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/jp/'s resident mascot.

/jp/ is 4chan's dedicated weeaboo board, used exclusively by those who fully intend to die alone. Devoted to Otaku Culture, popular topics on /jp/ include "Japan is master raec", "which touhou would you fuck", and "I am so ronery".

/jp/ has its origins in 2008, when moot realized /a/ was being flooded by Japanophile content that isn't strictly anime-related and brought down the b&hammer so hard that the board split in two. It has since been left to fester untreated; untouched and unloved by the outside world.

Seeing as "otaku culture" is a broad term that encompasses everything from video games to anime, figurines, cultural discussion and sex toys, /jp/ can be seen as a safe-for-work version of the random board for weeaboos and other befouled lowlifes. In practice, though, /jp/ functions as 4chan's dedicated Touhou board.

/jp/'s userbase is also noted for having had a very unwarrented sense of extreme elitism for much of the board's history.

Old /jp/

Because 4chan has its origins in the otaku-themed ADTRW forum of SomethingAwful (and is, indeed, based on an obscure Japanese website), /jp/ briefly served as a natural refuge for enternally embittered oldfags who've grown weary of the dismal state of website.

/jp/ has long prided itself on a culture of self-moderation and splendid isolation. In practice that meant that every thread deemed not weeaboo enough got sage'd into oblivion, and any mention of /jp/ on the rest of 4chan resulted in infantile rage from the elitist basement-dwellers.

In a statement scientifically engineered to cause maximum butthurt among its userbase, moot declared that /jp/ was his favourite board on the 10th anniversary panel in 2013. For added lulz, he then also stated that "the more people use something, the crappier it gets". /jp/sies shat bricks and braced themselves for a crapflood of illiterate newfag /b/tards who want to experience "Old /b/" for themselves. But despite the retards' insistance that this marked a turning point for /jp/ and a rapid decline in quality, in reality /jp/ only suffered a day or two of increased activity.

/jp/ would succumb to the same natural entropy that destroys all imageboards, regardless of any specific event.

Modern /jp/

Today /jp/ is treated mostly as a garbage dump for every weeaboo oddity deemed too pathetic for any other board. That includes:

These take up roughly 10% of the board. The other 90% is dedicated to Touhou threads, and for the most part Touhou art dumps. The existence of /c/ continues to elude the sex-deprived neckbeards.


Splitting /jp/ from /a/ has inspired the pathetic inbreds to recreate the act in a desperate attempt to maintain "quality" (read: elitist exclusivity). In effect that means that every other week, some idiot with too much free time and not enough braincells attempts to create his very own "new old /jp/", with a "unique" theme and/or culture. The end result is a fuckton of tiny little websites used exclusively by the admin and his two imaginary friends, collectively termed "/jp/ spinoffs".

The users of these boards tend to throw temper tantrums when their precious secret clubs (NO GIRLS ALLOWED) are mentioned on the wider internet, especially on uncouth websites such as ED. A list of links has been provided for the reader's enjoyment. Remember to be nice and not shit up these places with crude 4chan memes:

Outside these imageboards there are a bunch of textboards that attempt to ape a very certain posting style popular on Japanese forums at least 100 years ago. All very pathetic and very boring. Only notable thing about these is the VIP QUALITY culture, which involves posting the same dead 2ch memes from 2005 for eternity. More information can be found on tanasinn.vip.

/jp/'s Theme Song

Note it's a piece of shit. It's also very unlike /jp/. Seeing as they hate Crypton Vocaloids for being to known and liked.


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See Also

/jp/ is part of a series on


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