Marcabian Armaments

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This is a list of ships, units, and their respective armaments used by the Marcabian Fleet.

Interstellar Units

Space combat is the first step that we must overcome in the fight if we are to be successful, so the interstellar navy of the Marcabs is one of the finest in the universe (or at least Sector 9).

Small Vessels

Small-scale craft are a cornerpiece in space combat. Bombers are used to take down weakened large ships. Fighters are used to destroy enemy bombers, protect friendly bombers from enemy fighters, and for surgical strikes on large ships. Small craft are also necessary to blanket the space around the enemy ship with targets so that missiles can get close enough to strike before point defenses neutralize them.

DESU Fighters

DESU Fighter Division insignia
Mudkip Bomber Division insignia

DESU fighters resemble the previous ARWING designs and still maintain their predecessor's superior barrel rolling ability. However, multiple refits and paint modifications have customized these standard fare fighters into the perfect Anon interfleet interception ships.

  • BARREL ROLL - The ship performs an acrobatic maneuver which causes the ship to flip 360 degrees along its travel axis. This causes a shield boost and creates a powerful screen during early battle phases when mid- and large-scale ships are lining up to exchange initial firing salvos.
  • LULZ Torpedo - A mainstay of interception, which is slowly replacing the more common Shitting Dick Missile. It packs a smaller punch without the shock and awe of the SDM, but a greater capacity of them can be stored at once and the materials to produce them are extremely common.
  • Shitting Dick Missile - An interception weapon that tracks and destroys most light targets and is even capable of inflicting decent damage on mid-size ships as well. The flood of newfag pilots, however, are uneasy about using the SDM, making them more of a veteran's weapon of choice.

Mudkip Long-Range Bomber

Everyone lieks Mudkipz, and for the Marcabs, this is no exception. The Mudkip boasts a thicker hull and more powerful ZA-WARUDO engines at the cost of maneuverability. However, their main use is the bombing of enemy capital ships and large areas of land from low orbits.

  • Mud Slap - the Mudkip namesake weapon, Mudslap unleashes a torrent of highly cohesive engine coolant around the ship. Originally designed as an emergency exhaust vent, the Mud Slap has the ability to effectively blind enemy fighter craft and shield the Mudkip from sensors.
  • F-Bombs - F-Bombs (Short for Flash Bombs) are one of two standard fit bombs for the Mudkip. In addition to its standard explosion it emits an electromagnetic surge which briefly disorients enemy sensors, making it ideal for use against vulnerable capital ships.
  • N-Bombs - black person-Bombs (Short for Neutron Bombs) are the second standard fit weapon for the Mudkip, that use neutron charges to expand the average blast radius and cause radiation poisoning. This makes it highly effective against ground targets.

Speedycat Interceptor

The next wave of fighter ship, the Speedycat boasts impressive maneuverability and superior interception abilities. However, using new model ZA WARUDO engine generators equipped with GOGOGO overdrives and energy-based LULZ weapons, production of them is slow, and they do not yet have their own division. Because of their great speed and maneuverability, they are typically brightly colored, Light/Piss Yellow being a favorite.

  • MYSQL Cluster Missiles - These missiles are fired in salvos of twenty or more and cause a web of EM distortion and control unresponsiveness, causing the sensors and engines of anything that gets caught in it to completely ignore pilot commands. This can often send enemy squadrons careening into larger enemy ships as the engines fire incorrectly.
  • RAIDS Plasma Blasters - A few of these heavy infantry weapons are mounted on the front of the fighter. This was originally a placeholder for the real weapons, but the idea was so effective that it has been used ever since.

Electronics Vessels

Electronic warfare is critical in space, as ships with no sensors or computers are essentially blind in the fast-paced environment of space combat. There are ships used both to meddle with these systems, and to support them, and each side struggles to jam the enemy without getting jammed themselves.

Slowpoke Interdictor Ship

Slowpoke ships are crucial to the electronic warfare going on at all times in an orbital conflict. Slowpoke ships act as giant mobile comm relays and sensor catalogers that keep the sensors of other ships going. In addition, more powerful models also have the ability to sense the electronic interference of every ship in the conflict, allowing it to relay the location and type of cloaked vessels to other friendlies in the battle. However, being extremely valuable ships, and armed with no offensive or defensive weaponry, they are often the last ships to enter the battle, usually once all other ships are engaged, as to prevent the enemy from immediately targeting them. Nonetheless, the pilots of many squadrons are proud of their Slowpokes, hailing the vessel with cheers and praise, especially if they are older versions.

  • IC WUT U DID THER Sensor Suites - These sensor suites can power through all but the most powerful electronic countermeasures and act as temporary sensor buoys for craft with disabled sensors or comm arrays. These also monitor all comm chatter and process battle data.

GAME-class ECM Ship

These fast, sleek ships are designed to launch themselves into the enemy ranks during heated conflicts to activate their jamming arrays and cause confusion and clusterfucking of enemy formations. They use special gravitic Hammer-Time drives to suspend themselves completely motionless, and emit no exhaust, making them basically invisible to all but sensors and a view from a proper angle.

  • YOU JUST LOST Jamming Array - These arrays emit powerful jamming signals that distract and otherwise fuck with enemy instruments. The advantages of a confused enemy do not need to be explained.

CORVUS Assault Ship

Somewhere between a light frigate, a stealth ship, and an ECM vessel lies the CORVUS. This ship serves a single goal, and that is the infiltration and destruction of enemy capital ships. Their main defense is the lock-jamming of all enemy weapons, to prevent automatic locking from occurring on the ship, both on point defenses on the hulls of large ships or the assault weapons of smaller craft. Then, these small, nimble ships propel themselves towards the blind spot of the enemy capital ships and attempt to cripple it by destroying vulnerable systems with a single shot, or, alternatively, a suicidal impact.

  • DO IT FAGGOT Pulse System - The DIF system ejects the CORVUS's main drive core in a super-dense pulse of plasma that causes tremendous annihilation on impact. However, this can only be performed once per ship, requiring the pilot to either make the perilous journey back to a carrier using only secondary engines to refill on drive plasma, or switch over to their other weapon.
  • AN HERO Booster - This booster blows the rear hull completely off, but in doing so flings the small craft forward with incredible force. This is most often used by CORVUS pilots as a last ditch attempt to take out a vital enemy system in a losing battle, and is almost always effective as long as the somewhat inaccurate maneuver hits is mark.

Mid-Range Ships

Mid-range ships are necessary to support the larger ships as they are more numerous and more maneuverable that large juggernauts, even though they may not be as tough. They are used for tactical formations and other medium duties that light craft are too small to do and large craft are too slow to do.

EFG-class Destroyer

Two EFG-class Destroyers
An EFG-class Destroyer variant

The EFG makes up the majority of all non-fighter vessels in a fleet, and usually experiences the greatest amount of casualties in a conflict. Used to take the hits for the larger vessels and use sweep formations to surround enemies, they blend speed, power, and fail all into one.

  • The V - Standard missile batteries on the EFG are arranged into Vs on the hull to maintain hull shape, and thus look like V's streaking through the air when the tubes are launched. While not the most effective weapon, it is distinctive.

SHOOP Beams - Standard mid-range vessel weaponry, the SHOOP must be charged before firing, and once the lazor has charged it can be unleashed on a target. This is often enough to hole an enemy vessel in one shot.

KFC Blockade Runner

When ordinary supply vessels are a no-go, the KFC pulls the weight. It has the armor and the speed needed to force its way through enemy supply blocks and deliver to Anon the chikinz and watermelonz they need to fight the good fight.

  • WRONG LOCATION Deflector Plating - The key to the KFC's success is the ability to shrug off damage by deflecting projectiles and energy weapons using round plates along the surface which reflect the impact. While its fairly uncommon to cause a shot to bounce into another enemy vessel, it does happen, and its enough to make the enemy reconsider attacking a KFC convoy.

Heavwep Guard Ship

These ships are basically floating fortresses, often used as a shield for more delicate ships like the Slowpoke. Equipped to the teeth with interceptor weaponry and close range defense mechanisms, these guard ships keep fighters at bay from their charges.

  • ONOES Spread Cannons - The ONOES fires a fan of large brass balls at ballistic velocity towards incoming fighter craft in order to force them to break rank, or risk being overwhelmed by the panic flying into hundreds of brass balls causes.
  • SHOOP Beams - Standard mid-range vessel weaponry, the SHOOP must be charged before firing, and once the lazor has charged it can be unleashed on a target. This is often enough to hole an enemy vessel in one shot. It has been equipped on these platforms to prevent rushes with larger ships.
  • Shitting Dick Missile - An interception weapon that tracks and destroys most light targets and is even capable of inflicting decent damage on mid-size ships as well.
  • Beghe Shock Web - Also called the Beghe Big One, this is the single largest electromagnetic weapon that the Marcab fleet boasts. Where most EM weapons are jammers, this device has a directly offensive purpose. When activated, smaller vessels are inevitably drawn in towards the special reinforced casing, where they are smashed against the hull. These magnetic fields can be guided in specific directions as well, resulting in the instant frying of nearby on-board electronics. However, since magnets lose power exponentially over range, this is an extremely close range weapon.

Large Ships

The most boisterous ships in any navy, heavy ships are the offensive platforms used to crack other ships and destroy enemy formations with large weapons and impressive firepower.

Anonymous Flagship

The flagship - Longcat

The keystone of the Marcab navy, the Superdreadnaught Longcat. Its energy readouts are sizable and it can perform any duty of any of the larger vessels in the fleet, having all their equipment and more. The Superdreadnaught is only used in cases where it is absolutely necessary, or Anon wishes to strike terror into the heart of the opposition. The latter never fails. Most information about the Superdreadnaught is classified, but some wild rumors have leaked, like it is actually a Star Destroyer Transformer, it is actually alive, and its dick is larger than Quasidan's. It is known to carry numerous secondary weapons, including multiple Heavy Shoops and a large number of Wise Beard Missiles, as well as having launch bays for DESU Fighters, Mudkip Bombers, and Speedycat Interceptors.

  • OMEGA LULZ - Despite the age of the Longcat, which is easily the oldest ship in the fleet, it is still the most impressive ship as far as firepower goes, due to the OMEGA LULZ. This OMEGA LULZ acts as a three pronged attack: First, it emits its own wavelength of LULZ, which can cause those who oppose the lulz to experience adverse side effects including nausea, vomiting, blindness, explosive/implosive diarrhea, liver implosion, and spontaneous combustion. Second, it acts a beam of pure awesomeness, which can tear through any hull thus encountered, and third, it acts as a morale booster for other Marcabs, because I mean, that's just fucking awesome to watch.

Battletoad Battlecrusier

Battletoad-class Battlecruisers with Mudkip Bomber escorts.

The Battletoad acts as a support ship for the Longcat, or as single-fleet flagships for those fleets who are not traveling with the Longcat. These sizable ship busters are the third largest ships in the fleet, and are plenty robust. Each Battletoad has armor plating which takes up almost half the ship's mass, making it nearly indestructible, as well as several anti-ship weapons on the prow. Several thousand currently surround the Longcat.

  • Heavy Shoops - Like SHOOP beams, but on a larger scale. There is one on the front end as the main weapon, with the signature Nigga Cell face painted around it to show respect to this glorious weapon. These beams can shred heavy armor, but have a long recharge time.
  • Wise Beard Missiles - The WBM is essentially a high-power ICBM refitted with a powerful engine to close distance between itself and enemy ships before point defenses can respond to the threat. The missile is also loaded with so much truth that smaller Scilon vessels often simply disintegrate when hit.

Rickroll Carrier

Rickroll Carriers are the backbone of the interception and bombing forces, supplying all small craft with hangars during transit, as well as acting as mobile fuel platforms for larger vessels. Though it is the second largest ship in the fleet, it has no offensive weaponry of its own, and relies on its squadrons of fighters to defend it from threats. Due to its size and importance to the fight, a Rickroll carrier is never given the order to retreat ahead of the armored vessels, never giving up the rest of the fleet, and never letting down the interception craft that rely on it for protection.

  • NEVER-class Refit Podules - Each of these can house and repair/refit a single fighter or bomber in a very short amount of time by directly linking with the ship's systems. Doing so, it can also transmit new software orders directly as the battle shifts and the fighters cycle in and out for repairs. Guaranteed never to let any small craft down.

Bodypillow Drone Ship

A RONERY-class drone cutting through a ship hull.

Bodypillows house their own swarm of robotic drone ships used for a myriad of purposes. The ship itself is a honeycombed device, interlaced with drone pods used to house the robotic ships. Only one Bodypillow exists, but it is such a fearsome and versatile device, it is the only one really needed. The ship carries ten thousand drones, and the release of these drones form the hull is a fearsome sight as the drones begin to swirl and swarm around the ship. The ship itself acts as a central processor for all of the ships, controlling each ship on its own. The ship is almost entirely automated, with only one lonesome pilot to keep the systems running and guide the ship itself. As a final measure, the ship boasts a manufacturing bay that automatically replaces destroyed or damaged drones.

  • RONERY-class Multipurpose Drones - Each half the size of a fighter craft, but with the armaments of an entire heavy infantry squad, they operate as efficient interceptors. They also have reclamation tools for stripping the hulls and innards of disabled enemy ships for resources and parts, as well as cutting lasers for latching onto the hulls of enemy ships and drilling their way inside to wreak havoc. The drones can unfurl their "wings" into twelve long, flexible legs used for navigating the surfaces of ships as well as the interiors. In addition, they can repair the hulls of friendly ships with quick patchjobs until more permanent fixes can be provided. In the event a drone becomes too damaged, the other drones will cannibalize it to conserve resources.

Stealth Vessels

Used to observe and report, these ships gain intel or offer critical battle information and are capable of completely changing the tactics of battle. A single stealth ship may be all it takes to find a weakness in your enemy and exploit it, making them invaluable.

Ceilingcat Stealth Ship

The mascot for the Observation forces, the Ceilingcat is equipped with a powerful cloaking device and sensor arrays. It has the ability to see all and know all, without alerting the enemy to its presence. While not as physically or electronically robust as the Slowpoke, the Ceilingcat sacrifices one function for another, and has the ability to cloak its own EM signatures, engine drives, and hull, making it effectively invisible to all but the most powerful sensors. Heavwep guard ships are often tasked with waiting just beyond sensor reach so they can warp in to intercept anything that may interrupt their operations, drawing fire away from a potentially detected Ceilingcat long enough for the Ceilingcat to finish its job and accelerate to warp (followed by the Heavweps).

Intradictor Destroyer

The first and only stealth destroyer, it can be used offensively to a powerful end. Equipped with high-power cloak fields, it can also hide units that are in close proximity to it, allowing a brigade of CORVUS ships or flanking fighter squads to slip behind the enemy unnoticed. It is not as robust as other destroyers, but its cloaking technology more than makes up for its loss of firepower. Most info about the ship is classified due to its unique nature.

  • SHOOP Beams - Standard mid-range vessel weaponry, the SHOOP must be charged before firing, and once the lazor has charged it can be unleashed on a target. This is often enough to hole an enemy vessel in one shot.

Orbital Weapon Platforms

An Ion Cannon firing on a surface target.

Once the fight in space is over, and the lifeless husks of enemy ships float through the void, the real work begins, and that is the subduing of the surface below. Before an assault can be mounted, defenses must be softened and destroyed, and orbital bombardment platforms are built for this exact purpose.

DDoS Orbital Ion Cannon

The DDoS fires charged ion bolts at terrain, which saturates the area in electromagnetic energy. This causes electronics FUBARs in anything that passes through the area, as well as instant microwave cooking of anything caught in the blast. Do not use to make cup ramen.

  • DDoS Ion Charge - As the weapon and the ship are basically one, they share the same name. These super-dense ion bolts are composed of high density radon with a cohesive combination of LULZ. On impact, the ions disperse and the LULZ detonates, sending the ions abroad. Not only will they send EM scales off the charts, but they'll microwave anything they come into contact with at the blast point in a molecular attempt to discharge some of their extra electrons onto something other than another radon atom.

Overflow Flooder

The Overflow is used primarily as a counter-resistance platform, used to launch thousands of clustered EM packets at enemy resistance outposts, jamming sensors and causing irreparable damage to electronics hit by the web. They are designed to interact with planetary magnetic fields, however, so unlike the DDoS they cannot be repurposed to fire at the fronts of enemy capital ships when necessary.

  • SHOE ON HEAD Special EM Cartridges - These carts burn when they enter the atmosphere, releasing a neutronium mortar that begins interacting with the polar fields on magnetism in the area until they dissolve thirty minutes later. A large number of these launched at a single point can cause electromagnetic spikes that destroy sensor arrays by overloading their computers and can cause torrential electrical storms.

Chemo Gigaloader Shelling Platform

Pinnacle of offensive direct bombardment, the Gigaloader drops tungsten barrels into the atmosphere. These accelerate to critical velocity and break apart in the upper atmosphere, then come crashing down onto the surface of the planet, smashing everything underneath them. The shockwaves caused by these impacts is so immense that no explosives are necessary - the vibrations caused by these tungsten cylinders smashing into the ground is usually enough to level any building in the immediate area, or at the very least completely destroy the interior and foundation, and as an added bonus, irradiating the area.

  • Magoo Crashtubes - These tubes are dropped into the atmosphere from low orbit as long cylinders, then split into twenty pieces in the atmosphere. The sudden impact and realization of what is actually going on is enough to send Scilons fleeing, and the tubes themselves are more than capable of destroying Scilon bases and making them rethink their overconfidence.

Neebunok Ships

Recently, the Marcab fleet has assimilated and put to use an entire fleet of Neebunok ships, confiscated after the Neebunok Rebellion was quelled. While not the most liked or most understood ships, they are powerful nonetheless.

Retributxxor Battleship

The Retributxxor (or Retter for those who hate those stupid XX things) is a step between a Destroyer and a Battlecruiser, with a specialization in point defense. Acting as a more offensive heavy weapon, these ships keep the line of friendly ships and do their best to shoot down enemy Anti-Lulz missiles and fighters.

  • When I Was Buzzcannons - These rotating barrels scream from the rooftops of these ships to spray hundreds of rounds at incoming ordnance as an interception tool. Crew often complains during use that the Buzzers whine too loudly when in use, but the weapons are effective enough to limit the complaining.
  • RAZOR-class Missiles - Keeping with the old Neebunok weapons, the RAZOR is a long, flat missile that embeds itself into the hull of a ship and plows across it, cutting large gashes in the hull to create weak points for bombers and fighters to target, and possibly split the ship if frame stress becomes too great. Unfortunately, the weapons have a horrible tendency to mislaunch and strike the firing ship on their way out, causing it to cut itself.

Annihilatxxor Bombardment Vessel

Operating in a similar fashion to the Gigaloader, the Annihilatxxor (or Anni for short) drops mines from the lower hull into the atmosphere to strike targets. However, the release is manual, and the ship is required o cut itself open to free the projectiles. This keeps the highly explosive projectiles tightly packed together during transit, with no possible malfunction to cause them to prematurely detonate.

  • MYSPACE-class Orbital Mines - These mines are composed of a non-impact explosive encased in a super-durable titanium shell. When they impact with the surface of the planet, they wait for any electronics to enter the area, then violently detonate if several are present at once. They have been known to lie buried for months until enough laptops or cellphones were brought into the area, upon which they all received the same message, "U CYBER???", before experiencing the MYSPACE explosion.

Emo Destroyers

Easily the least liked and least understood ship in the Navy, the Emos still populate the ranks of black op wings. Their armaments are similar to that of the Retter, but with no point defense tools, making it a support missile ship for other undisclosed vessels in the black op ranks.

  • RAZOR-class Missiles - Keeping with the old Neebunok weapons, the RAZOR is a long, flat missile that embeds itself into the hull of a ship and plows across it, cutting large gashes in the hull to create weak points for bombers and fighters to target, and possibly split the ship if frame stress becomes too great. Unfortunately, the weapons have a horrible tendency to mislaunch and strike the firing ship on their way out, causing it to cut itself.

Borg Forces

Anonymous Borg Cube

The Anonymous Borg are an important faction, as they are the data collectors and assimilators of the fleet, using enemy technology against its creators and supplying us with crucial info about enemy ships.

Anonymous Borg Cube

The three Cubes in action act as mobile data hosts and processing centers, as well as high-power energy weapon platforms. They are also pretty durable, and have been used on occasion as battering rams to attempt to break through enemy formations.

  • Anonymizer Rays - The Anon beams are a weapon that harnesses the full power of Anon, using an internets beam funneled through a series of tubes. The attack passes through all known shields, and is thus completely unblockable.

Assimilation Cube

This cube is tasked with scouring disable enemy ships for Scilons, then bringing them aboard and making them Anons. Fairly straightforward. Plus, if any Anons begin to fall prey to the Scifags, the Cube is always there to bring them back to us.

Anonymous Borg Sphere

Hosts Partyvan Wiki.

Ground Forces

While not the strongest part of the Marcab military, the ground forces are a necessity for subduing any planet.

Marcabian Space Marines

The Marcabian Space Marines are the most rough, tough, and ready enough soldiers the Fleet has to offer. Armed with knowledge and advanced weapons, they plunge deep into enemy territory, ignoring both dogs and curtains, until nothing is left between them and their goal.

Nigga Cell

Nigga Cells

Nigga Cells wear green and brown uniforms reminiscent of Nigga Cell, and fire a small portable Shoop Beam that is refracted through their helmet mouthpieces.

C Jacks

/k/ommando regimental insignia

C Jacks wear a sign with the forbidden word written on it, causing enemies to read the word out loud in confusion, instantly decimating portions of enemy forces. They still carry the standard equipment, but must be trained not to read their own or others' signs.


These are the majority of forces, not as heavily equipped as Nigga Cells or as specialized as Jacks. They carry heavy RAIDS-type LULZ plasma blasters, so they can bring the lulz to any enemy of the lulz, anywhere, any time. /b/tards are also equipped with the Harpoon-type missile, which is capable of destroying extremely large targets when deployed in large numbers, although needs coordination to be effective.


A special squad of extremely high trained ninjas has been created last thursday. Feared by everyone, they merge with the shadows and strike when the ennemey least expects it. Theses ninjas have the capabilities of becoming invisible, and are trained to kill stealthly, leaving no evidence behind them. They are armed with knives and buckets.


For one small group of elite OPERATORS this war has already begun. Marcabian Confederacy, 4th Expeditionary Force, /k/ company. Deployed on lulz-keeping duty to the republic of 4chan this handful of bearded OPERATORS represent the very tip of the spear; the first line of defence. Equiped with the latest slavshit technology and trained in MAGPUL's ART OF THE TACTICAL CARBINE they strike; swiftly, silently, beardedly. They are the /k/ommandos.


Atmospheric aircraft play a large role in surface subduction, due to their speed and maneuverability over terrain. They can respond to threats quickly, or launch guerrilla strikes and be gone moments later.

DC-8 Landers

ROFLcopter Gunship

Short-range gunships are a staple of ground suppression for the Marcabs, and can cover a great deal of ground quickly. They are capable of flying beneath most radar systems, and are equipped to knock out even heavily armored vehicles.

  • Shiny Pidgey Chainguns - These highly polished carbide rotary barrels put out over a thousand rounds a minute; usually, they are the first thing seen as the glinting weapons rise over the horizon, and always induce panic. The shredder rounds they fire can level an entire crowd in seconds, and the impact is so traumatic and quick that multiple people may be hit in a fraction of a second, causing them to slap or hit each other as they spin around.
  • Shitting Dick Missiles - Though primarily a space weapon, the Shitting Dick Missile has proven effective against enemy aircraft and armored targets on the ground as well.

DC-8 Lander

Capable of carrying several platoons of Marcab ground troops, the DC-8 is a necessary vehicle for transporting ground troops. With quad rocket engines, they can reach a high velocity quickly and coast a great distance at these speeds.

Armored Vehicles

Infantry are supported by these monstrous machines, which serve as mobile destruction platforms with immense destructive ability. Infantry rely on these to draw fire away from the more vulnerable ground troops, and toward their armor plating, all while laying out a wave of destruction.


A Killdozer. The large shield generator on the front is used for protection when breaking through fortifications.

Remember the Flame Tank from Command & Conquer? Yeah, that's what this is. The Killdozer is a monster of a tank, used both as a frontward plow to crush through Scilon defensive emplacements, and as a weapon platform and mobile cover.

  • Tubgirl Gel Guns - These sprayers are crude and horrifying, but a more effective anti-infantry weapon cannot be found. A pungent brown liquid is sprayed forward, coating the enemy in a disgusting brown gunk. Any heat from weapons fire will ignite the incendiary fluid, causing the entire regiment to suddenly burst into flame as they attempt to return fire.

/m/ech warriors

Highly advanced machines that come in a variety of shapes and sizes, /m/echs all serve a basic fundamental purpose - infantry suppression and demolition. They come equipped with a variety of weapons, the most common listed below.

Several /m/ech Warriors
  • Shiny pidgey Chainguns - These highly polished carbide rotary barrels put out over nine thousand rounds a minute; usually, they are the first thing seen as the glinting weapons round a corner, and always induce panic. The shredder rounds they fire can level an entire crowd in seconds, and the impact is so traumatic and quick that multiple people may be hit in a fraction of a second, causing them to slap or hit each other as they spin around.
  • Shitting Dick Missiles - Though primarily a space weapon, the Shitting Dick Missile has proven effective against enemy aircraft and armored targets on the ground as well.
  • RAIDS Plasma Blasters - Heavy infantry weapons arranged in a ring around a firing mechanism offer superior standard firepower at a reduced weight and energy consumption cost.
F40PH ADCAL Division


A bludgeoning weapon of unrivaled power, the ADCAL (Anti Dog/Curtain Armored Locomotive) is a counter-defensive battering ram capable of plowing through even the toughest defenses. Where dogs and curtains once blocked the way, the ADCAL steamrolls a hole, enabling Anon forces to follow through. The ADCAL can also be used as a weapon to punch a hole through enemy walls and release squads of troops, as it is capable of carrying several squads of infantry as well.