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The Thing With His Cats

The article keeps repeating that his cats weren't/aren't potty trained and as such shit on the kitchen floor and such. This however is *NOT* true. Cats are actually born litter box trained, it's effectively ingrained into their base level psychology. The reason why a cat will *NOT* use the litter box is most often because it's too dirty (they don't clean it out often enough), they have too many cats (territorial issues) and not enough litter boxes, stress and/or medical problems, or they don't like the litter box for reason (bad location, bad smells, no privacy, don't like the brand of litter, etc). Given what I've seen of Chris's hovel I'm wagering a guess that it's most likely because they have TOO MANY cats, probably only ONE litter box and likely do not CLEAN said litter box very often, forcing the cats to look elsewhere for a place to poop. Of course, it's also likely that simply living with the Chandlers is incredibly stressful for the animals which could also be causing the potty problems. --Onideus 20:41, 23 October 2013 (EDT)