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Marius1867 is a Deviantart user so naive and unconscious who shared the same views as Rad-Pax about Black Lives Matter and didn't knew either it was financed by evil rich white men like George Soros...Wait! What?|... George Soros isn't white, he's a jew. And like Party9999999 is a poor and unlucky guy who suffer a lot from a disease known as "governmentholism" instead of being addicted to alcohol, he's addicted to government and even think then government is the greatest religion in the world and doing a prayer each night before going to bed to the government like Butters.

Marius1867 imitate Butters by doing a prayer to government

Ironically, him and BLM praise for Fidel Castro in a Deviantart journal without knowing then Castro treated black like dirt and second class citizens.[1][2][3] and other hidden skeletons in Castro closet.

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