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Created by Tom Fulp in 1995, Jewgrounds, in its strictest sense, is a website on the Internets that hosts at least 1,000,000 horribly drawn hentai Flash movies and games where robots wage war against fruit (it's been blammed).

Members are referred to as NGers, pronounced black persons, or JGers, pronounced Jew. The website is based in Pennsylvania and is run by the aforementioned fag known as Tom Fulp and his killjoy brother Wadolf, both of whom along with the majority of the community make flashes about cocks, gay jokes, and sexual exploration with anal-dildo stimulation, all performed in the mistaken idea that for every homosexual comment one makes, another heterosexual point is added to one's personal scoreboard. In reality, the opposite is true, and by extension of this, all Newgrounds users are irretrievably flamboyant in regards to their orientation. This fact is evidenced here.

This site is also notable for its amazingly high degree of officially sanctioned faggotry, ambiguously gendered "females", barrel-scrapingly subpar Forum Moderators, and in general, users who think that they're attractive, but by no means should be given the ability or impetus to procreate.