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First of all, no, I'm not the only one who hates her. A shit ton of people on both tumblr and deviantart hate her. If you know the article about codenamesailorearth2, then you know where this is going. Second thing is MikuMikuDance is a simple 3D animating program created by Yu Higuchi, and it was made for VPVP, also called Vocaloid Promotion Video Project. It comes with several standard models, but there are lots of modeleres out there who have created the models for this program. There is a software called PMDe (Polygon model editor) coming with it, which allows people to edit and rig existing 3D models that exist out of a .pmd file. Alyallie was someone who edited models that aren't allowed to be edited and called people names and blocked them when people just plainly said that they weren't allowed to be edited, which caused a gigantic ruckuss.

Also, sorry about the caps. I had to make a start for the page by copy pasting something from tumblr, then I was planning to edit it further.  — Preceding comment added by Famzotskie (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!
>Also, sorry about the caps. I had to make a start for the page by copy pasting something from tumblr
Please tell me you're not some buttrustled social justice tumbrl tranny. Also, if you acknowledge it needs editing, why the fuck did you dump it here? Now it just makes you look like you got mad and needed to vent it by making a shitty attack page.
Alyallie was someone who edited models that aren't allowed to be edited and called people names and blocked them when people just plainly said that they weren't allowed to be edited, which caused a gigantic ruckuss.
So I was more or less correct. Where's the funny part? Nobody really gives a fuck about if some 3D model circlejerk gets mad at someone. It isn't funny to read. ED isn't really a place where you point at people and say "LOOK HOW HORRIBLE SHE IS, SHE STOLE EVEN THOUGH I SAID 'ORIGINALCHARACTERDONOTSTEEEL'". ED is, basically, about documenting but it is also about entertainment. Zyklon 19:09, 10 May 2012 (EDT)
I'm not a big MMD user, but I do watch the blogs in question and I, at least, found the drama fairly amusing. She's a lot like codenamesailorearth, really. Torako 06:09, 11 May 2012 (EDT)