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You are not an artist

Wow. You need to stop. You are not an artist in any way shape or form. These pictures could make Ray Charles flinch, and put your average PLUR kid into a seizure. This is not a good thing. Color is important in composition, but what is more important is responsible use of color. You have no concept of balance, composition, anatomy, unity or anything that makes art, art. I hope you don't plan on getting into an art school, because you will be in for a rude awakening. Reason #1 you work is derivative and generic, it is nothing special or original. It looks like all the other animu/furry fanart I have ever seen. A college board reviewing a portfolio would die from laughter if they saw some of this stuff. Reason #2 you don't understand responsible and interesting use of color. Your use (overuse) of color is what my AP art teacher would call "paintbox colors" because it looks like you just cracked open a fresh pack of Crayolas and thought "the more colors I use the better" some of the most amazing stuff I have seen has been done monochrome or with a complementary scheme. You have no understanding of intensity, value, contrast and just about anything dealing with color. Color is about quality not quantity. Reason #3 it's quite apparent you don't understand how to take criticism and improve. I suggest you completely forget everything you think you know about art and have someone without a fursuit and slanted eyes teach you what art really is. That or give up and stop faking it. If you don't you are going to be let down hard, later on.

Coloured Vomit

How do you make your art? Do you consume as many different shades of ink as possible at a time, then vomit them onto a page and scribble lines around them?

Honestly, I've rarely seen such horrible use of shape, form or colour. Elephants have better grasp of artistic concepts than you. I've seen more articulate colouring books. Not gonna lie, you should just remove this "art" and stop embarrassing yourself

I won't even comment on the epileptic shock induced by your avatar.

Your sheer stupidity and denial makes me cringe. I suggest you do a barrel roll before you harm anyone else with the brain-cell-killing eyesores you refer to as "artwork".

Sorry if this offends you. HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!one DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS

A Few Tips

I've got a few tips for you:

  1. You're black. Get over it.
  2. Your drawings suck. Get over it.
  3. You're fat because you overeat. Get over it.
  4. You're a liar and an attention whore. Get over it.
  5. You're living with your grandparents because your mom didn't want to take care of you. Get over it.
  6. Square could not have stumbled onto your account and stole a design because the game was made in 2003 and your account was made in 2006. Square-Enix does not steal ideas from the future. Get over it.
  7. You are a member of Furcadia. This means you are a social reject who nobody could love. Get over it.
  8. Yaoi is hot. Get over it.
  9. Axel is gay for Roxas, always has been, and always will be. Get over it.
  10. When you actually have a relationship and become a not virgin anymore, you have no room or credibility to give advice about relationships. Get over it.
  11. It's called English class. Take it.
  12. Pencils do NOT typo. STFU.
  13. ??????
  14. PROFIT!

K bye.