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KamiKampton (aka Kami) is one of the biggest marysues, youngest ban evaders, smut peddlers, and potential asspie on Deviantart, and through her use of racism, intolerance for anyone who gives her an honest critique, and incredibly child-like pieces of shit that she calls 'artwork', she has not only managed to get a brigade of asspaters, but she has also become known as a lolzcow to the few on the internet who are sane. Unfortunately for her, kami can't seem to keep the trolls away, and only further feeds them with her call-out journals.

About 'Kami'

This Mary Sue calls herself Kami on both DeviantART, and facebook (her name is Kami Kampton on there). This makes her a mary sue, because in Japanese, the word Kami will translate to 'God', and asically she is calling herself a 'god' even thought she's one of the biggest pieces of shit to ever hit the internet. In no way is Kamptonleader a 'god' or 'deity' or 'spirit' of any kind. She's just a sad little homostuck hetatard.

On August 8th, she made a journal, baaawing about how "100 people" made a comment about how her artwork sucks. Since this is the truth, and she can't handle an honest critique she "banned them" and "removed them". In other words, she did what any coward on DA would do, insult, block and run. Seeing as how her artwork is the biggest pile of shit to ever hit the internet, she will be doing a lot of this. (except DA has a block limit of 100, so she won't be able to block everyone)

The begining: Her time as askchina

During her brief time as the admin of the account AskChina, she managed to get into a fight with Tyra (aka AskFMB), caused AskWales to cry and leave the site, and caused a group controversy, by yelling for people to only speak english (see article "She's racist for more details"). It all started on July 18th, 2011, with some accounts she made with common hetafag AskFmb. At first, her and all of the Hetafags were in harmony, and having fun. However that peace ended when Kami decided to be a drama queen and stir some shit up.

She's racist

Around November of 2011, she made a journal trying to fix a 'misunderstanding' about a very long journal she wrote about how people who rped in their character's native languages, needed to stop doing that, and go back to speaking english only (a journal she has long since removed). The majority of people got pissed off, and started to call her 'dead-meat' and 'threatened her', and also renamed the banned catagory to 'chinas'

More Drama she has caused

Tyra-Kami feuds- Through out most of the ask-hetalia history, Kami and Tyra AskFMB Had been known to get into several fights, however the majority of the people spectating these fights, were too far off of the autistic spectram to understand or give a fuck about what the arguing was about. One of the fights seemed to be about hacked accounts, but nobody really knows for sure. The Tyra-Kami feuds lasted for several months, and as of today they seem to be on good terms.

Cyber stalking - If anyone got into an argument with her, no matter how trivial it is, she will personally stalk them, and for reasons that have yet to be determined. Then, when asked to stop, she will act if if she did nothing wrong, while acting like a cunt, and then block them (if she hadn't already) . Just be careful if getting into an argument with Kami, is she will do what any troll will do: look for info to make her look like the victim, all while making the real victim look like a the villian. It has been confirmed that she has already stalked a couple people.

Post China drama - After she gave her ask account away, she caused more drama when a girl who wanted the account, had threatened suicide, because she didn't win the account. Kami, being the special girl she was makes up a lolzworthy sob story about her life was worse, because she's "terminally ill" and going to die, but she "lives her life to the fullest anyway". Many other people hated her guts because she promised the account to someone who didn't have an account already, and had auditioned to be the askchina. As of today the account has been collecting dust, as it has been inactive for 4+ weeks and is currently owned by AskChinaCat her fuck buddy Tyra.

Fanning the flames - During the late month of January of 2012, Kami intelligentally helped fuel the trolls by making a journal entitled xXxAnruixXx (someone who has long deactivated by now). xXxAnruixXx, was the name of the guy who trolled her with several posts of an icon shooting a bullet through her thick head. (a big hint is to NEVER make a call out journal, not only are they counterproductive, but they can get the user banned. After making her big dramatic move, she flips out when she is found again, but only because she was careless in moving accounts.

Just days after finding out about her article, Kami made five accounts on ED, hoping to change her page so that it wouldn't reveal the truth about her. Just minutes later, however, some moderaters undid the changes, and deleted a couple of her accounts. The changes that she made can still be seen on the history tab, and are so retarded, that it isn't funny.

Kami-Succupire wars In an event that nobody knows of cares about, Kami got pissed off at succupirequeen and proceded to get her army of homostucker to troll the girl. Kami in return got suspended from deviantart on November 15, 2012, but on the same day she made a new account and three days later was banned for banevasion.

Her post China events

On January 12, 2012, she moved accounts to Myrathecat, because she was getting heavily trolled by a spammer. The next day due to being followed by said trolls, she moved to the account cherrypomegranate, and account that would have been kept secret if her new fuck buddy/white knight Blackdemonizedgirl, didn't claim 'comment virginity' on her profile.

As of now, she has received at least ten full pages of spam, ranging from someone repeatively writing the word 'boner' to accusing her of murdering Caylee Anthony, to telling her to 'go fuck tyra'. She has also stupidly thought that someone was threatening her when they sent her a million chainletters because we all know those are deadly

As of November 15, 2012 she is banned from deviantart for avoiding a suspension. Said suspension was from harassing succupirequeen she is on tumblr, but might end up banevading as she already made a new account on the exact same day she was suspended.

Her da life

In the sad moments that can sadly be called what she has done on da, she has not only caused drama, but she has made crappy art. When she's not making crappy desu artwork, she is off cybering with fuck buddy Blackdemonizedgirl, in a homostuck rp. She loves to rp smut/abortions, and will troll whomever refuses to fulfill her sick fetishes.

Her artwork

Like any other ten year old, her work is not that notable. One of the more prominent features is the lack of anatomical knowledge in most of her artwork. Like most of DeviantART, her style consists of the anime/manga style, and utilizes copyrighted characters for what is widely called 'fanart'

External Links

Her accounts

See Also

Kamptonleader is part of a series on


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