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She's a pedo AND Wapanese!
Pedos need love too!
Crazy bitch? No, not at all...
Maureen gonna rape your childrens.

A FEMALE pedo furry from the depths of MySpace. According to her pedophile Myspace Group, she "reached maturity" at age 8, but was NOT raped. Rather, she was raeped at 15 or 16 by someone her age. She believes that pedophilia is a sexual orientation and another form of love on the basis that "every relationship has abuse." Ironically, she tutors grades 4 through 6 at a daycare center, in the vein of Debra Lafave.

Maureen was also posted to stupid_free and to the delight of many, a couple of her friends showed up to the party! [1]
kudei_inwndrlnd claims that she has known Maureen since the 7th grade, and that she is NOT a pedo, but "just extremely easily influenced" and that "she lies a lot anyways." But one can only wonder...Is this a sick fuck conspiracy?

As of now, at least 100 LJ users over at getoffmyspace have emailed the principal of the school she works for. Although only one person has gotten a reply back from the principal (screenshots pending), choco_cat85, one of Maureen's friends, did post that the school has sent letters to her parents and that she has been banned FOREVAR from the internets. File:Choco_cat85_REPLY.JPG

Recently she has been rumored to be on the list for gender re-assignment surgery.

However, please feel free to contact the school she works for by emailing Principal Diane Prince ([email protected]) for more lolz.


"I was by someone my age when I was 15 or 16. I didn't do anything about it because I wanted to see how he pulled it off."

"I draw away from my parents because I don't like anyone to touch me. I just.. don't like contact at all. It's not limited to them. Even in relationships, I can't be touched too much or I'll get scared or angry. So this is handshakes, hugging, kissing, brushing up on people in crowds.. not just couple things."

"Also at 8, I was very much in control of people around me. I had no problem manipulating people throughout elementary school while keeping everyone happy. I did this openly until Jr High where it was semi-hidden. Now, in HS, no one suspects me of controlling them. They're still puppets, but unsuspecting. I was concerned with this, which is "worried about getting their play-on outside" for me. Control is a big part of who I am and I'm interested in different relationships where this is a major role."

"I had a girlfriend in 5th grade who turned me onto Mistress/Slave type relationships."

"I haven't had a girlfriend since 5th grade, but the girls I work with flirt with me constantly." 9 is a very tricky age.

"Also during 8, I witnessed my first death. My neighbor, the son, had tossed a kitten a few times into the air. It got caught in the tree on the last throw. When it fell, we ran over and watched it’s speedy death. His grandmother yelled at him and we were both crying. Death of cats (even in a comical sense) and yelling bother me." YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS...DEAD CAT PICS PLZ.

"I'm a gay boy. Sorry for you folks who stumbled upon me the years I was trying to live as a girl. Gold stars to those who fucked me when I was a girl, but I really wasn't happy that way and had no way of enjoying that. Ohwait, that was Anonidate. Oh shi--."


[email protected]

Maureen's AIM SN: BlancaBlankFace

Maureen's Yahoo! SN: LittleWulf1

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