Grey DeLisle

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Grey DeLilse in all her repulsiveness

Grey DeLisle is an artsy-fartsy suburban White Person and SJW slut notable for looking like a goth, bitching like any modern emowhore despite being middle-aged, and voicing every other psychotic cartoon character, most recently, Prince Puppycorn for that brain cell-draining Unikitty show. Just like her close colleague and equally ridiculous rival, Tara Strong. Naturally, her voice gives many cartoon-ogling manchildren raging erections, which has made her a popular figure among these sad and highly perverted people. Her most notables role so far has been as Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender, one of Nickelodeon’s many shows aimed at the 6-11 age demographic that naturally gained a bunch of batshit insane fans in their 20's and 30's that make the show all kinds of uncomfortable. This show is infamous for inexplicably spawning a fandom full of maladjusted tweens and manchildren behind it who have made a depraved cult out of watching the show, enthusiastically jacking off to all the characters and shipping them in all grotesque manners possible.

Her other notable role is playing Daphne from Scooby Doo after the previous voice actress of the role killed herself in suicidal despair with a Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun after mentoring Grey and the whorish Catwoman from the Batman: Arkham series.

Some of the more "functional" fans of the show, or have instead chosen to jack off to Grey Delisle, as she's basically of the many pretty faces of the voice acting business. She also has a nice ass, as a result of being a baby factory for her various husbands. Being the vociferous attention whore that she is, Grey enjoys being lusted after by her “peasants” (because what other sad lot love to be called a lowly poor person?) spamming them with comments of her being an idiot on her Twitter account and complaining about American politics in ways that make her look more idiotic with each passing year.

In addition to being a foundry of ear-numbing, high-pitched voices and a sex symbol for horny losers, Grey’s also made a few hair-brained business ventures with the aid of her ex-husbands which she admits have gone absolutely nowhere. These include a crappy country musical album of Grey talking about how sucky her life is and her obvious mental disorders which can be had on Ebay for the low, low price of $10 which is too much to be honest). She supposedly sells them and crappy signed memorabilia featuring various roles of hers with a quarter of profits going to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital but we all know it’s to fill her wallet. If you’re a fan of hers and end up dead before she does, she’ll most likely post a video of herself pretending to be a character while giving a half-assed condolence after you’re dead. Meaning you’ll never see it.

The Making of a Crazy Whore, Part XXX

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Grey earning her living in Hollywood

Grey DeLilse was born Erin Grey Von Cuntsbree to truck driver and army cuck George Van Cuntsbree and singer Joanna "Ruthless" at the crappy military base town of Fort Ord, California. Her parents separated at a young due to marrying and having Grey before they were 21 and because Joanna was a cheating whore and perpetual drug addict. As such, Grey's slut junkie of a mom decided to dump her off with Grey's grandmother, who raised Grey for much of her life and helped attribute to her deteriorating mental state. Like any terrible parental figures, they also let Grey get molested by her new stepfather when she was four and let Grey get taken on drug-filled road trips just to seal the abusive deal and start her down the path of promiscuity. When she wasn't spending her time nurturing her drunk slut mommy, Grey escaped into her own mind using musical genres introduced by her much absent trucker hick daddy and her Mexican grandmother. She also expressed her insanity by making voice impressions to herself in the restrooms of her school and crying hysterically in a baby voice which terrified the student body of her various schools.

Then all Hell broke loose when Grey turned 11 and was forced to live with her even crazier mommy. Joanna Ruthless decided to mend her heathen ways and became a born-again Pentecostal religious fanatic forbidding all drugs and alcohol in her household despite being on a binge of both for much of her life. She also strictly forbade Grey to listen to goth music, wear pants or makeup, or cut her hair. After which, Grey had a psychotic break after her mother burned all of her rock records but kept her country albums -- despite the fact that they were full of adultery and drinking -- as part of some ritual to exorcise the demons in her living room while her drunken stepfather beat Grey silly. Eventually Grey couldn't take it anymore and left home at 17, painting awful portraits in San Diego parks to survive while living "here and there" as a crazed hobo woman.

Grey eventually moved to Los Angeles and took on jobs waiting tables, delivering singing telegrams, and cleaning houses as the stereotypical Mexican cleaning lady, all to finance acting school. Not to mention whoring around Hollywood and engaging with sex with various actors with low standards. When she turned nineteen, she married her first loser musician Chris "the lamebrain" DeLilse and promptly divorced him after six months due to him being an abusive prick but kept his surname as a souvenir. After which she focused her mental troubles into joining Al-Anonymous meetings where she realized she was attracted to the adrenaline that alcoholics and drug addicts supplied and went on a sex bender with various drunks and junkies around the LA area.

See also

Grey DeLisle is part of a series on

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