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Plasma, also known as Inky, is a modfag weeaboo from 711chan. When not polluting the gene pool with weaboo faggotry such as Serial Experiments Lain, he metastasizes like the cancer he is through Partyvan IRC. Plasma happens to be an emofag that attempted to become an an hero by overdosing on Benadryl at school, but ended up vomiting on his teacher then proceeded to cut his wrist.

January 28, the Day of Extreme Faggotry

Following the total ruination of 711chan on January 27 by the fucktards over at the Regime, Plasma decided to call an end to 711chan's involvement in PROJECT CHANOLOGY. He did this by going to the only news agency stupid enough to give him an interview. No, not Fox News (they only give airtime to closeted racist homosexuals). We mean Wikimedia - the news extension of Jimbo Wales's tiny jewcock. During his thrilling interview Plasma managed to open his mouth and insert his foot all the way to the knee by saying such mindfuckingly stupid things as:

We're probably just going to stay away from the CoS raid. It was poorly managed. We could've brought down a lot more if we weren't just a bunch of unorganized brats


— Plasma, clearly asking for it

This is not what the raid originally started as. Partyvan declares this as a threat to the network, and Anonymous alike. We have been under constant botnet attacks, 711chan hacked, and tons of drama over this. You guys did a very poor job of staying Anonymous. It's obvious that a lot of you broke rules 1, and 2


— Plasma complaining about breaking rules one and two to a major news outlet

You won't hear Plasma say that 711chan was brought about by the massive failure on the part of the administrators regarding security. This is because there is a 99% chance that the 711 disaster was entirely Plasma's fault and 711chan is apparently as fuckable as your mom. Plasma seems incapable of protecting his chan from a pack of Romanians, people who got the internet as recently as last Thursday.

The kind shota swilling retards at 711chan responded by doing as everyone else on the internet does when Plasma speaks: they thoroughly ignored him and continued planning the raid.

Wikimedia interview of Plasma.


  • Plasma translates to Plasma in Portuguese
  • Plasma may or may not like ducks
  • Plasma is a wapanese faggot
  • Plasmarsha plasmarsha plasmarsha

See Also