Jeff (Disambiguation)

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This is a disambiguation page — we hope you feel less ambiguated.

Jeff or fuckin, Jefferey or Jeffrey or whatever the fuck some old ass niggas named Jefferson or something could also be on this list:

Etimology of Jeff

Jeffrey Dahmer

They're almost all pedophiles or serial killers.

If you're old as fuck and named Jefferson, then you're either a racist white cracka or you're a real coon nigger

But one fact we know to be true is there are too many Jeffs.

See Jeff:

See Jefree:

See Jeffrey:

Jeffrey as a middle name:

Jefferson as a surname

Jeff (Disambiguation) (search)
is part of a series of
"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names." --JFK


This is a disambiguation template — we hope you feel less ambiguated.