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Omnetscience is the power possessed by someone that always knows what other users mean, irrespective of what they actually say or how unclearly they say it.

These people, like all psychics, are highly prone to drama. They can often be found on LiveJournal advertising their talents to anybody that makes mention of online confusion or disagreement.

Their belief in their own skillz makes them unusually easy targets for trolling, so much so that there's really no point in bothering. However, it is not uncommon for them to pre-emptively get trolled by casual passers-by. In these situations, the unwitting troll may be incited into more trollish behaviour, which could be the beginning of a promising career, or they may just respond in kind, which is the sort of witless crap you should expect from someone that hangs around omnetscients.

Omnetscient people also tend to be Grammar Nazis and feminists. They're invariably young, immature females who describe themselves as "old souls."

Some of them are admins on TOW and block people for rudeness when they've been perfectly polite, because they know that said people mean to be rude.
