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Mikemikev big conk love Asian ding dongs

Big Jewish Conk nose.
Big Jewish Conk nose.
Big Jewish Conk nose.
Big Jewish Conk nose.
Big Jewish Conk nose.
Big Jewish Conk nose.
Big Jewish Conk nose.
Big Jewish Conk nose.

Andrew MU Chung 15:10, 13 September 2014 (EDT)

LOL. One hideous creature isn't he. Krom 15:22, 13 September 2014 (EDT)

Mikemikev socks

User:DarthBermudas User:DaveSmythe User:Dicky Fallacy User:DunningKruger

Mikemikev socking and impersonating at Rationalwiki

He's increased his socking and impersonating activities in the last couple of weeks causing Rationalwiki Admin to introduce a new filter to prevent his excessive vandalism. [1] [2] [3]. A list of his sock IP's is here which contains 45 of them which trace to the same South Korean ISP and 6 of his accounts with names. [4] He has hundreds more.

On user-accounts he's also been impersonating different people to get his edits through:

9 November 2014 David Gerard (Talk | contribs) blocked (Talk) with an expiry time of 3 months (anonymous users only, account creation disabled) (Mikemikev)

View his first post:
"I'm not an expert on this topic and don't know nearly enough about the available research to feel confident in drawing any conclusions, but this page is simply lazy. Look, I'm a feminist and a vegan and a liberal and an atheist"

A sock of Mikemikev also appeared at Metapedia called "Dave" where he lies about his identity (again) and pretends to be someone "just discovering" Metapedia: Elvenite 18:52, 13 November 2014 (EST)

Mikemikev pretending to be females that want sex with black men

Yes, this is what the sick creep gets up to, his impersonations on his socks you can find banned across the net get more and more depraved. More links: "It's just Mikemikev so far. His new troll theme is pretending to be a woman who likes Black men." Elvenite 03:18, 21 November 2014 (EST)

Kevin - another sock he blames onto others

Look above and you will see Mikemikev deny he is "Kevin". However he was recently IP checked and blocked:

14 November 2014 NoiseBot (Talk | contribs) blocked Kevin (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled, cannot edit own talk page) (Mikemikev race troll)

- Mr. Coombs is a pathological liar. Elvenite 19:35, 25 November 2014 (EST)

Oliver Smith/Atlantid

who is writing this slanderous article is a more interesting topic for ED. Jonah 19:14, 26 November 2014 (EST)

" Bones and Behaviours on 03/05/2014 at 7:44 PMThe only thread on me and my family members over at any Wiki is the result of cyberstalking by a confused individual called Oliver Smith who is being compared to a sectioned individual known as Ian Keith Gomeche due to his absurd and antisocial behaviours that are perhaps consistent with the Borderline Personality Disorder. When he is banned from a forum, he begins spreading lies to defame other internet users, ranging from accusations of creationism to paedophilia. Whilst this may be standard trolling, he crosses a line by dragging in family members and other innocent bystanders.He drags in family members and abuses wikis so as to harass people. His page on me over at Metapedia was removed when Metapedia was threatened with legal action by a moderator who, I believe, has also contacted RationalWiki. ED can expect the same kind of action unless they stop stalkers from abusing their wiki so as to get back at people who have banned them, by using it to spread false information.It is not clear as to whrpether he is associated with the Afrocentrist Charlie Bass, or whether Charlie Bass is merely imitating Atlantid/Oliver Smith/other sock puppets of his. Bass has been harassing people by because we do not agree with his strange Afrocentrist positions, and created a defamatory post saying that the B&B forum was founded by a holocaust denier. This is clearly a lie, as is the confusion (following Oliver Smith) between me and other internet users." Jonah 19:17, 26 November 2014 (EST)

" No I did not. Roehampton is awful. Also I do not have any multiple personality disorder. And I've just tracked where all this garbage about me being Charlie bass etc came from and the personality disorders:

This is all from the paedophile Faintsmile1992 (clare Chesterton).

Schizophrenia has nothing to do with Dissociative identity disorder (DID)/multiple personality disorder (MPD) or a personality disorder:" Jonah 19:22, 26 November 2014 (EST)

Jonah 19:27, 26 November 2014 (EST)

"His page on me over at Metapedia was removed when Metapedia was threatened with legal action by a moderator who, I believe, has also contacted RationalWiki." -- At no time was a page ever created about Faintsmile1992 at Metapedia. They had 6 edits reverted by myself, having posted as "Thjassisdottir" on the Australoid entry. They were then blocked. And like you, Faintsmile has hundreds of alt-online accounts/persona and lies about their identity. From the link you posted:
"Bones and Behaviours 03/05/2014 at 7:54 PM

FTR faintsmile1992 is my cousin who was helping me out but backed out of the project. We do not even have the same personalities as one another. I have never had a neo-nazi blog nor ever posted anywhere as ‘shewolfoftheSS’.


LMAO. This nutcase now even denies speaking to you here:
Nope. This page was about Faintsmile1992. (how about I indent properly for you for once too) WhalingOnOliversFace 10:22, 27 November 2014 (EST)


This is something called evidence, Mike:

Mikemikev pretending to be an anti-racist female called "Jenny" on the Mootsf forum

EgalitarianJay - 21-11-17:04 -- Mikemikev has impersonated several people of Korean descent including women on MootStormfront recently. He pretended to be a woman interested in Black men at least twice.


On that same forum you have pretended also to be a female wanting sex with black men, and a gay Korean man (links on article). At Rationalwiki, you tried to blame your socks where you pretend to be "Kevin", "Jon" etc onto me. Yet those accounts have now been IP checked tracing back to you (South Korea) and blocked under Mikemikev. You are also Charlie Bass. You have multiple personality disorder, yet then join forums blaming your socks onto innocent people. This insanity of yours has been going on since last November. Elvenite 22:03, 26 November 2014 (EST)

Yes, I was using/banned from Wikipedia 4-5 years ago. The difference is: I gave them substantial edits, and don't sock on hundreds of accounts there like you do to vandalize. I had zero confirmed socks, and 4 suspected (which weren't even all mine). I then only briefly returned on my brothers IP a year later. In contrast you have 102 confirmed socks and126 suspected sock bans (which virtually all are yours). I never also socked at Metapedia or Rationalwiki, where you have loads more accounts. You've also been banned on this site for the 100th time now...Elvenite 22:43, 26 November 2014 (EST)
Note again that I can provide plenty of objective evidence that you have impersonated me and others across the internet since last Nov (e.g. IP checks by Admin, like at Mootsf and Rationalwiki). Instead your only "source" against me is a pack of lies you posted at Anthroscape (how very non-biased!) and Faintsmile1992 (who is the only person who supports you, and turned up in your Anthroscape thread). Elvenite 23:16, 26 November 2014 (EST)

Charlie Bass is Mikemikev

Mike posts on his page, that no evidence is provided he is impersonating the anti-racist Charlie Bass at Rationalwiki and denies it is him. Yet enough is provided:

  • Mike has been blocked on the same site impersonating another anti-racist (a liberal vegan feminist from Sweden). [5]
  • We know Mike is a deranged liar. For example he denied he was Kevin on the same site, but that account was IP-checked which confirmed it was another of his socks. [6]
  • Mike along with Faintsmile1992 (or impersonating Faint himself) first made the accusation (lie) that I am impersonating Charlie Bass. This is sheer insecurity, since he owns it.
  • The dates overlaps when Mikemikev was most active and creating tens of accounts at Rationalwiki (I was never even there). Elvenite 23:47, 26 November 2014 (EST)
No, none of these people are me. They just ban any people who disagree with their PC race nonsense as "sock of Mikemikev". Also you were Kevin and Charlie Bass on RW so you know that.
BTW all pages have been independently archived so don't bother deleting. WhalingOnOliversFace 09:28, 27 November 2014 (EST)

WhalingOnOliversFace 09:41, 27 November 2014 (EST)

What the fuck is wrong with you bro? What the fuck? WhalingOnOliversFace 10:14, 27 November 2014 (EST)

You were IP checked and blocked as Kevin. This is your sock Mikemikev, its even the same debate style and posts as your other socks. You are medically insane to deny it and laughably when you took a screenshot of my facebook photo another of your alt/split personalities or accounts you use to impersonate shows. You're now posting and private messaging on facebook as someone called Nathan. Charlie Bass is also yours, its just that they never bothered to IP check that one (you have 50+ banned socks). Elvenite 00:52, 28 November 2014 (EST)

Faintsmile1992 and Anthroscape: Atlantid Responce

A response to the stupid Anthroscape thread Mikemikev just created: [7]

  • No page entry was ever made by myself for Faintsmile1992 at Metapedia. If it was, and was deleted, it would still appear on the site with a dead (red) link. Use the search function. Above Mikemikev links to this, which is an old community portal discussion. This is clearly not a page entry, or article. Faintsmile1992 just made up the lie that I created a libellous entry on her to make out she was being "bullied" or "stalked" - her sick fantasies, that appear to have fooled a few idiots. No one has ever done that. As another sysop here posted: Faintsmile1992 is incredibly boring (some manga/anime lover clone in their early 20s) and is of no interest to anyone as far as ED "drama" or speciality goes. Compare her to someone like this, who is actually pretty interesting to read about.
You slandered Faintsmile on the Anthroscape page. WhaleHunter 07:24, 29 November 2014 (EST)
  • The reason the Faintsmile1992 entry was approved here was to log their paedophilia and internet abuse, which clearly needed to be done somewhere to warn people of this disgusting individual. And admin here considered that I did a good job: "you've done a decent job in extensively documenting an active pedophile on the internet. The fact that said pedophile created an account on here in an attempt to have it removed earns you bonus points". None of this is "slander", read her logged comments at Anthroscape which break multiple laws and by definition are paedophilic. UK law states that: "It is a criminal offence for someone of either sex to take part in sexual activity with someone under the age of 16, unless it is reasonable to believe that that person is 16 or older". She has broken the law here by her own admission, and while 20 years old posted they had sex with 12 year old school boys. There's plenty more of her obscene posts on her entry. I didn't lie, misquote, smear her or post slander; I only quoted what she posted herself. Note that in 2012, someone had already threatened to report them on Anthroscape: "you can be reported too, so for you own sake, keep this sick fantasy involving young boys to yourself". [8] I also had the support from a Forumbiodiversity moderator, who gave me some of her posts (she had a forumbio account and was trolling there posting the same perverted stuff).
It is slander. She said she was attracted to post pubescent males under the age of consent. That isn't illegal and isn't "active paedophillia". The only reason you put this slander out there is because she disagreed with you in a debate about something. You are the classic, classic case of a butthurt loser. WhaleHunter 07:24, 29 November 2014 (EST)
A lie. They claimed they had sex with 12 year old boys, as well as going into obscene detail about their sexual attraction to school boys, also aged 12, and incest. Quotes are on their entry you idiot. Even the moderator of Anthroscape has confirmed this, as have other posters who read her posts. If what we quoted is false, why did Clare write she "could be arrested"? And why are you defending a paedophile Mike? Kromite 09:16, 26 December 2014 (EST)
  • The accusation that I used Metapedia to abuse people is daft, since I always reported/flagged libellous 'hit' articles. Most recently this resulted in Basileus being banned from the site after I filed a complaint: Libellous "hit articles" by Basileus.
Utter lies. You wrote any number of attack pages as Atlantid. You are a pathological liar. WhaleHunter 07:24, 29 November 2014 (EST)
  • I did criticize race typology at Metapedia from 2012-2013. This included adding page entries on a few individuals like "Crimson Guard", "Agrippa" etc who are on forums 24/7 labelling people by 19th century arbitrary ids and oids despite holding no qualifications in physical anthropology. This just dumbs down anthro-forums. At Forumbiodiversity most those entries I created were praised. If this is what is considered "internet abuse" then fine. I don't apologize for making those entries, because those typology people are clowns. Note however that I deleted all of them, based on the fact they don't match Metapedia's guidelines on notability. Their pages were not even up a month. I can hardly be criticized for them. Elvenite 23:38, 27 November 2014 (EST)
You dumb down anthro-forums. You are obsessed with "typology" but don't even understand what it means to apply it correctly. WhaleHunter 07:24, 29 November 2014 (EST)


"Btw I agree that extended grudges are foolish. I tried to ignore this guy for a year but now it's time for a little of his own medicine. It's sad that his evil behavior is turning people away from posting." - Mikemikev (Michael Coombs)


-- This is the same guy who originally joined Anthroscape to post a libellous thread against me, as well as doxx my name and university (e.g. [9])as well on the (chat) and elsewhere from November, 2013.

Prior to this, I did absolutely nothing to him except debate him on genetics/clines at Metapedia. Just look at the posting dates. After we had that debate, he starts going crazy and joining forums to post junk and lies about me. The 'victim' has been myself for the past year, but you don't see me complaining. Mike ED's entry that records his internet sock puppetry, countless bans across the net and the problems he causes - probably never would have been added if he didn't do this... he;s now whining through emails and calling me "evil" for his ED page. As I posted, i left here numerous times, only to see Mikemikev return and post shit. It is him who is obsessed with this stuff, I mean just look at his internet history.

This is what a pathological liar with severe mental illness looks like

Elvenite 02:33, 28 November 2014 (EST)

Nobody is interested in what you say because everybody hates you. The point at hand is why do you collect boglins in your parent's house? Also explain this: WhalingOnOliversFace 04:34, 28 November 2014 (EST)

More insanity from Mike

"I was banned after tangling with Atlantid, who turned anti-racist. Bizarrely NatAll75 didn't check this out and simply banned me for being in a conflict. NatAll75 is also ban happy."

"This is completely false. Check my edit history. I added a lot of HBD material and copy editied several articles. Also created a few very relevant articles. Also I first exposed the anti-racist troll Atlantid who has been writing hit pieces on encyclopedia dramatica. I have extensive data on this guy which I will be happy share. My banning was unfair and due to conflict with Atlantid, who made many obscure edits."

More delusions as usual from this pathological liar. I had nothing whatsoever to do with your permanent ban. I requested closure of my account on the 6th December, 2013. You were indefinitely blocked at Metapedia for "starting a flame war" on the Stumble inn page entry (another site you were perm-banned) over 3 months after I left, as the block log shows. In fact a Stumble Inn moderator re-joined Metapedia to ban you, describing you as a "drunken trouble causer". Also, your edit history produces less than 300 edits, most of which were just trolling the talk-pages like you do at Wikipedia. You've never contributed to an online encyclopaedia. Kromite 04:53, 26 December 2014 (EST)

Get a life?

So much for that "I tried to ignore this guy for a year" crap last month. You seem to be obsessed with Metapedia still, and are still joining forums to post lies about me (how many threads at Anthroscape have you created about me now?). Its also been pointed out you're logged in forums for over 14 hours a day. 800 posts on Beerbarrel, 2600 at politicalforum, your excessive post totals about says it all. Kromite 05:04, 26 December 2014 (EST)

Anthroscape thread fail

Mikemikev created a thread at Anthroscape to defend Faintsmile1992. Both claimed it was "slander" where I quoted Faintsmile1992's vile paedophilic posts that break multiple laws. Well here's what the moderator of Anthroscape, "Crimson Guard" had to say:

"The talk about having sex with her family members, and young boys was too much really, whether she was making it up for attention or if its true, its crazy talk and doesn't belong here. Also towards the end she became more associated with NS freaks and she took a further nose dive down the drain."

Also see the other posters there, e.g. 'Genomann" who confirmed exactly what I and the mod stated. So Mikemikev's thread completely backfired on him.Kromite 05:26, 26 December 2014 (EST)

Sex pest creep Michael Coombs banned from Anthroscape

Perverted troll Mikemikev banned two days ago for sexually harassing a female at Anthroscape:

Bizarre they didn't ban him earlier before he was uploading libellous threads against me there. I now see though at least they've been closed and the moderation see he is a nutcase, and I was telling the truth.Kromite 09:20, 29 December 2014 (EST)


This article is hilarious. It reads like the butthurt whining of a whipped loser. It's great how you contradict yourself within each sentence. Your level of integrity is very clear. What a pair of childish losers. What will Suarez and Smith be doing ten years from now? Cleaning dishes and crying I should imagine. RupertSmythe 04:11, 7 March 2015 (EST)

Exactly what is factually incorrect? You've been banned on countless socks from: Wikipedia, Metapedia, Rationalwiki, Encyclopedia Dramatica, StumbleInn, Anthroscape, The Beer Barrel, Mootsf, Thephora and whatever else is logged on your main entry. Suarez is 25 years old and a "prankster", i'm younger than him, yet you are 36 or 37. So who is really sad here? You're trolling and fooling around forums pointlessly and obsessively when you're old. A recent thread where you were even outed and people have got fed up with you:
LOL @ "You suck at trolling, and your brain is so twisted by your birth defects"
And your hideous face and retarded internet activities have made you a clown across the net:
Where will you be in 10 years? Doing exactly the same you do now. You're life is trolling these forums. Kromscape 09:36, 7 March 2015 (EST)
You've overdone the whole "race debate" thing on forums to the extent you are now just blocked and have the talk-pages even protected from your vandalism (like at Rationalwiki). No one even reads your comments. And considering you have been online forums trolling the same "race" theme/topic since 2009, its more than evident you have Asperger' syndrome. Your stuff about me above is amusing, when you have no life whatsoever. Even your twitter account has no friends and no purpose. Every white nationalist or racialist movement has also rejected you as a weirdo/creep, just like every forum you've ever touched. Don't try and project your insecurities onto me and other here. Kromscape 09:52, 7 March 2015 (EST)
Mikemikev and Julius_A

Blocked/moderated from Stormfront

Finally Stormfront admins have realized Mikemikev is a nutcase who has been impersonating a white nationalist online, and moderated his posts or blocked them from going through on the website.

"Let me remind Stormfront admins or posters, this "Mikemikev" chap is a member here and is impersonating a white nationalist. Yet, he has a non-white girlfriend and posts of his are all over the web where he admits he ha a sexual fetish for Asian women. Why is he even allowed to post here?"

Kromscape 16:17, 14 April 2015 (EDT)

Mikemikev in "Asians id like to fuck" Kromscape 16:19, 14 April 2015 (EDT)
But really, SFer's are retarded... but what can you expect from a bunch of boneheads. It took them this long to block his posts. All they had to do was to run a simple google check on Mikemikev to see his degenerate posts in "Asians id like to fuck" threads all over the web, and his other comments "he bangs Korean babes", "has sex with Korean woman" etc at Rationalwiki. None of this is compatible with Stormfront's membership criteria and is an automatic block/moderation. I suspect they will eventually confine him to "opposing views". However the fact he has been blocked on SF is another good achievement for us sane folks. Kromscape 16:29, 14 April 2015 (EDT)
You aren't sane, you are a delusional schizophrenic. Lol at your discussion on open psych. Mikemikev1984 01:19, 26 May 2015 (EDT)

More forums ban this nutcase



Presumably that is why Mikemikev returned to ED out of boredom yesterday and started impersonating me on a sock account. He's running out of forums. Kromscape 14:55, 25 May 2015 (EDT)

What on Earth are you talking about? It's you that impersonates people you delusional clown. Mikemikev1984 01:20, 26 May 2015 (EDT)
I've never impersonated anyone to harass them or by using real names or their personal details like you do across the internet which is illegal. The Rightpedia entry records simply I used the name JuliusA (and other Metapedia sysops) to try to infiltrate that neo-Nazi website and shut it down, after Junius Thaddeus failed to remove the site (we did not work together, but had the same goal). In contrast you have an internet history of impersonating people to harass them and using real names, photos and identities, as well as stalking them across the net on countless "persona" you invent, or socks. In the last 24 hours you've impersonated me on this website as user: Oliver Smith. The "Krom" at rightbiz was also an impersonator which is why I stopped commentating in the box section and had to use an email. This was obviously you impersonating me for harassment. Again, anyone who looks at the evidence can see you are the lair and mentally ill. You have also been banned from virtually every forum you have joined, 2 more as above. I don't also spend my existence like you trolling and abusing people on forums.Kromscape 11:03, 26 May 2015 (EDT)

Great Article

Yes I cracked two sex jokes in the last 20 years and publicly stated I had a Korean girlfriend since there is nothing wrong with that. Wow, you really are the winner Oliver. *facepalm* Mikemikev1984 01:23, 26 May 2015 (EDT)

You're a pathological liar. I responded to your lies many times, your entry also proves you are a liar with links. Kromscape 09:59, 26 May 2015 (EDT)
There is no mention by you ever of having a Korean "girlfriend" in any respectable sense. Here's previous comments you've made:
  • "I had sex with Korean women (to clarify) and oppose displacement of White people. Where is the contradiction?". source
  • "I do bang Korean girls" source.
  • "I hope that finger is fresh from being inserted into a hot East Asian." source

You only turned this into innocently "having a Korean girlfriend" after you were shown to be a sex-pest, all your postings before regarding these Korean/Asian woman were only about having sex with them, not being in a relationship. You also spend your time in pornographic threads of young East Asian women such as "[ Asians id like to fuck]. Your entry is not inaccurate to describe you as a pervert. You are a dirty ugly 36/37 year old western male living in South Korea who preys on young Asian women for sex.

And what "sex jokes did you crack"? You verbally sexually harassed a female on a forum leading to your ban, and she described you as a "creep". Source People who check the links can see I do not lie about your disgusting internet behaviour. Kromscape 10:27, 26 May 2015 (EDT)

Atlantid is innocent, how two trolls (Mikemikev and Faintsmile1992) stalk and harass him online

As i posted at Metapedia in 2013: "Mikemikev and Thjassisdottir ("Faintsmile1992") are still posting libel or emailing about me from Anthroscape or elsewhere, even going as far as having created a thread about me and posting on it for several days." Atlantid, 21:49, 5 December 2013. We now are in May 2015 and these two loons are still stalking, posting about me & impersonating me online. They then turn around and moan like cowards about their ED pages - if I respond by coming here to log their internet abuse. See my history here- I was inactive on this site for nearly 2 months. All that brought me back here 1-2 days ago was Mikemikev who chose to impersonate & harass me again. So my activities are only ever done in retaliation. Mike and Faintsmile both had the opportunity to move on in 2014, both though chose to continuously obsess about me creating loads of sockpuppets. Faintsmile is unemployed and has no education and sits in-doors 24/7 trolling websites, while if you look at Mikemikev's CV he's never had a job for more than a couple of months, he sits for at least 10 hours a day on internet forums which explains his huge pointless post counts (something like 4,000 at Politicalforum that recently banned him). Kromscape 13:10, 26 May 2015 (EDT)


"Also explain this:"-- No friends to show means I have privacy mode put on. You are completely retarded and thought this meant I had none added. I haven't had a facebook account though for months since you and Faintsmile1992 decided to stalk me on it. Like i mentioned above Mikemikev & Faintsmile are both mentally ill trolls who stalk me to the extent Faintsmile1992 and Mike were posting my photos on forums and across twitter. Kromscape 14:10, 26 May 2015 (EDT)

LMAO Mikemikev1985 20:36, 26 May 2015 (EDT)

Mikemikev impersonating "Krom" at rightbiz

Krom ex-Metapedia isn't me, nor are most the Krom replies.

These are Mikemikev impersonating me. The comments are just stupid and obvious they are him.

There is no check of identity on that site, and any guest can post under a name.

This is why I refused to comment there after a short while and emailed a final response. Kromscape 14:52, 27 May 2015 (EDT)