I don't think you have an X. Enjoy your Y.

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Proof of this meme's existence. Also: I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself.
Not the first, but still an early use. HOWEVER: Quite a possibly a case of samefaggotry.
Typical person who uses this meme, pictured on the far left.
Weeaboo mode.
This meme can be put to great use on /x/.
Be an hero.
Never ask /b/ for their opinion

I don't think you have an X. Enjoy your Y., also frequently appearing in the form Enjoy your AIDS or Enjoy your hand, is another form of chanspeak which seems to have surfaced on various chans recently, and being a textual meme it has no visual representation. Due to the growing cynicism and skepticism on various chans like 420chan and Britchan, this meme basically asserts that the poster who has said something good about his life is just making shit up, because it is thought that people who post on chan boards must automatically have no life by default.


  • I don't think you have any friends. Enjoy your suicide
  • I don't think you have a girlfriend. Enjoy your hand.
  • I don't think you have a hand. Enjoy your hook.
  • I don't think you have a job. Enjoy your parents' basement.
  • I don't think you have a vagina. Enjoy your small penis.
  • I don't think you have a hand. Enjoy your girlfriend.
  • I don't think you have an existence. Enjoy your paradox.
  • I don't think you have a mom. Enjoy your dad.
  • I don't think you have a girlfriend. Enjoy your manboobs.

Scepticism and Cynicism

Channers are regularly cynical of the others' achievements in life, almost paranoid about it and are in denial that other channers might actually be getting laid IRL and not lying about it. This is to make up for the insecurity of those who say I don't think you have an X. Enjoy your Y. because people who say this are the ones who sit around at their desktop alone all day only entertaining themselves through pizza, booze, weed and pr0n due to their complete and utter failure to make anything of themselves IRL.

Other Variations

This meme also appears regularly in its second and more powerful form, denoted by the equation "I don't believe you have an X, enjoy your Y". This is most frequently used by grammarfags and people who think they sound smarter using it this way, despite the fact that it simply replaces the word 'think' with 'believe'.

I don't think you have an X. Enjoy your Y. is part of a series on


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