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Madeira is the magical namefag queen of the /men/ board on 7chan. She maintains the girlie boys thread providing pervs with porn of fags from her endless porn stash. She is approximately 107 years old. Her stated profession is makeup artist. There have in the past been long standing arguments over whether or not she is in fact a trap.

Madeira Wearing Her Mandatory Uniform

It is believed Madeira is the owner of a secret endless porn stash located on her endless magic hardrive, she routinely posts bits and pieces of this much to the squealing joy of the faggot frequenters of the men board.

She's also been known to pop up on 7chan's /unf/ board, as well as /s/ and /y/: all places where her unending porn collection can be put to good use.

Not So Personal Life

It is known that Madeira resides in New York city, and is currently dating Vonka Romanov. She has stated in the past that she works as a makeup artist.

There have been long standing flame wars over whether or not Madeira is a trap as she has been posted in both /di/ and /s/ although a spread eagle shot has been posted showing her with a vagina it is hard to determine whether it actually her, and if it has whether or not the shot is actually a post-op tranny.

The best argument for her being a trap is that she appears smart enough to internet a trait never found in women.

Madeira herself says that as maintainer of the girlie boys thread if she'd been born male she would have stayed that way and just been a drag queen. The fact is that she is neither male nor female and is just a space alien here to distract us with pornography so her race can invade. On an unrelated note there have also been disputes about the gender of her ex-boyfriend, nyc musician Lillie Catastrophe

See Also

Madeira is part of a series on


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