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Don't Pay This Any Mind

I'm going to fix/rebuild this article once I get done doing the Infantilism article. This is just "work in progress" material. If you've got NEW/GOOD stuff you'd like to see, go ahead and add it into this temp gallery (which I'm going to sort/organize later). --Onideus 07:36, 22 February 2013 (EST)

Split into THREE galleries now. And I might make "IRL Baby Furs" into its own gallery once I get some moar uploaded (and some moar general stuff to fill in). Got plenty 'o sick fuck arts, still need some moar cosplay stuffs though. Interestingly enough, it's actually a *LOT* easier to find gross/disgusting/nasty diaper fur material than it is traditional adult baby material.
Mmmm, on a related note, I'm thinking the guy who makes those "Nanny Goat" comics might warrant an article all of his own. He makes a *BUNCH* of other sick furry fuck comics as well (non-diaper related) and is generally hated throughout the community largely because of his overly depraved, disgusting, purposefully poorly drawn, shit comics (which by the by also feature PEDOPHILES as prominent characters). Here's the link to his main site:
And his blog:
Be warned, it's pretty disgusting shit all around. --Onideus 15:00, 1 July 2013 (EDT)
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