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MixandMatch pre internets fame

MixandMatch is a user on ChavScum forum of the Drama whore kind who quickly accumulated over 1000 posts in a month. She sprung to prominence after her MSN address had been 'stolen' from her profile and passed around Teenchat to Horny Teenage boys the world over by the dastardly €uroboy.

Immediately she began to bleat about it to her fellow forum users, and in a moment of genius wrote. I'd like to put a grenade in his mouth and make him eat it

Sadly for MixandMatch most people pointed out she made the mistake of putting her address in her profile and was ignored. She attempted to muscle in on €uroboy, yet made another almighty blunder by repeatedly contradicting herself (No I cant tell your IQ by reading stuff, but by what you say I know your not clever).


As well as successing, €uroboy unfortunately suffered from delusions of grandeur - believing he'd mightily stamped all those in his path. His apparent unoriginality resulted in the banhammer from CS, with much butthurt ensuing. Today, Fatboy continues to defy the BMI safety guideline while desperately offering his shelf stacking abilities to Canada. When not making wooden crap to hang from his ceiling, he can be found grooming 13 year olds on Emopuddle.