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Guy IRL defined.

A Guy IRL simply refers to a 13-year-old boy or also 40 year old man on the interwebs that pretends to be a female by either hiding behind a username or avatar that represents himself as such. Much like transgenders, there exists many types of Guy IRLs, however the one common fact between all is that they are indeed Guys In Real Life. Falling for a Guy IRL scam successfully turns you gay forever, so DON'T FALL FOR THEIR SCAMS. Guy IRLs are not traps or dickgirls, nor are they themselves literal crossdressers IRL. They merely lie on the internet about their gender in order to gain something valuable to them. The opposite of this is a Girl IRL.


How a Guy IRL appears in-game
Guy IRL.

There is no definitive one answer as to why males decide to become Guy IRLs/G.I.R.L.s however they always seem to pop up among the billions of internet related games, forums, and even profiles. When questioned, the response that pops up more often than not is "because I'd rather stare at a girl's ass than a guy's ass while i'm playing a video game" which directly translates into I'm GAY and I can't admit it. But honestly, no one could possibly be this stupid knowing how available free porn is this day in age, so certainly there must be a deeper meaning behind being a Guy IRL than just a "woman's ass."

How a Guy IRL appears in-real life

What brings a male to play an female online and become a Guy IRL is different per person as is their following actions once they've become a Guy IRL. Studies have shown that females in video games get more attention than male characters, such as get offered money, gifts or group invites more often than male characters despite the gender of the player. Guy IRLs will often play females to collect gold and rare items from unsuspecting desperate males. Outside of video games, Guy IRLs also scam on profile websites such as Facebook, by pretending to be a female to get more attention. In sex chatrooms or other adult text based games, there will always be Guy IRLs playing female characters to trick other males into engaging in sex RP with them. Pretending to be female on forums of sites like is also a new hot ticket, in which Guy IRLs will post lies and outlandish fetish fantasies, pretending to be a female whose "coming out" as the slut they want her to be.

I am unhappy with my birth gender and live vicariously as a woman through an online game.



What do I do about a Guy IRL?

ALWAYS exploit a Guy IRL to the best of your ability to save yourself and others from their scam. Guy IRLs WILL turn you gay if you give in to their scam, and luring you in with sexy pictures of teens stolen from google, winking smileys and lot's of tildes~. The best solution when encountering a Guy IRL is to simply reply with "Guy IRL" and let the rage ensue. The OP may be chill with your accusation and even admit to it, but it's the most fun when they RAGE IN A HELLISH FURY UNLIKE ANY OTHER and begin to FIGHT FOR THEIR RIGHT TO BE A WOMAN ONLINE, to which you can respond by reminding them and everyone else observing that falling for a Guy IRL scam turns them gay, and to turn back now before it's too late.

The Scam of a Guy IRL

  1. Make a male character
  2. Get no support/attention
  3. Make a female character
  4. Get loads of attention/support/free gold
  5. Use lots of ;)'s and ~'s
  6. If not enough attention/support/money, find pics from google of sexy emo teens, make sexual remarks/engage in sexual roleplay
  7. ???
  8. PROFIT!!!

Notable Examples of Guy IRLs

See Also