PlayStation 4

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yep, Sony thought it was so good, that a blue background was all that was needed to sell the PS4

The PlayStation 4 (PS4) is the next generation PS console, after its predecessor. After realizing how much of an ass-fuck it was to code for PS3, Sony decided to make the next console easy for noobs to develop games. Because the Wii U was the the Wii U and the Xbox One basically just killed itsself before it came out, and tried to slowly get back, the PlayStation 4 was only console anyone bought. It was only console that actually had games people would buy. The console was able to stand atop of the shit that was the other two failures.


The details regarding the console were leaked sometime in 2012, by HACKERS ON STEROIDS. That's right, SONY WAS HACKED AGAIN!!!. Just goes to show Sony security is about as secure as a bank run by seals and babies who don't like the police in their building. Anyways, it leaked standard information about the new console and the fact it would won't be as shitty as the PlayStation 3 as after they were desperate for jew-gold by forcing developers to work on hardware that was impossible-to-code-for, designed to stop them making games for competitors, they realized they could make jew-gold by actually wanting developers to develop for the console.

The console was shown off a few times basically confirming shit you have already heard for months, though to casuals it was the first time they heard info about the console as they were too lazy to look up PlayStation 4 online to be blasted with rumors, and for people who have this fixture in your retarded brain to avoid spoilers, as they want to here their gods Sony talk about their gift, not the scumbag leakers.

The console was shown off at E3 showing the most basic stuff that a console should have. Microsoft tried desperately to kill the Xbox One before it even came out and destroy the hopes of million Xbox fans that had a tiny bit of hope that Microsoft hadn't abandoned them to die to make room for the Kinect audience that had already died. Because of this, everybody, including the former Xbox fans, were going to buy a PlayStation 4 after watching the event.


  • Uncharted 4 - Arguably the only game worth considering as a good exclusive at the moment. Even then, it's just a ripoff of tomb raider :/. Known for making fanboys go batshit insane when it's MetaCritic score went down from 94 to 93.
  • Bloodborne - Dark Souls but Lovecraft. Even made by the same guy. Nothing more to say.
  • Final Fantasy 14 A realm whatever - MMO/ERP simulator that looks like a fucking PS3 game (Considering it was inteded to be a ps3 game only). Same shit as usual.
  • God of War or better known as "The last of war" or "Dad of Boy"
  • Gran Turismo Sport - Gran Turismo but now aimed towards Esports.
  • No Man's Sky (now out on PC and Xbox One)
  • The Last Guardian - Took years to come out, and know cares.
  • Detroit: Become Human Robots have proved they're superiority to humans and there is no last hope for humans.
  • Horizon: Zero Dawn Another overrated empty open world game.
  • Persona 5 (also on PS3 so whatever)
  • Persona 5 Royal - Pretty much the same as the original game but with more useless shit.
  • Death Stranding - Walk. Literally just Walk.
  • Ghost of Tsushima - Wapanesse folklore aka retarded nonsense you will never care about.
  • The Last of Us 2 - The game started a massive war with people acted like it was THE BEST GAME EVAR!!! despite all the flaws with the story or people that think THIS GAME IS THE WORST THING EVAR CREATED BY MANKIND!!! not even mentioning the repetive and tedious gameplay.



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