Rina-Chan/KJ Communist laws

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Hey I'm A fat Jolyne and this is trantula Balls Pit and Welcome to Jackass JJBA EDITION


Dumbshit reaction of becoming a second Steve-O

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Note Alaskans are this damn Stupid someone pulled a Tarantula Ball pit session seems familiar eh?

Here's the original pic with the meme

The Order of this Fucking Commie bitch has arisen and everyone who disobeys her will face Rape Vriska. This was in effect just so some bitch named Killer☭ Coffee Nigga tries to piss people off and whoever disobeys her will face the weeaboo Sub-Zeros who go to your neighborhood and go on a motherfucking driveby and she can consume your white meat there. This is a retarded order that no one should fuck with or she'll send her Irish Pimp Lawyer Mafia member Fruity Pilot Wigger Caution: Troll these Horse fuckers at your own risk, We are not responsible for any lawsuits for anti Kiraovich.

Ways to become a KJ Communist member ☭

Her Conservative Second Alaska

So, basically the Argument is Invalid this Jackass White Nugget and she needs to go to hell just so Her Pink as hell guy dressed as jesus's buddy Could tell everyone that Her Conservative bullshit views is fucking up this nation of USA She's so stupid that she wants to kill Chinese people while thinking it's a Army of two fortieth day! It's so Messed up that even Former Mrs. AK Governor seriously, is scared of Kira's Alaska! In fact she fucked with one guy's Vocabulary and now she's spying like a mother fucker. She's Paranoid that all that Coffee Cocaine seriously screwed up the Whole Economy. Now, if only she has the all The Welfare dough in Anime Cons to get shot in Italy!

How to Combat and fuck with these Commie tards:

Why Freedom Matters to ED and Animugget Cons

Basically, being Vin Diesel on the Die hardest by killing her and raiding her shiz that will take time and skill. If anyone finds out that you killed her, please don't snitch or tell anybody. Somebody will not Give a shit if you did and all that Jailtime will be served. Just so you know, We no longer Associate with AX Anime Expo because we are not an Super Anime dedicated society. Yeah, We all know that fat guy was a fucking Honkey Business Chav and you have been warned if they've died and your ass or anyone's ass were to get caught. But at least your behind will be remembered will appear in Heaven trust us, we know that some Court stuff is a waste of time. But however, Ending KJ_Butchermann for freedom is just one way of saying Fuck them all in my assholes

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