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I deleted Sodaholic's edits because to put it simply, he's just anally devastated. He leaked some furfag's mod and got banned on the zdoom forums and then "losered" (meaning he can only post in the losers section of the forum) on Doomworld. Doomworld mods laughed at him when he begged them to unloser him with some stupid limited posting rights or something and decided to make these edits. Incidentally he pretty much sucked PDF's dick on a regular basis before the leak as well.

tl;dr: Sodaholic's just pissed off right now and is trying to turn this article into his personal diary.  — Preceding comment added by JimJim (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!


Should we mention this? It's like the oldest internet meme ever. --GoldenIpodRecipient 06:21, 11 July 2014 (EDT)

Grezzo 2

I feel like Grezzo 2 deserves either its own section or an article. It's an insane italian mod that came out in 2012; this is its trailer. Rofl25 17:06, 24 September 2014 (EDT)