickstarter fund as a direct result, as well as an outpouring of supporters that she craftily took full advantage of. An old lecture video of hers was later discovered where she clearly states she doesn't play video games. Whenever anyone brings this up, they're labeled as a troll or a woman hater and more money goes into Anita's pockets, creating a situation where she has the upper hand. She used trolls and turned them into profit. The woman is a genius con artist, regardless if Jonathan McIntosh is pulling the strings or not.

Let's look at Sue now. As far as her threatening to sue Twitter users, I direct you to this:

Instead of blocking and ignoring people and moving on, she keeps tagging said people and keeping the whole thing going, all while promising her followers "info soon" and asking "will you stand up or look away?" in regards to people being victimized by ED etc.

If she can build herself enough of a support group and round up everyone who has been butthurt about an article on ED or a snarky comment written about them on the internet, she could ask all these "victims" to chip in and let her fight for their cause. It has the potential to ultimately thrust her into the spotlight, thus giving her the attention and money she so desperately craves. The fact that she's now throwing around the "extortion" accusations (she's just reaching with that) sort of point in this direction too.

Watch her try to paint a satirical wiki, one that actually has reasonable rules and morals, as an evil, cash-extorting hate machine. She knows if this website goes down, another will go right up in its place. If she somehow gets a few people arrested, there will be countless others to take their place. I believe this woman is in this for the money. sickpuppy 23:53, 16 March 2014 (EDT)

lol fuck you sue

hello, a member of your family by the name of Susan Basko is using her position as an attorney to bully and harrass me via the internet, and is threatening to fabricate crimes to get me in trouble with the authorities, i would be grateful if you could tell her to please stop. thanks, chris


-- Likeicare 06:06, 19 March 2014 (EDT)

sue sent this to me lol

I have your name, your phone number, your location, I know you are in a meth ring, my brother is an FBI agent, and you are sending a death threat. You really must be addicted to meth, as you told me.


—Sue basko, on how to be an Internet Tough Guy


is victim 3 onideus? -- Likeicare 23:40, 20 March 2014 (EDT)

Likely. He mentioned on his FB that he was considering taking Zaiger to civil/small claims court. Although I'm not sure how well that could play out for him since he was notoriously involved with ED. sickpuppy reply 07:03, 21 March 2014 (EDT)


In my humble opinion she deserves another AOTN because of her persistent idiocy. CobaltCat 06:19, 22 March 2014 (EDT)

Yes, but let's wait for a while and add more to the article. reply 06:22, 22 March 2014 (EDT)