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List of Missing Images in the article:

File:Shaycarl fat.jpg|samefag image:Shaytards_abuse_wtflol.jpg|Child abuse is fun ! Everybody's doing it! file:Shaycarl_youtube.jpg|YouTube's #1 Attention Whore File:Shaytards shaycarl perspective.jpg|Shaycarl's children, from Shaycarl's perspective. File:Shaycarl shaytards selfrealiziation.jpg|self-realization goes a long way File:Shaycarl isgay.jpg|gheytard File:Wtf spencer.jpg|celetard Spencer Pratt is curious about the appeal and power of the Shaytards brand File:Wtffff.jpg|Shay attacks his own children for views File:Shaytards_familydrawing.gif|fan art File:Shaytard_abuse.gif|Shaycarl convinces his daughter to jump across the room and hurt herself. File:Shaycarl google.png|Google's Autocomplete tells most of the story.

Hilarious Fan Comments

a fan wrote this: Back in June, I made a post on this same thread explaining why I enjoy and/or respect Shay and his family. I almost wish that I hadn't. I mean, I still feel MOSTLY the same on those certain aspects I mentioned, but I also feel like the videos have completely changed since they moved to L.A.

I suspected from the get-go that they weren't just renting that house for a couple of months. Once they started talking about removing plants and putting in a hot tub or fire pit, buying furniture and whatnot, I knew it was going to be semi-permanent if not permanent. When Shay first made the announcment that they were moving to L.A., a lot of viewers/subscribers were upset. Like many of those viewers, I didn't watch the Shaytards because they had "glamorous" lives - I watched them because they were so normal and sweet, living quiet lives of soccer practice and dance recitals, in the middle of Idaho. I don't want to see them rubbing elbows with the rich and famous in Hollywood and I don't want to see their children grow up to be entitled, spoiled brats who think they deserve fame just because their father stuck a camera in their faces every single day of their young lives and posted the videos on the internet. If I want to watch that kind of garbage, I'll turn on the TV and watch the Kardashians or Kate Plus 8 or Toddlers in Tiaras. I live in southern California - that crap is an everyday occurrence here. Shay's life in Idaho was actually entertaining and refreshing to watch; they gave me hope that traditional values still existed and that perhaps some people actually weren't materialistic, fame-seeking, money-hungry b*stards.

Now, every Shaytards video is either a thinly veiled advertisement, or flagrant display of semi-fame/semi-wealth, or Shay jetting off on another trip for some business meeting. It's not about the family anymore. And now they've made the announcement that they're staying in L.A. for a indefinite length of time. Are they going to enroll the kids in some Hollywood elementary school so they can make even more connections in the industry? I can't even remember the last time I've made it through an entire Shaytards video. I used to love them, and could live vicariously through them, imagining what it would be like to have a family like theirs. Now, it's just absolutely sad; I can't watch Shay sell out his family anymore. The Shaytards are essentially over, as far as I'm concerned. - salaam

12:23, 25 February 2012 (EST)

another fan responds:

Salaam, I said the exact same thing in a comment yesterday when the Shaytards uploaded the vlog and got about a dozen really nasty replies from the fans. Yikes!

I only started watching the Shaytards a little over a year ago when they were still in Idaho and even before they bought that big new house (that apparently they don't even care to live in anymore) and since then, they've gone from a sweet, normal family to one of those obnoxious, greedy, desperate-for-attention stage families like the Kardashians or the Gossleins. Granted Shay was always obnoxious but I could deal with it before. Now he's become pretty much unbearable to me and I roll my eyes every time he starts to lecture with his know-it-all attitude whether it be about "we know what's best for our own kids" or his "secrets" to weight loss.

None of us really know for sure but I think word on the street is that he's clearing six figures from all this Youtube stuff and at first, I was thinking, "Wow! Good for him!" He seems like a nice guy and if he's able to support his family with this (how did he describe it to Dave Ramsey? Social media?) then more power to him. But then they bought the new house and started filling it with new furniture, a hutch for Mommytard, that huge painting they commissioned. And then Shay bought a snowblower and a new TV for him to watch while on the treadmill, new iPhones and then the new truck... To top it off, they're always going on trips. And now, they completely ditched that really nice house in Idaho so that Shay can live in L.A. and pretend like he's famous? I would have a lot more respect for him if he was taking all that Youtube money and putting it in the bank to hold on to! He's incredibly naive if he thinks that this Youtube stuff is a sustainable career that's going to be able to provide for his family on a long term basis and he's even MORE naive if he thinks that this extravagant spending is a good idea.

The kids, especially Princesstard, are becoming very bratty and obnoxious (which Shay and Mommytard never try to control while they're in public or at a restaurant) and to make it worse, they're pimping those kids out more and more! (How many video shoots have we seen them doing together since the move to L.A.?) And now he's even gotten his brother Casey to uproot his family and move down to California where I can only guess he's going to try and get in on the action. But Shay has hinted that they don't want to keep doing the daily vlogs forever but with a couple hundred thousand views per day, I have to guess that's where they get most of their income and when they stop doing that, where are they going to get money? I honestly can't imagine that this "Station" stuff is going to be something Shay will be able to use to support his family until he retires.

I'm sorry, this has gone on way longer than I intended it too but this is really the first forum I've found where I can express my views without instantly being flamed and cursed at by Shaytards fans. I used to love their videos but now I find Shay insufferable, full of himself and I think the decisions he and Mommytard are making for the family are incredibly short-sighted and childish. Doctorlolcow 12:24, 25 February 2012 (EST)

Apparently this fucking douchebag

Apparently this fucking douchebag sold some shit to Disney :

Some other douchebag sucking up to him now in hopes of getting monies. Maybe it should be in the article. Fucking jewtube douchebags. Fuck em all. --TROLAHOAR 19:41, 25 March 2014 (EDT)

Missing images

File:Oh lawl facebook shaycarl.jpg
File:Shaytards shaycarl.jpg
File:Shaycarl childabuse.jpg

CobaltCat 17:09, 22 July 2014 (EDT)