
From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
Fact: MascotGuy has been caught fapping to this image!

I Am Cola.


Mascotguy -he is cola.

MascotGuy (IRL Derek Despie of San Diego, CA) is an asspie and a furfag known for his long term abuse of Wikipedia. Wikipedia has him listed as a long term abuser with instructions to block, revert and NOT tag. Despite being called autistic by his mom, Mascotguy has had the intellegence to use only public terminals making it impossible to drop the IP banhammer on him. Though he still has been known to walk "into busy traffic without looking".

Since he is an autistic fuck, he cares shit about Wikipedia Policies and Guidelines. For over four years now he's been creating pages with sockpuppets , all of which have names like "Snowball Rolling Guy" or "Mr. X's Y Goofs", all of which are inappropriate.

The TOW page about him states that his interests include cartoon characters (particularly Nicktoons, Tintin, Cartoon Cartoons, and more recently Disney), advertising mascots, bridges, grocery products, confectionery brands, restaurants (particularly McDonald's), grocery chains (particularly Wal-Mart), and concrete, among other topics. His favorite is Fraggle Rock.

MascotGuy was formally banned from Wikipedia in 2009, though he showed up one last time in 2016.

If you love this your name might be Derek

What the Font

MascotGuy has an obssesion with Fonts/Logos and often trolls, a site dedicated to tagging fonts. Due to being autistic, Derek often doesn't understand that logos are not fonts and vice versa, and so spams forums answering font questions wrongly. Everyone on knows Derek is autistic and for the most part tolerate him, with the exception of a few.


Mascot guy has had over 820 identified usernames and counting. Due to the large number, it can be hard to tell a Mascotguy's user name. Below are some of his more famous:

Air-to-Breathe Guy)* Barbie Girl Guy * Mascotguy (variations include adding diffrent years and Mr)* Techtonic's Techno Metro-Funk 5000 *
The most common variations include:

  • "_____ Guy" (by far the most common variation, especially since being referred to as "MascotGuy")
  • "_____ & _____ Guy"
  • "_____ de (la) _____" (may or may not use "la" in the name)
  • "_____ vs. _____"
  • "_____ 5000"
  • "_____ Vision 5000" (in which "Vision" is combined with a CamelCase such as "PowerVision," "MightyVision," "MicroVision," etc.)
  • "_____'s Blues"
  • "_____'s Glowball"
  • "_____'s Killers"

Less common variations include:

  • "_____ Bully"
  • "_____ Clef"
  • "_____ Goofs"
  • "_____ the Great"
  • "Li'l _____"
  • "Mr. _____"
  • "Dr. _____"
  • "_____ Star"
  • "_____vision"
  • "_____fighters"
  • "_____the Maid"
  • "_____'s Nightmare"
  • "_____ in 7-11"
  • "_____apalooza
  • "_____ Greatest Chases"
  • "_____ of _____"

[-+]Someone's got a lot of free time on their hands (click to expand)

1-800-MASCOT • 1-900-MASCOT • 100% FreeJack • 100% Shocker • Air-to-Breathe Guy • Alert Master 5000 • All Poofed Up • Alleycat Troop Guy • Always vs. Never • American Bandstand Guy • Angel vs. Devil • Animal Dance Guy • Animal Guy • Anonymous Guy • Arc Goofs • Arrangement Guy • Ataripolis 5000 • Atom Boom Guy • Atomic Man • Attract Egypt Guy • Author of Scouts • Avant Garde's Glowball • Babble Guy • Back-to-the-Future Guy • Bad Dog Bone Guy • Badbats • Bam-Bam the Maid • Bambee's Glowball • Barbie Girl Guy • Bare Feet Guy • Basket Case Guy • Battle of MascotGuy • Baxter's Glowball • [email protected] • Beakfly • Bear Beat Guy • Beat Fink's Glowball • Beauty Boutique Guy • Bee Movie Guy • Before & After Guy • Belafonte Guy • Big Baby Bash Guy • Big Bad Baby • Big Fin Guy • Big Machine Guy • Big Pinch Guy • Big Red Guy • Big Time Guy • Bigfoot's Curse of the Wild • Bio-Dome Guy • Birdie Guy • Birth Bash Guy • Birthday Bash Guy • Blackbone 5000 • Blackheart Guy • Blade Runner Guy • Blast-Off Guy • Blaster Guy • Blimpie's Clamshell • Blimpie's Glowball • Blindfold Guy • Bloo's Blues • Bloody Murder Guy • Blowin'-in-the-Wind Guy • Blowout Guy • Blue Bunny Blues • Blue Screen-of-Death Guy • Blueberry Cheesecake Guy • Bobcat Brawler • Bone Club 5000 • Bonehead's Glowball • Boney Guy • Bonkerhead • Boo-Boo Guy • Boo-to-You Guy • Boom Box Hero Guy • Boom Goofs • Boom Town Guy • Bootle Strand Glowball 5000 • Born-To-Be-Wild Guy • Bouncin' Rubber Ball Guy • Bounty-Huntin' Guy • Boys Next Door Guy • Brass Clef • Brave Daze • Breakdown Guy • Brilliant Tahoe's Glowball • Brother Bear Guy • Bubble Players • Bumblebee Bay • Burger Star • Buster's Glowball • Buzzy Guy • Call-of-the-Wild Guy • Camel Light Flighters • Cameo Guy • Cameraphone Guy • Candy King • Captain Peanuts • Captain Popcorn • Cartoonguy11 • Casper's Glowball • Cat Cave • [email protected] • Chalk Clef • Chambertree • Channel Reverse Guy • Chapel-in-the-Pines Guy • Chasing Cars Guy • Checkerfly • Chef Clef • Chicken Collar Guy • Chillin' Dylan's Glowball • Chimp de Wimp • Chip Clef • Chippy the Great • Chocolate Magic Guy • Chow Mine Guy • Chunky Elephant Guy • Chunky Guy • Chunky Monkey Guy • Clamman • Claws 'n' Jaws • Clean vs. Dirty • Clearful Thought Guy • Clickophone Guy • Cliffer Guy • Climax's Glowball • Clubhouse Guy • Clueless Guy • Co-Incidental Guy • Cockadoodle • Coconut Groove Guy • Collide Guy • Color Writer Guy • Colorvision • Colourful Guy • Comical Dial Fan Guy • Confusion Fusion Guy • Control Freak Guy • Cool Blue Guy • Cool Jerk Guy • Cool Spot Guy • Cool vs. Wild • Coolio the Maid • Coppertop Guy • Cosmic Doctor Guy • Cotton-Eyed Jack Guy • Counter Guy • Courtesy of MascotGuy • Craw Dad Hole Guy • Crazy Boomin' Guy • Crazy Jack • CrazyGuy • Creephead • Crime & Punishment Guy • Crooked Teeth Guy • Crossfire Chasers • Crox in the Box • Crusher Guy • Cuckoo Clock Guy • Culture Shock Guy • Dam-Dam the Maid • Daughta Fink • Dave's Toy Box Shack • Daydream Believer Guy • [email protected] • Dead Meat Guy • Dead or Alive Guy • Death Guy • Defeater Guy • Definition Guy • Deja Vu Guy • Delight Guy • Dem Bones Guy • Desire of Hearts • Destination Moon Guy • Detour Guy • Dial-Tone Guy • Dialman • Dig Dug Guy • Dirty Strike Guy • Discovery Guy • Dog-Out Guy • Doo-Doo Guy • Double Trouble Guy • Doublebrass • Down Under Guy • Downfall Guy • Downtown Junk Star Guy • Dr. Billy Goat's Gruffy Days • Dr. Bone's Leapin' Illness • Dr. Cleft's Dollar Flare Winds • Dr. Eggbomber • Dr. Funky Jam • Dr. Loopy • Dr. Maxhead • Dr. Namcot • Dr. Pep Jack • Dr. Smacker • Dr. Sunset's Chariot Railroad • Dr. Whoopee's Heartache • Dr. Wigglepoof • Dragon Heart Guy • Dream Boat Guy • Dream Lover Guy • Dreamer Guy • Dressed-to-Kill Guy • Drift Away Guy • Drifter Days • Dropout Guy • Drumbeat Jack • Drumstick Guy • Dumb Numb Guy • Duplicator of Rappers • Dynamite Guy • Echo Clef • Echovision • Edge Guy • EE Guy • Electricity & Explosives 5000 • Elephant Man's Glowball • Erotica Guy • Everlong Guy • Extra de Real Guy • Facts-of-Life Guy • Fair-and-Square Guy • Faithful Guy • Fame Guy • Famous Goof Bally • Fanatic Guy • Fantasia Guy • Far Away Guy • Far Far Away Guy • Fartburp • Fast-Talkative Guy • Fat Cat Guy • Fat Fink • Faye's Glowball • Feelin' Good Guy • Fiddler's Peanut Stand Shack • Fiesta Man • Fightin' Gangsters • Figure-Headed Guy • Fillhead the Wildcat's Quality Tree • Fillmore's Fan Man • Filthy Milky Way Guy • Finding Neverland Guy • Finkhead • Fire, Ice 'n' Light Guy • Fish Tales Guy • Fishy Guy • Flair Girls • Flakebeard • Flaky Daisy Play Guy • Flapper Jackers • Flapper's Flippers • Flash Guy • Flashdance Guy • Fleagull's Major Hearts • Fleaman • Flicka's Glowball • Flighter Guy • Flip-Flop Guy • Floater Guy • Flood Guy • Floodwall • Flubber Glue Guy • Focus Guy • Folkfish Guy • Foodfighters • Footloose Guy • Forever vs. Always • Forever Young Guy • Fortunate of Cookies • Fotophone Guy • Foul Ball Guy • Foul Play Guy • Fowlman • Foxcat • FoxFMGuy • Freak-a-Leak Guy • Freaky Friday Guy • Frecklehead • Free Fallin' Guy • Freeze Frame Guy • Freeze-the-Bone Guy • French Fry Star • Fresh Aire Guy • Friday After Next Guy • Frostbite Guy • Fruit Bully • Fruit Punch Star • Funk Jam Guy • Funkytown Guy • Funny Bones Guy • Funny Bunny's Glowball • Gadgeteers • Galaxy Quest Guy • Game Time Guy • Game-of-Love Guy • Gangsta Fighter Guy • Garbage Patch Guy • Garden Player Guy • Gazette Guy • General Master's Compass 5000 • George's Glowball • Ghetto Supastar Guy • Ghost Freak Guy • Giant Ken's Glowball • Girls Next Door Guy • Glare Guy • Glitter Goof Bally • Glow-in-the-Dark Guy • Go vs. Stop • Gogo Dodo, the MascotGuy • Gold & Silver's Scribe Vault • Gold Tone Guy • Golden Corral Guy • Goo-Goo Guy • Good vs. Bad • Goodies Guy • Goofhead • Goofy Freaks • Google's Glowball • Graveyard Guy • Grease Guy • Great Art Thou Guy • Great Super Shock Guy • Greedy Guy • Greenbeard the Great • Gremlin's Glowball • Groovy Guy • Ground Breakers • Groundman • Guess Who Guy • Gum Drop Guy • Guyapalooza • Hail of Lightning • Happy Days Guy • Happy Feet Guy • Happy Hard Rock Guy • Happy vs. Sad • Hardest Part Guy • Harmony Melody Guy • Harp Days • Heart-of-Gold Guy • Heartbreaker Guy • Heartful Guy • Heat Wave Guy • Hello World Guy • Hero Vault Guy • High & Low Guy • Highlight Guy • Hildago's Blues • Hillbilly Guy • History Hearts • Holiday Heartlight Guy • Holy Smoke Guy • Home Alone Guy • Honey Comb Vault Guy • Honkerpeck • Honor Rare Guy • Hook-Off Guy • Hoot Goofs • Hooters the Great • Horror Guy • Hot & Cold • Hot Dog Star • Hot Elephant • Hot Monkey • Hot Spot Guy • Hot Stuff • Hot Stuff Guy • House of Blues Guy • Howdy Guy • Humpty Dumpty Guy • Hungry Heart Guy • Huyton Dexter's Lab Guy • Hybrid Guy • Ice Cream Scream Guy • Ice Cream Star • Illegal Ironic Guy • Imagine That Guy • In My Life Guy • Inject Fusion Guy • Innocence Guy • Insectverse • Inside-the-Dam Guy • Into-the-Wild Guy • Irish the Great • Jack the Great • Jackiekhan • Jamiesuthzerland • Jawman • Jazz Guy • Jeannie's Glowball • Jiffy Clay • Jockey Guy • Joe's Beat Shack • Jokeful Guy • Joker's Glowball • Joyride Guy • Jumbo Juice • Jumbo the Great • Jumper Guy • Jungle Fever Guy • Junkfly • Jupiter's Glowball • Kid Clef • Kid de Wid • KID-TV Guy • Kids-in-America Guy • Kindness Guy • King-of-Pain Guy • Kingdom Wealthy • Kingsfield • Kokomo Joe's Glowball • Kooky Goofs • Kooky World Guy • Kung Fu Fighting Guy • La La Law Guy • Lamb Goofs • Lasso Guy • Last Dance Guy • Lastmaster • Leadplay • Leap Frog Guy • Leapman • Leaving Las Vegas Guy • Legend Guy • Legendary Guy • Lemonade Star • Lethal Weapon Guy • Li'l Ace Bear • Li'l Atomic de Phantom • Li'l Bean • Li'l Blue Idol • Li'l Drifter's Crazy Town • Li'l Happy Ending • Li'l Master Fleetwood • Li'l Pip-Squeak Kingdom • Li'l Shooter • Li'l Spiral Jack's Timid • Li'l Sweetheart • Li'l Wildshock • Licorice Avenue • Lifetime Guy • Light King • Lightning Strikes Guy • Lightvision • Litherland's Clef • Loco-Motion Guy • Locomotive Guy • Looney Noodle Guy • Loud vs. Mute • Love Boat Guy • Love Guy • Love Shack Guy • Lovefool Guy • Lullaby Guy • Lunchvine • Mack the Giant • Mackintosh Blues • Macrophone Guy • Mad Max Guy • Magic Eight Ball Guy • Magic Heart Guy • Magic Mountain Guy • Magical Duel Guy • Maid Goofs • Make Me Smile Guy • Maniac Guy • Mankey's Monkey • MarjorieCook • MascotGuy Again! • MascotGuy is Back! • MascotGuy Rocks! • MascotGuy Rules! • MascotGuy with A.L.L. 100% • MascotGuy2006 • MascotGuy2007 • MascotGuy2008 • MascotGuy2009 • Mascotropolis • Mascotvision • Master Jack • MasterGuy • Masterpiece Guy • Masters of the Rock 'n' Roll Revue • Matchbox Guy • Matrixism Guy • MattMan24 • Maxi & Mini 5000 • Mayflower Guy • Meat Bully • Mega Tele-Funk's Hi-Fi 5000 • Memory Magic Guy • Metal-Headed Guy • Metalbook 5000 • Metropolis Guy • Mighty Bitter Sweet Star • Miles-to-Miles Guy • Military History Guy • Milk-the-Cow Guy • Milky Way Guy • Mime Time Guy • Mimic Goofs • Mimical Crook Hook Guy • Miss-the-Hit Guy • Monkey Business Guy • Monkey Dance Guy • Monkey Man's Glowball • Monovision • Monster Mash Guy • Moo & Oink • Moodman • Moscow Craters • Motha Fatha Fink • Motown Guy • Mr. A-Go-Go • Mr. Arkhead • Mr. Atlas • Mr. Beak-a-Meep • Mr. Billboard • Mr. Blue Sky • Mr. Boomers • Mr. Camel de Case • Mr. Disc de Jockey • Mr. Experimental • Mr. Fanatic • Mr. Feedback • Mr. Frecklefly • Mr. Free de Jack • Mr. Galgrief • Mr. Girliejack • Mr. Gooftroop • Mr. Great • Mr. Hall de la Fame • Mr. Heroic Indicia • Mr. Hi-Hi de Lo-Lo • Mr. Hold-It's Li'l Heart • Mr. Holiday Star Junk • Mr. Hooters • Mr. Horsiedog • Mr. Incarnation • Mr. Know-it-All's Magic Tricks • Mr. Loft-de-Loft • Mr. Lordman • Mr. Minky Weasel • Mr. Nacho de la Libre • Mr. Power-Mad! • Mr. Rhapsody's Radio & Television • Mr. Rock Solid • Mr. Rollback's Glowball • Mr. Rowboat • Mr. Scouthead • Mr. Smacker • Mr. Spoke-'em • Mr. Tootsie de Wootsie • Mr. Top Hat Magic • Mr. Trix • Mr. Wildcat • Mr. Wilt-the-Stilt • Mr. Worldster • Mr. Zoness • Mtharrell • Mucha Mondo Light Guy • Mudpuddle Guy • Muscular Man • My Day Off Guy • My Favorite Mistake Guy • Nanny's Glowball • Negative Guy • Nemo's Agency 5000 • New Bully on the Block • Nice vs. Naughty • Nicktoonwild580 • Nightmare Fun Guy • No Rules Guy • No Secrets Guy • Noggin Guy • Noodle Poodle • Nougat the Great • Numb Count's Killers • Nutcracker Guy • Ocean Sprout Guy • Oh Yeah! vs. Oh No! • Ole-Ole Guy • One Man's Happy Family Guy • Only Time Guy • Option Guy • Ordinary World Guy • Over-the-Clef Guy • Palette Guy • Palm Tree Fever Guy • Paradise Guy • Parent Hoods Guy • Party Bash Guy • Passionate Kisses Guy • Paw Claw Guy • Peaker Guy • Peanut Standin' Guy • Peapod Guy • Pee-Wee's Big Holiday Tree • People Week Guy • Peppy's Killers • Perfect Place Guy • Personal Guy • Peteman • Pig de la Wig's Waverly Tree • Pig de Wig • Pink Cadillac Guy • Pizza Star • Play-it-Safe Guy • Playboy Mansion Guy • Playfair Guy • Pleasant Valley Sunday Guy • Plumphead • Poison Guy • Poofed Goofs • Poor Rich Guy • Power-of-Love Guy • Powerful Guy • Prehistoric Guy • Pridejoy Guy • Prime Time Guy • Princess Guy • Protopia Guy • Public vs. Private • Pulse Guy • QPU-Two Guy • Quacker Jack Guy • Quarterbooth • Queen Daisy's Little Brain • Quiet Riot Guy • Quilt Keeper Guy • Radio Airlines Guy • Radio Flyer Guy • Radio Master Guy • Railroad Runners • Rainfall Guy • Raise Your Voice Guy • Raw Cook Guy • Rawhide Guy • Refrainin' Diamonds • Reindeer Race Guy • Relief Guy • Rescue Guy • Respect Guy • Revalry Lightning • Revealation • Revue Guy • Ricochet's Virtual Loop de Loop • Right vs. Wrong • Ripple Guy • Rise-and-Shine Guy • Riverflow • Roadfighters • Robotic Guy • Rock 'n' Roll Radio Revue Guy • Rock Star Guy • Rock Steady Guy • Rock-Around-the-Clock Guy • Rock-the-Boat Guy • Rocket Man's Glowball • Rockin' Robin Guy • Roger's Glowball • Rogue Squad Guy • Role Play Guy • Roll Call Guy • Rollback Guy • Rolling Stone Guy • Round About Guy • Rowboat Guy • ROX-&-ROLES 5000 • Rumble Guy • Rumor Guy • Runaway Train Guy • Salt Water Taffy Guy • SamandRoseStein • Scam Guy • Scat King • School Dance Guy • Scooter's Glowball • Scream Guy • Scribe Guy • Seafill Guy • Seashore Guy • Sega's Glowball • Self Control Guy • Separate Ways Guy • Sexual Guy • Shamrock Guy • Shattered Dreams Guy • Shifty Shell Shock Guy • Shipwreck Guy • Shockin' Starlights • Shockman • Shoe Gnome Guy • Shoot Scoot Guy • Shooting Gallery Guy • Shooting Star Guy • Shot-in-the-Dark Guy • Shotgun Guy • Show Time Guy • Silver Tone Guy • Sir Wolfe's Technic Virus 5000 • Slap de Happy • Slayer Guy • Smack Dam Guy • Smack Goofs • Soho's Killers • Sonic Boom Guy • Sonic Flood's Glowball • Southport's Glowball • Spacestar's Glowball • Spacestone • Spalding's Killers • Spanish Lullaby Guy • Spectre's Mad Claw • Speed-of-Sound Guy • Spiderverse • Spinster Guy • Splicer Guy • Spoilwork • Sponge Monkey • SpongeBob's Glowball • Spot Junk • Spotlight Guy • Sprawler Man • Sprocket the Great • Sprout Guy • Squirthead • Stairway-to-Heaven Guy • Star-to-Star Guy • Start vs. Stop • Sticky Mimic Guy • Stockful Guy • Straw Bear Guy • Streameries • Stylish Punk Guy • Suburban Guy • Suburban Illegal Ironic Guy • Summer Breeze Guy • Sun Fun Guy • Sun Play Guy • Sunday Bloody Sunday Guy • SunStar Net's Glowball • Super Chunk Guy • Super Freak Guy • Super Goof Bally • Super Mouth's All-Star 5000 • Super Natural Guy • Super Sonic Guy • Superstar Junk • Surge Guy • Sweet Home Alabama Guy • Sweet Rocket • Sympathy Guy • Tadpole Guy • Taffy Laugh • Tainted Love Guy • Take-a-Bow Guy • Tall Tales Guy • Taxi Guy • Technophone Guy • Technopolis 5000 • Technovision • Technovision • Techtonic's Techno Metro-Funk 5000 • Techtonic's Techno Metro-Funk 5000 • Telephonic Guy • Television Airlines Guy • Television Master Guy • Telstar's Glowball • Temporary Insanity Guy • Tenderness Guy • Tequila Sunrise Guy • Terminal Velocity Guy • Test My Best Guy • The "O Sole Mio" Guy • The "OK vs. OK" Guy • The "Plan-B" Guy • The "Pump It Up" Guy • The "Super-Freak" Guy • The "Tunnel-of-Love" Guy • The 100% Grand Guy • The 7-11 Jump Guy • The Arc of Fame • The Best vs. The Worst • The Big Chunk • The Boxer Guy • The Chase Guy • The Curly-Q Guy • The Long-and-Winding-Road Guy • The Music of Magic • The Queen of All Mascots • The Real MascotGuy • The Wild World of All-Time • The Wizard Guy • TheCrazyGuy • Thin Fink • Thinkie Guy • Thunder Shock Guy • Thunder Storm Guy • Tickle Ray Guy • Tigerbeat • Time Warp Trials • Timid Taffy Guy • Tin Foot Clan Guy • Tintin's Glowball • Together Forever Guy • Tomboy Man • Tombstone Guy • Toothead • Top Gun Guy • Topher's Glowball • Toto's Glowball • Tough Hoods • Toxic Guy • Treehouse Guy • Trial Duel Guy • Trick-the-Peak Guy • Trickster Coupe Guy • Trinity's Glowball • Triplebrass • Troophead • Trophy Race Guy • Truce Guy • True & False • True Blue Guy • Trumpeteers • Truthful Guy • Turning Point Guy • Tutti Frutti Guy • Twilight Secret Star Guy • Twilight Zone Guy • Twister's Glowball • Two of Hearts Guy • Ultrahead • Uniformation • Unintentional Guy • United-We-Stand Guy • Universe Guy • Up & Down Guy • Uptown Girl Guy • USA 5000 • Vacant vs. Occupied • Variety Speak Guy • Vault Guy • Veggie Bully • Vein Guy • Velvet King • Victoria's Secret Guy • Villain Vault Guy • Violent Nudity Guy • Violent Rocket Boom Guy • Vital Signs Guy • Waka de Laka's Glowball • Wallyman • Waterplay Guy • Wayside Guy • Whip-Off Guy • Whirlbooth • WhittleGuy • Whoopee's Blues • Wiggler Guy • Wikipedia Mascot • Wild 'n' Flicky • Wild 'n' Free Guy • Wild America Guy • Wild Beast Stamp Guy • Wild Brain Guy • Wild Child Guy • Wild King • Wild Thing Guy • Wild West Case Guy • Wild World Guy • Wild-Haired Bubble Gum Guy • Wild-Haired Cotton Candy Guy • Wild-Haired Fruity Guy • Wild, Wild West Guy • Wildball • Wildcat Brawler • Wildfall Flinch Guy • Wildfighters • Windbear Chime Guy • Wingman Dreamery • Winkie's Killers • Wishful Guy • Witch Doctor Guy • Wonderhawk • Woodstock Guy • Wordplay Guy • Wormboy • X-Shot Age Hero 5000 • Yakety Yak Guy • Yamako's Glowball • [email protected] • Ye Olde de la Man • Yes vs. No • YMCA Team 5000 • Yoga's Blues • Zapper 5000 • Zapper Guy • Zayre's Killers • Zelda's Glowball • Zero-to-Hero Guy • Zilla & Kong's Killers • Zodiac Guy • Zombieds •

Zoot Suit Riot Guy

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MascotGuy is part of a series on Aspies.