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Unfunny self-important spic black person camwhore.


This is a small penis, belonging to another small penis

Probably squeezed out of his mother's vagina. This is the usual method.

This horse-faced monkey boy is your standard scenester/hipster/fagster emo circle-jerkoff who thinks satire means posting photos on themselves on a website because they think we care. Hey, we think it's fantastic that you and that useless faggot of a whore-house child Hando got sick of fondling yourselves in public parks and decided to share some of that meaningless crap that you call a life with us. Thank you for showing us your crooked, undersized Mexican catholic under-class member to us. I'm sure it was a great effort to stop impregnating your retarded, fucktarded girlfriend for long enough to use that 6th-grade spico-tino education of yours to smack out some monosylables with your forefingers. And when you turn up at your minimum wage job feeling all Zach de la Rocha about your e-fame just bear in mind that spitting in my burger isn't going to stop me from picking up your 16 year old sister on a street corner in half an hour's time, and paying for it with the change you gave me when I split that fifty.


This article's talk page has more retarded intra-ED drama than any drama LAF has or will ever be involved in.