Project Chanology/Scientology Front Groups

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How scientology fronts operate: useless shit attatched to more useless shit

Scientology Front Groups

This is a list of Scientology front groups, compiled from various sources. Criterion for inclusion on this list is that the connection must be mentioned in the media, and verifiable. Asterisks (*) next to a source indicates that the source is a Scientology publication.

The list was compiled by Maggie Council ([email protected]).

  • ABLE Inc. - See Association for Better Living and Education
  • Akademie Für Management Und Kommunikation - WISE member; business front to spread LRH and Scientology in Europe [Prosperity*]
  • APPLIED SCHOLASTICS - FUnctions as an educational organization to spread LRH courses and Scientology ethics and beliefs in their schools. All schools licensed by Applied Scholastics are Scientology schools staffed and directed by scientologists. [Sci Adv*]
  • ASSOCIATION FOR BETTER LIVING AND EDUCATION - RUns some of the church's front groups and activities. Under ABLE's management, other fronts infiltrate businesses and organizations to introduce LRH's ideas and methods. Includes Applied Scholastics, the Way TO Happiness Foundation, Narconon and Criminon. [Better Business Bureau] To get involved in education and community groups. Prmotes APplied Scholastics and other Scientology organizations. [Sci Adv*] [NHJ]
  • Athens Gold - 4,500 acre mining property near Reno, CA, taken over by Michael BAYBAK, a scientologist [TIME]
  • AUTHOR SERVICES, INC. - manages Scientology's literary and financial affairs controlled by the church and influential scientologists. [NHJ] To sell and promote books, particularly policy.
  • BANCORP DEVELOPMENT, INC. - Members of the Patrons of the International Association of Scientologists (IAS) who have donated in excess of $40,000 to IAS' "war chest." [Impact*]
  • BRIDGE PUBLICATIONS - Scientology publishing and printing company; puts out Dianetics and other LRH books.
  • Business Success Sales and Management Training - Scientology front that lures people and businesses in with "management training" and seminars, and eventually steers them to LRH and Scientology. Members of IAS, donated to Authors Services Preservation of Tech.
  • CALICCHIO & CO., SPA - IAS members who donated in excess of $40,000 to "war chest"; donated in excess of $20,000 to Author Services Preservation of Tech.
  • CASA DOLCE CASA (Europe) WISE member fronting LRH tech in Europe [Prosperity*]
  • Celebrity Center Kids on Stage for a Better World - Entertainment(?) nad PR, "THe group exists to spread the word of scientology to the rest of the world." {Celeb. mag*]
  • Child Guidance Centers - Runs child Dianetics processing on children and encourages parents who are not already into Scientology to begin with Dianetics, etc. [Ch. Dia.*]
  • CHURCH OF SPIRITUAL TECHNOLOGY (COST) - functions as an archivist for LRH's works. [NHJ] Also functions as one of the corporations created to challenge the IRS's ruling against Scientology [Bet Bus Bur] Formed in part from assets stripped from Church of Scientology of California [Wollersheim]
  • CITIZENS FOR AN ALTERNATIVE TAX SYSTEM - Set up as a "citizen's" group to abolish the IRS entirely, uses the "Church of Spiritual Technology" as one of the corporations to challenge the IRS's ruling against them.
  • CITIZEN'S COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS (CCHR) - Founded by CoS in 1969. [TIME] Claims to help people who have been abused or mistreated by mental health practitioners (psychology, psychiatry, mental institutions). Intention: to defame, devalue, discredit and destroy the fields of psychiatry and psychology because they have disclaimed Dianetics and LRH as a schizophrenic [T Sci Tdy*, Sci Adv*] Disseminates reports discrediting psychiatry and individual psychiatrists [Bet Bus Bur]
  • CMI CORPORATE MARKETING - IAS members who have donated in excess of $40,000 to the IAS' "war chest."
  • COMMUNITY SERVICE GUILD - established in Washington, D.C. by Scientology to get LRH influence involved in public schools with a tutoring program [Freedom*]
  • COMPUTER ETHICS INSTITUTE (CEI) - Used by the Church of Scientology in their attempt to regulate the Internet [Freedom*]
  • CONCERNED BUSINESSMAN's ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA - sponsors writing contests and other programs in shcools, and tries to get students involved in LRH beliefs. Hands out Way to Happiness (by LRH) to community groups, police, prisons, and other groups. Purpose: to promote Scientology and get name recognition for LRH [TIME] [NHJ] [Bet Bus Bur]
  • COST - See Church of Spiritual Technology
  • CRIMINON - Like Narcanon in prisons [Sci Adv*] [Sci News*]
  • CRY OUT - Interfaces with organizations like Greenpeace and capitalizes on children's environmental concerns; distributes comic book-like primer on the environment sponsored by Arsenio Hall and Rick Dees, and making no mention of Scientology, to school children. [Bet Bus Bur]
  • DISTRIBUTION VIDEO - Member of the Patrons of the Association who ahve donated in excess of $40,000 to the Assn's "war chest"
  • DRUG FREE MARSHALS PROGRAM - PR program to get a good name for Scientology into the community [C mag*] Favorable circumstance for photo and/or press opportunity; also makes available the distribution of "The Way TO Happiness" booklets to children to promote name and face recognition of LRH.
  • EARTHLINK NETWORK - Scientology-based computer information network founded by Scientologist Sky DAYTON (owner of Cafe Mocha and Joe Cafe in L.A.) [App Sch newsletter*]
  • EARTHLINK SOFTWARE - see Earthlink Network
  • EAST HOLLYWOOD PEOPLE AGAINST CRIME - a "gung ho" group to spread Scientology in East Hollywood area using community action
  • EDUCATION ALIVE - train and tutor in LRH's study tech and attempt to get various Scientology programs into local PTAs and school systems. Works in conjunction with Applied Schoalstics and ABLE. [Bet Bus Bur] Applied Scholastics affiliate delivers LRH tech to S. Africa and other parts of the continent [WIS p. 333*] Given grant by S. African Council of Churches to train teachers in LRH policy to pass on to their students [Int Sci News*]. {need to fill in Tony McClelland's research into the 2.5 million children claimed taught literacy by this program, which have never been located while the S. African gov't denies this 'education' ever occurred}
  • EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT CENTERS (EMC) - is an association of WISE members in a local area that form a group, management training business, and operate on their own to expand WISE membership and deliver fHubbard Management Technology (written up and often referred to as "Hubbard Policy") to the local business community. [Prosperity*]
  • ENVIRONMENTAL TASK FORCE - formed by the church as a commuity group for PR and to get lcoal citizens exposed to Scientology and LRH policy. [Sci Tdy*]
  • Federation of Clubs of Professionals and Business Women - second deputy chair speaks in behalf of the valuable work being done by the Dianetics organizations [Sci Tdy*]
  • FOUNDATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT IN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION (FASE) - a group formed by scientologists to enter the scientific community to tout LRH's "Purification Rundown" also called "detox" and used as part of Narconon; to build credentials and allies int he scientific community, the foundation has channelled tens of thousands of $$ in grants to educators and researchers studying toxicological hazards, most unaware of the foundations' ties to Scientology. [NHJ] Produces a series of educational TV shows on Public TV re: the study of science and math. Goal: to establish credibility for LRH's drug rehab and education methods and attract "opinion leaders" in the scientific community [Bet Bus Bur]
  • FREEDOM MAGAZINE - A Scientology publication which pushes Scientology's causes and attacks their critics.
  • GOLDEN ERA PRODUCTIONS - The organization established to bring LRH materials (taped lectures, technical films, and other audio-visual products by LRH) to people [Sci Adv*] {NEED TO ADD Vaughn Young's story of how this became functional overnight to hide LRH's residency there.}
  • HEALTH MED - CLinics set up that promote the "Purification Rundown" and Scientology. [NHJ] Solicits unions and public agencies contracts for its regimens of saunas, exercise and vitamins promoted to purify the body [Bet Bus Bur]
  • HOLLANDER CONSULTANTS, INC. - consulting firm that leads to LRH and Scientology courses, part of WISE group [TIME] Donated over $100,000 to Author Services Preservation of Tech
  • HUBBARD COLLEGES OF ADMINISTRATION - a front set up to bring in business persons for management training and feeds LRH technology leading to Dianetics and Scientology. Now legally required in state of El Valle, Colombia, for school teachers to advance and also for some government positions. Spreading widely in Russia to business and government officials. Also put LRH tech in University of Saudi Arabia and several Saudi businesses [Prosperity*]
  • HUBBARD ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN - front to spread LRH tech in the women's community leading to Dianetics and Scientology [Prosperity*]
  • I HELP (International Hubbard Ecclesiastical League of Pastors) - created to provide auditors who deliver services outside the organized Scientology churches and missions to spread Scientology [WIS p. 256*]
  • IAS (International Association of Scientologists) - To achieve the Aims of Scientology as originated by LRH. To "dismantle any group or organization" which prevents Scientology. [IAS Adv*] uses "war chest" money to try to shut up any group or person who attempts to speak out against Scientology, and to combat their perceived "enemies"
  • INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE TECHNOLOGY, INC. - WISE member, designed to bring in businesses to Scientology through LRH management tech Allstate Insurance Company was a major former client [Orlando Sentinel]
  • IRONS, MARCUS and VALKO (formerly Singer Consultants) - consulting firm that leads to LRH and Scientology courses, WISE member [TIME]
  • LEAD THE WAY TO A DRUG-FREE USA - campaign led by the Office of Special Affairs of CoS to get involvement with community using anti-drug causes as the button [Sci Tdy*]
  • LIBRARY DONATION SERVICE - set up as part of Int'l Library campaignb in order to place Scientology books and materials in public libraries around the world [Source* Mag]
  • LEMON TWIST RANCH - IAS Patrons (donated in excess of $40,000 to "war chest" [Impact mag*]
  • LONDON FINANCIAL (Europe) - Donated over $50,000 to Author Services Preservation of Tech
  • MERIDIAN CONSULTANTS - an EMC under WISE control in Westchester, NY set up as a business and management consulting company to disseminate LRH tech leading to Scientology targeting the business community. Have distributed LRH teachings to Prudential insurance Company and the Seventh day Adventist Church who have hired them as management consultants [Prosperity*]
  • MIWA ENVIRONMENTAL (Japan) - Patron of the IAS [Impact*]
  • MOXON & BARTILSON (CA Attorneys) - speaks for CoS against Cult Awareness Network (CAN) and other church "enemies" to keep silent the inner workings and teachings of the "church"
  • NARCONON - chain of alcohol and drug rehabs that promote and lead to LRH and Scientology [NHJ]
  • NARPA (National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy - an affiliate of CCHR, founder and president Bill Johnson [Sci Tdy*]
  • NATIONAL COMPUTER ETHICS AND RESPONSIBILITIES CAMPAIGN (NCERC) - Used by the church in their attempt to gain control over what can and cannot be put over the Internet [Freedom*]
  • NATIONAL COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT AND SOCIAL JUSTICE (NCLE) - a social reform group run by CoS that is used to attack Interpol [Sci Tdy*] Claims Interpol, which has investigated and reported on Scientology's activities in the past, is run by Nazis. [Bet Bus Bur] [WIS p. 299*]
  • NATURAL HEALTH FOOD ASSOCIATES - Member of the Patrons of the IAS [Impact*]
  • OFFICE OF ETHNIC AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS - wonder why we don't hear much from them ;) goal: to have Scientology reach into communities by race [WIS*]
  • OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS (Formerly Guardian's Office) - PR and troubleshooting office of Scientology. Scientology's secret service.
  • POWER MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS - WISE member, EMC, fronting LRH tech as a management training business [Prosperity*]
  • PROSPERITY MAGAZINE - Scientology mag geared to businesses and professionals for the purpose of getting those businesses into WISE.
  • PSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTES of AMERICA SURVIVORS SUPPORT GROUP - THey say they are not affiliated with CCHR or Scientology, but have worked with them [Orlando Sentinel]
  • PSYCHIATRY. A PUBLIC WARNING - weekly radio show put on by CCHR to slam all psychiatric practices. Hosted by Bruce Weisman, President of CCHR US and IAS member [CCHR Adv*]
  • REALWORLD CORP. - Don't confuse with Peter Gabriel's record label, "Real World Music" (at least, I *hope* they're not affiliated) IADSS members, donated in excess of $40,000 to "war chest" and $50,000 to Auth Serv. Pres. Tech.
  • RELIGIOUS FREEDOM CRUSADE - replaced Alliance for the Preservation fo Religious Liberty; gathers staff and followers to demonstrate against whatever organization or court may be investigating, or sitting in judgments of Scientology. Through its periodicals "Freedom" and "Crusader" it raises public outcry against the "offending" institution [Bet Bus Bur]
  • RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER (RTC) - Holds trademarks for Scientology [TIME] [BBC]; also gives rewards up to $1,000 to people who report any activity against Scientology that leads to the apprehension or arrest of "offender." Oversees Knowledge Reports on its own members and citizens the church views as "enemies." [KSW News*] More or less, the power center of the Church.
  • SCIENTOLOGY MISSIONS INTERNATIONAL (SMI Int) - front-line dissemination activity that introduces "raw meat" to Dianetics and Scientology and takes them "up the bridge". Also opens new areas around the world to Scientology and sends out missionaries to gain footholds [Sci news*] [WIS* p. 257]
  • SILHOUET HOLLAND (Europe) WISE member fronting LRH tech [Prosperity*]
  • SINGER CONSULTANTS - Patron of IAS donating over $100,000 to "war chest" [Impact*] Uses "managmenet seminars" to put out LRH tech and bring new people into Scientology.
  • SOCIAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE (South Africa) - a group designed to get LRH tech into African countries. Picked up by some Jesuits for use [Robinson Consultants]
  • STELLAR MANAGEMENT - WISE consulting firm [TIME] [Pod Tdy]
  • STERLING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - a management and consulting firm that lures businesses in with "management" seminars and then steers them to LRH and Scientology courses. Also called EERY WILSON CORP, WISE member [TIME] [Pod Tdy] IAS Patron donating in excess of $100,000 to "war chest" [Impact] and over $500,000 to Author Services Pres. Tech.
  • STOMP (Stop Torture of Mental Patients) - founded by Sandra Everett, affiliated with CCHR [Sci Tdy*]
  • STRYKER SYSTEMS INC - IAS member, donated in excess of $40,000 to "war chest". Tech Preserver donator to Author Services Pres of Tech.
  • U-MAN BELGIUM (Europe) WISE member fronting Scientology [Prosperity*]
  • UPTRENDS - consulting firm that leads to LRH and Scientology courses, WISE member
  • VOLUNTEER MINISTERS ASSOCIATION - a group of Scientology ministers whose intention is to establish contact with community leaders and groups [CWF]
  • WAY TO HAPPINESS FOUNDATION - IAS Member donated in excess of $40,000 to "war chest". Function: to distribute LRH tech to public schools and community orgaanizations, adn to get name recognition for LRH the "humanitarian." [TIME] [BBC]
  • WISE INTERNATIONAL (World Institute of Scientology Enterprises) - Licenses use of LRH management tech to the WISE group firms, and sells and distributes LRH and Scientology books, targeting businesses and professionals. Responsible to get LRH tech and Scientology in the business world [Sci News*] [Pod Tdy] Oversees Hubbard Colleges of Administration and Effective Management Centers [Prosperity*] Patron of IAS; donated in excess of $100,000 to "war chest" [Impact*]

Suborganisations and Names of Scientology

(From: Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack: "Findungshilfe Religion 2000 - Apologetisches Lexikon", erschienen I/90 in Muenchen, ISBN 3-921513-91-x)

  • Ability Magazine
  • Ability Minor (magazine)
  • ABLE - Association for Better Living and Education (Academy)
  • Academy of Religious Arts and Sciences
  • Academy of Scientology
  • Advance Magazine
  • Advanced Ability Center - AAC
  • Advanced Organisation - AO
  • Allied Scientists of the World
  • Americans Preserving Religious Liberty (APRL) (formerly known as Alliance for the Preservation of Religious Liberty)
  • Apple School
  • Applied Scholastics
  • APRT
  • ABC Music GmbH
  • ARK-Test
  • ASI - Author Services Incorporated
  • Association des Parents de Scientologues
  • Association pour le Respect des Libertes Spirituelles
  • Atlantic Pacific Renaissance Theatres
  • Auditing
  • AUF and AB-Verlag
  • The Auditor (magazine)
  • Boom Management Services
  • Bridge Publication Inc.
  • Die Bruecke (The Bridge) (magazine)
  • Buergerkomittee gegen Übergriffe der Psychologie
  • Buero fuer oeffentliche Angelegenheiten
  • California Association of Dianetics Authors - CADA
  • Capire
  • CEH
  • Celebrity
  • Celebrity Center
  • Centre - The Mission Journal
  • Childbirth Education Center
  • The Church of American Science
  • Church of Scientology
  • Church of Scientology of California
  • Church of Scientology Religious Education College Inc - COSRECI
  • Church of Sciologos
  • Church of Spiritual Technology - CST/COST
  • Church of the New Faith
  • CIM
  • Citizens Commission on Human Rights
  • Clear Club
  • Co-Motion
  • College (magazine of the Dianetic College in Stuttgart)
  • College fuer angewandte Philosophie
  • Committee on Public Health and Safety
  • Committee to Re-insolve ex Offenders
  • The Comm Line Online
  • Commodore Messengers Org - CMO
  • Concerned Bussiness Association of America
  • Concerned Bussinessmen's Association, U. K.
  • COSRECI - Church of Scientology Religious Education College Inc
  • COST - Church of Spiritual Technology
  • Criminon
  • CST - Church of Spiritual Technology
  • David Singer Consulants
  • Delphian School
  • Der Freiheits-Spiegel (magazine)
  • Dian-aero-etics
  • Dianetic Post (magazine)
  • Dianetik
  • Dianetik aktuell (magazine)
  • Dianetik-Forschungsstiftung
  • Dianetik-Journal (magazine)
  • Dianetik-Zentrum Österreich
  • Dianetische Praxis
  • Die neue Gazette (magazine)
  • Distribution Center Inc
  • Education alive
  • Eglise de la Nouvelle Comprehension
  • Eglise de la Nouvelle Foi
  • Elternverband Deutscher Scientology Kirchen
  • ERT
  • Tom Esterbrook
  • Excalibur
  • Excalibur Pre-OT
  • Expand! (= magazine)
  • Expansion Newsletter
  • F.SEF. - Freunde des Sichere Umgebung Fonds
  • FEGU
  • Flag Service Org - FSO
  • Flag Ship Service Organization - FSSO
  • FOLO
  • Freewinds
  • Freedom Mag (magazine)
  • Freedom Mag TV Edition
  • Der Freiheitsspiegel (magazine)
  • FSM-Newsletter (magazine)
  • FSM-Post (Stuttgart) (magazine)
  • G&G Food Supply
  • GAME - Le Group pour l'Amelioration des Methodes d'enseignement
  • Gesellschaft fuer Innovation mbH - GFI
  • Gesellschaft gegen psychiatrische Gewalt
  • Gesellschaft zur Förderung religiöser Toleranz und zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen
  • GOLD
  • Golden Bough
  • Good News
  • Guardian Office
  • Gung-Ho-Gruppen
  • HASI - Hubbard Association of Scientologists International
  • High Winds
  • Hubbard College
  • Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation
  • Hubbard Explorational Company Ltd
  • Hubbard Scientology Research Foundation
  • I Help
  • I-QI
  • ICLSA - Israeli Center for Scientology in Los Angeles
  • Impact (magazine)
  • INCOMM - International Network of Computer Organized Management
  • Informationskreis fuer Religionen
  • Institut Wissen und Koennen
  • Institut fuer angewandte Philosophie
  • Institution de Tecnologia para la Education A. C. - ITE
  • International Business Center, CH-Geneve
  • International Dianetic Society Inc.
  • International Library of Arts and Sciences
  • International Organization for Scientific Cooperation and Development - IOSCD
  • International Training School
  • Journal of Scientology (magazine)
  • Kinderliga mit Ernaehrungsumstellung gegen Psychodrogen e. V.
  • Kommission fuer Polizeireform
  • Kommission fuer Verstoesse der Psychiatrie gegen Menschenrechte
  • Kommission zum Schutz des Buergers gegen Datenmissbrauch
  • KSW News (=magazine)
  • Ligue Contre la Corruption de Justice
  • London Congress on Nuclear Radiation and Health
  • Majestic Cruise Lines
  • Menschenrechte aktuell (magazine)
  • Michigan Purification Project
  • moderne industrie verlagsservice gmbh
  • Narconon
  • New Age Management
  • Neue Welt e. V.
  • Neue Welt Scientology College Bonn e. V.
  • Neue Zivilisation (magazine)
  • New Era Acting Technique
  • New Era Acting Technology
  • New Era GmbH
  • New Era Publications
  • New World Corps
  • Oesterreichische Gesellschaft zum Schutz vor Verstoessen der Psychiatrie gegen die Menschenrechte
  • Office for Special Affairs - OSA
  • Operating Clear
  • Operating Thetan - OT
  • Opinion Leader News (magazine)
  • OT-News (magazine)
  • Oxford Capacity Analysis - OCA
  • Oxford-Persoenlichkeits-Test
  • Oyotetsugaku
  • Pacific Renaissance Theatre Company
  • Philadelphia Doctorate Course - PDC
  • Phoenix
  • public (magazine)
  • Radio Freiheit
  • realitaet (magazine)
  • Rehabilitation Technology Center - RTC
  • Ron's Journal (magazine)
  • Saint Hill
  • Scientific Press of Phoenix
  • Scientific Press, Inc.
  • Scientology heute (magazine)
  • Scientology Kirche Bayern e. V.
  • Scientology Kirche Deutschland
  • Scientology Missions International - SMI
  • Sea Organization - Sea Org - SO
  • Social Coordination News
  • SoCo - Social Coordination
  • Source (magazine)
  • Soutien pour un Envirement Sain
  • Soutien pour une Justice Honnete
  • Soziale Koordination
  • Task Force on Mental Retardation
  • Tech News (magazine)
  • Theta-Magazin
  • Trägerverein zur Gruendung einer multikonfessionellen Grundschule mit pädagogischem Konzept nach Hubbard
  • Upper Org News
  • Ursprung (magazine) VEM - Verband engagierter Manager e. V.
  • Verband engagierter Zahnaerzte
  • Verband verantwortungsbewusster Geschaeftsleute e. V. - VVG
  • Vereinigung zur Humanisierung religioes-ideologischer Konflikte
  • WISE - World Institute of Scientology Enterprises
  • ZIEL - Zentrum fuer individuelles und effektives Lernen
  • Zentrum fuer Kunst und Kommunikation
  • Zukunft - Die Zeitschrift der Flag Consultant Europe
Project Chanology/Scientology Front Groups is part of a series on Scientology



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