Kitsune Youkai

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On the vast reaches of les tubes, people have for years been making sockpuppets on forums, online communities, and even our blessed Encyclopedia Dramatica. Some people only make alternate accounts for peaceful purposes, such as sharing an account with other people to collaborate on work. Others make their alts in order to troll people under false pretenses. There are even those that would make hundreds of different pages, simply for the lulz. But now... now sockpuppetry has a new name, a master of the SUPAR SEKRIT alternate account. Enter the world of......

Kitsune Youkai

kitsuneyoukai (AKA Firecat Patrick Sullivan) is a 20 year old furfag from Lake City Florida. He is recognized by the furry fandom for his various comics and pics of him fucking his sister. He brags about this to everybody that he can as often as he can. The only problem with doing this is that his sister is actually a fox plushie in his room. He has been living out the lie that he has a sister for four years, fooling the 2400ish furs on his watchlist. Kitsune joined the furry fandom when he was 16, instantly posting comics of Shippo and Kilala fucking. Other comics that he has made are about Nall and Ruby from Lunar: Eternal blue, some guy fucking a floatzel and of course his foxy version of himself with his sister.

Kitsune Youkai has had two previous mates that he has had copious amounts of buttsecks with, along with his current true love. However, he is completely not gay, since he only yiffs his sister. These furfags would be Zero Shimada and Foxon. There was a HUEG pile of furfaggotry that went down from this pseudo love triangle, resulting in Foxon being reduced to a quivering pile of butthurt and emo and Zero threatening to suicide for a few months, eventually going back to being generically emo afterwards. A detailed though somewhat misleading account of the entire ordeal can be seen below.

The Furfaggotry

When reading, keep in mind that Firecat is actually Kitsune Youkai, and Zero knew that Firecat was fake. That's right kids, Zero threatened to kill himself because a sockpuppet character that he knew was fake broke up with him! BAWWWWW!

TL;DR: Kitsune is manipulative, Foxon and Zero are just stupid

Kitsune Youkai's furfaggotry, as written by Kitsune Youkai himself


Firecat is the name of Kitsune's fake sister. 'She' is supposed to be the younger sibling of the two. 'Her' FurAffinity account was created February 6, 2008 and comments can be seen on 'her' yiffstar which date back to "2 years ago". Its only activity on FurAffinity is sometimes commenting to shoutouts people have given her talkpage, faving pictures that Kitsune has made and disappearing for months at a time. The only submissions on Firecat's userpages are those that were made for the fake account by Kitsune himself.

Firecat can also be seen sometimes playing on the private World of Warcraft server that Kitsune is hosting. They have been seen running instances together at the same time, however, Kitsune has admitted to having a bot program to automatically play cat.

Firecat can also be seen at their house in Second Life, where all of their adoring fans flock to pay respects to the happy couple.

It is worth noting that Kitsune says that they are full blood siblings, and not step-brother/sister.

It is also worth noting that Firecat is not Christine Padovan. This was the result of jumping to conclusions. Christine Padovan is completely unrelated to Kitsune's furfaggotry.


The sheer amount of proof that shows that Firecat is fake is only rivaled by how obvious most of it is. So far, three of his past male lovers have all admitted that Firecat is fake, Along with his own brother IRL. Foxon can be seen bitching that Firecat isn't real on yiffstar, and at one time FurAffinity before the mods persuaded him otherwise. Zero has admitted on many an occasion that Firecat is fake. Another furry that says that cat is fake is Twilight, a yoshi girl, who is briefly mentioned at the beginning of Kitsune's account of his love rhombus.

In addition, There is the subtle hints that are strewn about. These include but are not limited to:

Quotes and Chatlogs

as far as i can tell, he's been living the lie for so long that he's even convinced himself about it


—The best retards are the ones who truly believe

do you have any proof to go off of besides kit telling you that cat was fake?


—You should never have to say those words

Oh wow, a furfag into bestiality



so why did you go suicidal over somebody that dosent exist again?


—Good question

i've suspected that his sister was fake since the beginning


—Voice of reason

twilightyoshi (1/19/2010 9:52:43 PM): you know who she is, right? for real?
NOTANALT(1/19/2010 9:54:26 PM): christine padovan?
twilightyoshi (1/19/2010 9:54:33 PM): haha.
twilightyoshi (1/19/2010 9:54:43 PM): she's a plushie he's had for a while
NOTANALT(1/19/2010 9:54:56 PM): HA
NOTANALT(1/19/2010 9:55:51 PM): hmmn..... know anybody else who knows?
twilightyoshi (1/19/2010 9:56:53 PM): Foxon and Z know. Z's boyfriend probably knows, and their friend Fox girl who hasn't been online
in a long time do too. and probably Nopast
Notanalt (1/4/2010 9:42:04 PM): so  THA HIDDEN SOURCE
THA HIDDEN SOURCE (1/4/2010 9:42:08 PM): ?
Notanalt (1/4/2010 9:42:24 PM): do you know if kit's sister is real or not?
..................skip a few lines.........................
THA HIDDEN SOURCE (1/4/2010 9:45:19 PM): ah
THA HIDDEN SOURCE (1/4/2010 9:45:23 PM): well... she is
THA HIDDEN SOURCE (1/4/2010 9:45:40 PM): but you must NOT act like you know that around him.
Notanalt (1/4/2010 9:45:48 PM): she is fake?
THA HIDDEN SOURCE (1/4/2010 9:45:54 PM): yep
Zero Shimada (1/3/2010 12:59:16 AM): the fact that he's admitted it numerous times? 
The fact that they both can't type at the same time?
 The fact that they both share the same interests and likes/dislikes?
Notanalt (1/3/2010 1:01:00 AM): all highly suggestive
Notanalt (1/3/2010 1:01:10 AM): but again, i still dont have conclusive evidence for either side
Notanalt (1/3/2010 1:01:31 AM): the only thing that would be truely conclusive 
Notanalt (1/3/2010 1:01:34 AM):is if i were to somehow see the two of them on webcam
Notanalt (1/3/2010 1:01:39 AM): at random
Notanalt (1/3/2010 1:01:49 AM): which of course he would never do
Notanalt (1/3/2010 1:03:05 AM): also you never said that he admitted it several times >_>
Zero Shimada (1/3/2010 1:03:35 AM): I shouldn't have to
Notanalt (1/3/2010 1:04:04 AM): no i mean i've specifically asked you, and you said he only said it once
Zero Shimada (1/3/2010 1:04:29 AM): well, indirectly, multiple times
Notanalt (1/3/2010 1:04:36 AM): indirectly?
Zero Shimada (1/3/2010 1:05:30 AM): yeah. Saying he's alone, and if he had no mate,
 he'd be fucking dogs, and getting increadibly hurt when I say Cat isn't real, etc.

I'M ON ED?!?!?!?!1

By his own means, kitsune has realized that he has his own little corner of ED, the eternal monument to his douchefaggotry. His initial response was "being happy he's considered important enough to warrent one". However, upon it's debut as AOTN, his FA was spammed with at least 100 flamey messages from pissed off anon's and furfags alike. He went emo and drew this, still completely oblivious as to why ANYBODY could possibly be pissed off at him for the lie that he's been forcing on furries for the last 4 years. He still blames everybody but himself and has no idea why the internet is so mean. If he put half as much effort into getting a real girlfriend as he did being a sockpuppeting bawfag, this entire page could have been avoided.

Other raeg

Oddly enough, kitsune wasn't the only one to be pissed off at the fact that he's got an ED article. Foxon, when finding out that this page existed, raged not over the fact that he was called the retarded sockpuppet cybering emo sheeple that he was, but because kitsune would suddenly reach levels of internet fame magically overnight. Foxon's butthurt from being baleeted from kitsune's friendslist has not diminished, but rather taken deep root and manifested itself over the years within his psyche, forming a hazy miasma over all thought processes whenever kitsune's name is mentioned. Obviously Foxon's just jealous that he dosen't have a page of his own. LOL JAY KAY HE DOES NOW BITCH

Foxon Gower 1:57 AM fucking mother fuck... 
Foxon Gower 1:57 AM i cant believe he's that fuckin famous... 
Foxon Gower 1:57 AM he doesnt DESERVE SHIT!!!!!!!!!
Foxon Gower 1:58 AM thanks I really needed to know that vital information. thanks... 
Foxon Gower 1:58 AM im going to bed alone...
Foxon Gower 1:58 AM it reminds me of how FAMOUS HE IS

See Also

External Links


Kitsune Youkai is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Featured article March 13, 2010
Preceded by
Kitsune Youkai Succeeded by
Gary Oak