Google Plus

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This page is mainly focusing on the Google Plus """community""" and its many tumors. If you want to know about the actual site, go to The Google.

Google Plus (or more commonly referred to as G+, Actual fucking hell or Google's Hostages) was a site originally meant to rival that of Twitter and Facebook, but has now basically become a waste of space in Google's server room. Disregarding the functioning people who use the site, what it once was has practically become part SJW and part Autism (with a dash of normie), both sharing a mutual hatred for each other. Those who enter are likely to find those forgotten by the internet (most likely for good reason). Since it's recent 2018 and 2019 shutdown announcement(s), many users have began returning to parts of the internet that have more than 50 monthly users.


A website kept up this long (fucking somehow) has its fair share of users. Google Plus is no exception. From picture blogs to people just saying the word "black", this cesspool is a true character study. When talked about among each other, there are usually 6 groups discussed.

Normal People

The only part of their site that Google wants to show you, Normal People are the average blogger fag. From pictures of mountains to yelling at each other over Jesus' favorite community, these are the top layers of G+. Most of these people are somehow beyond simple, and are just glad to have a place to show a picture of a goddamn sunflower or an unironic impact-meme.

The "Dank" Memers

Under the top layer is a good amount of normie shit. Comparable to iFunny or r/Funny, these are typically communities of individuals who steal memes off of Instagram, such as the infamous DANK MEMES community, which was shut down mid-2018 following constant harassment. Though not being the worst of the worst, they're your average shitty 12-year-olds who want their Reddit and 4chan gods to respect them. Even when they post something "modern", it is either 6 months old and decaying in a shallow grave off the side of a Nevada highway, or an edgy joke.

The "Modern" Memers

These individuals are known for more contemporary memes and show much better understanding and use of irony. Typically either posting modern-impact memes, inside jokes between other G+ users, or saying actual gibberish, they are more respected in the larger community and even by some "Dank" Memers. Most have been using the website for some time, and for such reason have a better understanding of it. They usually separate their le epic funnies from their actual conversations by having different collections. They are the most common to fall into drama between each other, and are practically intertwined with the surprisingly large amount of artists on the platform. This group is more comparable to modern-meme subreddits and usually take heavy influence from them.

The SJWs

Though not as large as Tumblr, these groups are quite possibly the biggest laughing stalks of the whole community. From calling everything they don't agree with homophobic to actually respecting SonicFox as a person, the SJWs include characters such as the infamous Springbear452, who has gotten herself into too much controversy for her strong political views and attempting to come out as a transgender. They will not be missed.

The Indian Porn Bots

All across G+ live the Indian Porn Bots, who have numbers that most likely make up half of the site's monthly users. Known for commenting on any posts possible, they will always say the word "SEX" around 7 times a post, most likely in a row.

The Cesspool

The rest of G+ is too large to cover, hence why it is referred to as the Cesspool. From yiffers to a guy who thinks he's god, G+ has a community for all. They're all actual dogshit, however.

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