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In today's age, journalism is beyond fucked. Almost every outlet is bickering and arguing for views and sites like Buzzfeed, Salon, VICE, Gawker Media, Daily Kos, Upworthy are fighting for who can make the most clickbaity subjects in human history. Then there's Mic.com, which has gone beyond clickbait and dived into the deep end of the HIV infected anus that is modern 21st century journalism. Instead of just relying on any clickbait, mic.com takes it a step further and posts obviously bullshitted stories. Despite the fact that a good 99% of the content produced by mic.com can easily be debunked and proven to be either a hoax, satire, or just even flat out made up, they still have a large following of tumblr users, niggers from Black Lives Matter, and progressive morons.


their website

micdotcom their blog on tumblr they run where almost every clickbait headline goes through.

Mic.com is part of a series on


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