Talk:Modern Warfare 3

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Began cleanup based on feedback from below. This was one bad editor. --Doom 02:12, 23 October 2011 (CEST)

Shit that needs to be known

  • Stop fucking copying half of everything from the modern warfare 2 page.
  • Moar external links. (See how easy that was?)
  • Pictures.
  • Stop the slashing shit. Refer to ED:101.
  • Old memes are old, and should be not used as such.
  • Relevant external links.

If your candy-ass has any better ideas than tell me. The Magical Couch 03:33, 10 October 2011 (CEST)


ED:101 is your best friend. use it. a lot of things here need to get cleaned up.

over excessive swearing, shit memes, Copy/paste from past CoD articles, slash tags.

make this article more lulzy than the last instead of making it a more of a retarded twin of all the CoD's. I know the game didn't come out yet, but once its out more changes will come.

Lets at least make this article lulzy before it comes out.

thank you. --RagingHeterosexual 04:05, 13 October 2011 (CEST)

I suggest just doing a redirect to MW2. It's literally the same fucking game. Moarhate 08:47, 19 November 2011 (CET)

This Article

Needs less listing of pointless weapons/upgrades and more meaty goodness. 23:32, 16 October 2011 (CEST)


I'm all for deleting this page and just redirecting to MW2. Nothing of value would be lost. <- moarhate 18:59, 9 December 2011 (CET)

Some tryhard

I recently got 72 kills, and zero deaths.

I'm like only like one of 12 people on fucking planet earth to do this.

I just wanted to write that I hate this fucking game, and I'm sick of the things they threw into it after COD4, to help the literally retarded cry babies, who do not want to build up skill, but who still cry anyway about getting own against the skillful players, so they put shit in the game that lets you get kills despite playing in what is a complex war-zone environment that can punish the slightest mistake.

the following are cod killers that will never be fixed

retarded cry babies

these people will not observe better tactics, and improve their own instead they will constantly attempt to take their opposition on head on like a god damn retard. then after anyone gets a clue of this, and wait for them they will cry about it.

stopping power deleted

stopping power made the gun better, and the fabricated super power perks weaker so that the fucking shooting game that it is wouldn't turn into a fucking stupid everybody run around environment. now it takes 5 shots to kill people at long range in mw3 with most guns.


holding two guns is literally a nigger gangster fantasy, and in real life it would accomplish nothing more than stupidity. At 20 yards with extreme disciplined handling it would be incredibly difficult to score 3 inches groups with a handgun. I'd be surprised to see target hit once holding a gun in each hand, and unloading it. Then the guns reload as fast as one guns. the trollolol thing to do in the game is use akimbo.

apocalypse Cool Story Bro