Justin Catalano

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Justin Catalano

What the fuck is up with this guys ego? What a cock. He needs sun glasses so he doesn't poke his eyes out with all the cock he sucks

Justin Catalano is a young teenaged gay man in Rhode Island. He is the founder of the "hair club for men", the 1772 Society. He lives in Warwick, Rhode Island out of his parents house and trades fake stocks on his Facebook account because he doesn't have any real money to trade real stocks, because he lost it all on the market. Justin is a supposed "conservative republican" and a wannabe future politician but unfortunately for him, he is as fake as the tan on his sister Courtney Catalano's legs.

Justin hates Islam and all other religions except for Jesus Christ. Wake up Justin, Jesus is dead.

Political Aspirations

Justin wishes to one day become a politician. He even went as far as setting up a "society" so that 10 years from now he can show the documentation and proof that he was dedicated to the politics that he stands for. The 1772 Society began as an attempt to boot strap his political future. Unfortunately for him, politicians are supposed to be caring, sensitive people, not bigots. Justin claims to be a voracious traveler, when in fact the only thing we know he is voracious for is large amounts of dong.

"Stifling freedom of speech. That's how I roll" - Justin Catalano

Stock trading activity

Justin is a staunch supporter of oil stocks (moar like oily cocks, amirite?). He defends oil companies and makes fun of people who are looking for alternative power sources on the sole basis that he has to contradict what at least 50% of the country wants. Justin has made many large investments in oil companies but lost thousands of dollars (most of his savings) last year and recently because he is too retarded. Instead of getting a real degree in some sort of science, he chose to fail at life in the liberal arts sector. Because of the loss from trading stocks. Justin, despite looking like he may be successful, buys his suits with Ryan Bilodeau at the Men's Warehouse, lives at home with his mommy, and borrows money from his daddy to pay bills. It is a known fact that Justin is poor and mooches off his family.

Justin's hatred and bigotry

It is well known and supported that Justin is basically a Nazi. He hates black person, Jews, and all Islamic cultures. Yet he prides himself on being a "true son of liberty" and also a future politician. Justin, some advice, you can't go around documenting your hatred for other races and cultures, post it on the Internet, then run for office. You see this stuff gets archived and documented, and will come back to bite you in the ass anytime you try to run for a public office. The 1772 Society is a hate group.

Justin's ties to Ryan Bilodeau

Ryan Bilodeau is the famous Rhode Island young republican that was ruined by Encyclopedia Dramatica. Justin took over for Ryan when Ryan was too ruined to be effective. Hopefully Justin is ruined like Ryan was and will stop his retarded attempts at trying to improve his chances in politics. He is probably too busy inhaling furious amounts of cock to care.

Example conversation with Ultra Conservative future politician Justin Catalano

Related Articles

1772 Society
Courtney Catalano

External Links

[The 1772 Society]

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