Game of Thrones

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Y'all gonna die.
The real end of the story will most likely be a heart attack.

Game of Thrones is a long-format pornography/snuff film that airs Sundays on HBO. Game of Thrones is based on a series of books that are the very textbook definition of TL;DR, having been written by George R.R. Martin, a neckbeard who faps on having characters fuck, kill each other, or fuck THEN kill each other. A pair of faggots named David and Dan are in charge of the televised shitshow, allowing an ironic nickname of D&D to refer to both, which can either mean Dungeons and Dragons if you're one of the retarded mongoloid sheep who actually enjoy their abortion, or Dumb and Dumber if you're one of the more intelligent individuals who realize they've turned an already overrated series into a festering pile of shit wherein each stool is looser and smells fouler than the last.


There is a metric fuckton of dull characters that are all in a generic alternate version of the Dark Ages where smug aristocrats endlessly drink wine and talk about boring shit nobody but casuals and WoWfags care about. Then, they all have sex and/or failcest with each other and die while fighting over who gets to be gangbanged. End of rine.

In short, It's "Downton Abbey" at a Ren-faire, except they solve their disputes by murdering each other.

The series is based on the Song of Ice and Fire series of novels, which are basically The Lord of the Rings with less ambiguously gay midgets, more incest, and random lesbian quickies. In order to understand the subtle differences, compare Torchwood to Doctor Who, or Mass Effect to Star Trek. You'll notice that actual story is replaced with torture, sex, and gayness.

Sean Bean's Ghost

Like in every other movie, television show, video game, or pornography that he has appeared in, Sean Bean dies. He begins the series as the defacto main character before a plot twist demanded that he be M. Night Shyamalan'd to death, thus finally hitting his Diamond Death Jubilee and transcending into Valhalla. Sean Bean's career is essentially the show 1000 Ways to Die made flesh. This is because "The Sean Bean Effect" is so armor-piercing it even penetrates 10 layers of Plot Armor.

The Imp

Tyrion Lannister as a kid.

This section, like Peter Dinklage, is too short, and needs moar pint-sized badassery. But here's a vid of Joffrey gettin' pimpslapped like the bitch-ass ho he is.


Imp slap.


You know you suck when a guy half your size slaps three shades of silly out of you, right in front of your own bodyguard.


The show's dialogue is so boring and long-winded that writers decided on using sex to keep viewers attention since the fanbase consists of cellar-dwellers, man-children, wiccans, and yaoi-fangirls.

The show caused the word "sexposition" to be coined: a combination of the words "sex" and "exposition". The term refers to when a character exposes important information about themselves while sexual activity is occurring.

An example scene may go something like this:

  • Jon Snow: Blah blah blah honor of the Night's Watch...
  • Background: Two dudes begin a train on this voluptuous hooker. As the surly armorer removes his helm he jams his powerful rod into the whore's fleshy cage. She moans vigorously as the bulky armorer bends lower to grant a fruity trap entrance to his hairy vortex. The sounds of ball-slapping and ecstasy echo throughout the chamber while the hefty milkmaid feeds goats beyond the window with her massive medieval tits. The man shoots his load as the wench lets out a bellowing scream before he lowers his axe onto her neck. As her head rolls along the floor, the trap finishes and pats the armorer on the back, making some reference to the uselessness of women.
  • Jon Snow: I'm a bastard child...


One Game of Thrones controversy is about rape. (Many articles from popular publishers were published about it.) The show features about four rape scenes. Two of them are of Drogo raping Dany. One of them is Jamie raping Cersei next to a dead Joffrey. And the most recent one is of Ramsay raping Sansa. This fact caused one cunt at The Guardian to stop watching the show entirely.[1] A double standard is observed in the reaction to these scenes.


This show has way too many fucking characters. Below are the ones you'll care about.

When Ned Stark is executed.

Eddard "Ned" Stark: Main character of the first season. Eddard is the Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North and head of the Stark family. He attempts to expose the fact that Joffrey "Baratheon" is a bastard born of incest. After the death of Robert Baratheon, the king, he tries to put Stannis Baratheon, Robert's younger brother, on the throne. Because he makes the retarded mistake of trusting Littlefinger (even after the latter repeatedly warned Ned not to trust him), Ned is assaulted by his own soldiers, and accused of being a traitor for denying Joffrey as rightful heir to the throne. He is then beheaded in front of his two daughters. Eddard is the very textbook definition of Lawful Good taken to stupid extremes.

Catelyn Stark: Eddard Stark's wife and Littlefinger's waifu. She hates Jon Snow, and is murdered at the Red Wedding. She was resurrected for necrophiliac fun by a priest of the Red God. Oops, gigantic spoilers. But it doesn't matter anyway because it never happened in the series.

Robb Stark: Eddard Stark's oldest son and heir to be Lord of Winterfell. After his dad is killed, he loses his shit, declares the North independent, and styles himself the King in the North. He was killed at a wedding because he'd decided to bone a foreign chick whom he hardly knew. See what happens when you have sex before marriage, kids...

Well, Arya?

Sansa Stark: Elder daughter of Eddard Stark. She is basically Anastasia Steele. She was betrothed to Joffrey Baratheon. Despite the abuse she received from Joffrey, she continued to stay with him even after he ordered the death of her father and even after being offered safe passage back to Winterfell twice. Only after Joffrey decides to marry some other broad (and once Sansa herself unwillingly marries Tyrion) does she realize the danger she truly is in and decides to GTFO. Just like her father, she makes the retarded mistake of trusting Littlefinger. She goes north with him to the Vale, only for Littlefinger to make out with her against her will, kill her aunt in front of her, and then give her to the Bolton-occupied Winterfell to be married to Ramsay Snow, another sick fuck. She then escapes with Theon Greyjoy by jumping off the castle walls of Winterfell.

Arya Stark: Younger daughter of Eddard Stark. She is a tomboy. After the death of her father, she manages to escape King's Landing through posing as a boy and setting off north with a Night's Watch recruiter. Their trip was cut short by troops looking for Robert Baratheon's bastard son. She was then captured and taken to Harrenhal, which was ran by Lord Tywin Lannister, who employed her as his cupbearer. She later escapes with the help of some guy who can change his face, who gives her a coin from Braavos and teaches her the words "Valar Morghulis". She is then taken in by the Brotherhood without Banners. Then Sandor Clegane, known as the Hound, finds her, and forces her to travel with him. He wants to ransom her to her mother, but just as he arrives at the Twins, the Red Wedding happens and her mother dies. Then he goes to the Vale to sell Arya to her aunt, only to find out she died three days ago. Then they are met by Brienne of Tarth, who fights the Hound and almost kills him. Arya then leaves him in the open to die. She meets a sailor from Braavos and gets there using the coin. She finds the faceless guy and joins his cult, but when she kills Meryn Trant, who went to a brothel to get little girls to abuse, she is rendered blind by the cult as punishment.

Brandon Stark: Useless cripple whose special power is taking over animals. He was crippled by Jaime Lannister throwing him out of the window when Bran climbed a tower only to see Jaime porking his own sister. He escaped Winterfell in secret when Theon Greyjoy captured it. He traveled north for some hot gay fun with the Children of the Forest. Later on, he became the Three-Eyed Raven, having leveled up after training with his wizard master. He returned to Winterfell as a level 100 triple-prestige wizard.

Rickon Stark: Literally who?

Jon Snow: Knows nothing. He is Eddard Stark's bastard son and goth. He frequently moans about being a bastard. He decides to become more of an outcast and joins the Night's Watch, a neutral organisation that once you join you can never unjoin. Despite his vows of celibacy, he eats a hot wildling's pussy. He was shanked by his allies at the end of Season 5 but came back from the dead. PLOT TWIST: He's actually Aegon Targaryen, Daenerys's long lost nephew. Rhaegar Targaryen (Daenerys's big bro who dies 100 years ago before the series) annulled his marriage to Elia Martell then married Lyanna Stark (Ned Stark's sister) in a secret ceremony. Lyanna died giving birth to Aegon Targaryen (later named Jon Snow) in the Tower of Joy which is in Dorne. So actually he should be King; as the legitimate son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, he is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.

Littlefinger (real name Petyr Baelish): I think Littlefinger is a pretty cool guy. eh is the mastermind behind the entire plot and doesn't afraid of anything.

Draco Malfoy Joffrey Baratheon: The supposed son of Robert Baratheon who is later revealed to be a product of incest between his mother and his uncle. He is sadist and a narcissist who thinks the world belongs to him. After the death of Robert Baratheon he becomes the King. He was killed at his own wedding as a result of a plot orchestrated by Littlefinger.

Myrcella Baratheon: Joffrey's younger sister, Tommen's older sister. She is also a result of incest between Cersei and Jaime. She is hot as fuck, but is actually only about 16. She's betrothed to a Dornish prince, and Jaime and Bronn go on a mission to rescue her. She gets poisoned and dies.

"And now I've struck a king. Did my hand fall off my wrist?!"
Dwarf cocks bring luck.

Tommen Baratheon: Joffrey's younger brother. He is also a result of incest between Cersei and Jaime. He becomes king after Joffrey's death. As a result of his older brother bullying him for many years, he's a massive pussy. He owns the cat named Ser Pounce. Tommen dies after jumping out of a window after his wife blows up.

Tyrion Lannister: Youngest of the Lannister siblings and TEH BEST CHARACTER IN GAME OF THRONES EVAR!!!!!11111 Slaps Joffrey like a little bitch and gets away with it. Despite being the size of an 8-year old, he is easily the most badass character in the entire show and the only character worth rooting that's not Jon Snow. He is put on trial for poisoning Joffrey, and his father Tywin sentences him to death even though he knows Tyrion didn't do it. Tyrion gets out of jail and kills Tywin on the shitter, then escapes to Pentos across the Narrow Sea and gets to Daenerys.

Cersei Lannister: Colossal brother-fucking bitch who does absolutely everything possible to keep herself queen. Sorely regrets it by the end of Season 5. She hates Tyrion and attempts to have him killed multiple times. She is also a raging alcoholic. She used to lick up her husband's cum because she liked the idea of eating his heirs out of spite, which she doesn't realize makes her look like even more of a dirty subservient whore bitch. She becomes the queen after blowing up half of the city she lives in.

Jaime Lannister: Colossal sister-fucking bastard who does absolutely everything possible to keep himself in a sexual relationship with his sister. He fails, but does not regret it by the end of Season 5. He is captured in the War of the Five Kings and has his right hand chopped off. He returned to King's Landing to get a golden prosthetic hand. Afterwards, he had sex with Cersei next to their dead son, for he is a necrophile and was super turned on by the sight of a dead body.

Lancel Lannister: Cersei's cousin and substitute incestuous fuckbuddy while Jaime is away. He works with Cersei to kill Robert Baratheon. Lancel gets blackmailed by Tyrion into spying for him. Lancel is almost killed at the battle of the Blackwater, then joins an insane religious militant organisation. He turns in Cersei for having sex with him before, for which she is stripped naked and shamed in front of the entire city. He is later blown up by Cersei; he almost extinguished the fuse to the bomb, but failed because he's a weak pussybitch.

Gordon Ramsay is a gourmet chef.

Tywin Lannister: Father of Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion, head of House Lannister and Warden of the West. He used to be the world's richest man, and led the Lannister forces in the War of the Five Kings, then becomes Hand of the King after taking all the credit for winning a battle that was actually won by Tyrion. He was actually the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms in all but title, since Joffrey and Tommen don't know shit about how to run a country. Tywin is the judge of Tyrion's trial and sentences him to death, and also sleeps with his hooker girlfriend, for which Tyrion later kills him while he's taking a shit.

Ramsay Snow: Bastard son of Roose Bolton. He is sent to reclaim Winterfell in the name of Robb Stark. After Theon Greyjoy's men betray him and surrender to Ramsay, Ramsay orders his men to kill Theon's men and burn Winterfell down. Ramsay is incredibly sadistic and enjoys torturing people for fun. When he captures Theon Greyjoy, he tortures him as a pastime. He chops off Theon's cock and sends it to his family in a box. He later marries Sansa Stark and becomes the Lord of Winterfell after Robb Stark's death. Also he rapes her, causing her to escape with the cockless Theon. Dies by getting eaten by dogs.

Roose Bolton: Head of House Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort, Edgelord Extraordinaire. Roose is a psychopath who flays people for lulz and rapes women for shits 'n giggles. He is also a Dracula expy who likes bloodsucking animals and cruel torture. He personally kills Robb Stark because he thought it'd be funny, and later becomes Warden of the North. Roose is later killed by Ramsay because his got his fat wife pregnant.

The many faces of Daenerys Targaryen.
Eyebrow game strong tho.

Hodor: Most memorable for only being able to say his own name. He is by far the most relatable character, since trying to remain interested in the various boring characters renders one about as coherent as Hodor himself. Once Bran is crippled, he carries him everywhere. His name isn't actually Hodor, it's Wylis. He dies while holding a door.

Daenerys Targaryen (also known as Dany): Viserys Targaryen's younger sister and fuckbuddy. After her brother is killed, she claims to be the rightful heir to the Iron Throne because her family was the ruling dynasty before Robert Baratheon rebelled. She marries a horsefucker from Essos, then goes around Essos with her tribe accomplishing absolutely nothing for the entirety of Season 1. At the end of Season 1, dragons hatch from the three petrified dragon eggs she'd been given. She names herself the Mother of Dragons. She goes to Qarth, a city in the far east of Essos, and her dragons are stolen from her. She then hallucinates, and then does some magic shit with her dragons and burns a creepy guy alive. This is all that she accomplishes throughout Season 2. Later, she travels down to the three slaver cities of Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen, and liberates them all with her army of the dickless Unsullied. However, she's so shit at justice that she only manages to hold Meereen. She fires her most trusted advisor for spying on her about three years ago, and has sex with a guy she'd met about a month ago. Her own dragon takes her to some grassy place where she's abducted by another tribe of the horsefuckers she's supposed to lead. So in summary, she accomplished absolutely nothing throughout the entirety of the series. She's also the blandest character of the entire series, with her only personality traits being MUH KHAL DROGO, MUH DRAGONS, MUH REVENGE, and MUH JUSTICE. Overrated as fuck.

Book Daario has blue hair, a three-pronged beard and a gold moustache. This is the guy Daenerys chose over Jorah.
He mad.

Khal Drogo: Chief of a tribe of horsefuckers and Daenerys's husband. Despite being a badass warrior, he is put into a coma by an infected paper cut and smothered with a pillow.

Jorah Mormont: Exiled Westerosi knight. Friendzoned by Daenerys. He spies on her at first, then stops it. It comes back to bite him in the ass about three years later, when Daenerys finds out and fires him despite him being her most trusted advisor. However, he doesn't give up, captures Tyrion in a brothel in Volantis, and brings him back to Meereen. Contracts greyscale on the way there. He has to risk his life in gladiatorial combat in order to get back to Daenerys, who clearly said she didn't want to see him ever again.

Daario Naharis: Fucks Daenerys.

Viserys Targaryen: A raving lunatic who bullies and molests his sister. He gets drunk and insults a bunch of horsefuckers. Khal Drogo gets pissed off and kills him with a golden shower.

Oberyn Martell: Prince of Dorne, and TEH SECOND BEST CHARACTER IN GAME OF THRONES EVAR!!!!!111111 He will either kill or have sex with anyone whom he sees. He comes to King's Landing for Joffrey's wedding, but in reality, it's to seek revenge for his sister, Elia Martell. Gregor Clegane, the same man who killed his sister, smashes his head open, because Oberyn had refused to finish him off before he admitted his crimes.

100% Mannis.

Theon Greyjoy: Raised by Ned Stark alongside Robb and Jon Snow. He is the son of Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands. Betrays the Starks and captured Winterfell. Gets captured by Ramsay Snow who cuts his dick off for the lulz. He has been Ramsay's sex slave (and rightfully so) since Season 3. He gets brainwashed by Ramsay, but then regains some of his senses and runs away with Sansa.

Davos in a nutshell.
>mfw someone says davos is relevant

Robert Baratheon: King at the beginning of the series. He is Cersei's husband and Ned Stark's best friend. He is a massive alcoholic and manwhore. He is killed by a plot orchestrated by Cersei and Lancel, who got him drunk at a boar hunt, which got him mortally wounded by a boar.

Stannis Baratheon: Robert Baratheon's younger brother and the one and only rightful king. He gets rekt in the battle of the Blackwater, where he attempts to take over King's Landing and Tyrion stops him by blowing up a ship. After that, he aimlessly travels around Westeros trying to somehow get back his throne. He also joins the religion of the Lord of Light and fucks a cultist priestess, who gives birth to a shadow assassin that kills Renly, Stannis's younger brother. He burns his own daughter alive at the stake. The Boltons defeat him when he tries to take over Winterfell, and he is killed by Brienne of Tarth.

Renly Baratheon: He is Stannis's and Robert's younger brother. Renly claims to be the rightful King of Westeros. He is also gay and his wife's brother is his fuckbuddy. He was killed by Stannis's shadow assassin in front of his own bodyguard.

Melisandre: The red priestess that fucks Stannis and other people with royal blood, such as Robert's bastard Gendry and Jon Snow. She is the biggest bitch in the series after Cersei. She has a demonic pussy.

Davos Seaworth: Smuggler that is knighted by Stanis. Serves as his Hand of the King. Davos is taught how to read by Stannis's daughter. He is probably the most irrelevant out of all the irrelevant characters that pretend to be important.

Game of Trolls.

Margaery Tyrell: Boobs. Marries Renly, then Joffrey, then Tommen, then explodes.

Sandor Clegane: Known as the Hound. Half of his face was burned off by his big brother when he was little. He is initially Joffrey's bodyguard, then decides to fuck off. He finds Arya Stark and tries to ransom her to various family members only to find out that they've all been killed. Sandor was seemingly killed by Brienne of Tarth, but he came back super pissed off with a giant beard.

Varys: A fat bald eunuch. He has the biggest spy network in the world. He helps Tyrion get out of jail before his execution, then they escape to Essos.

Samwell Tarly: A fat and socially awkward member of the Night's Watch. Samwell is Jon Snow's best friend. Sam gets a girl from Craster's keep, Craster being a guy who fucks hundreds of his own daughters to give him more offspring. He kills a White Walker and they escape to Castle Black. He fucks her and then goes who-knows-where to become a Maester.

Ygritte: Jon Snow's wildling girlfriend. She attempts to kill him later, dies in the battle of Castle Black.

Houses of Westeros

Westeros's whole society is based on Houses, of which it has about a million-and-one. They're all convinced their family is the hottest shit that ever lived and each have their own sigils and words which they plaster on every thing and person they own. Most have existed for like 10,000 years since the beginning of time, though somehow most seem to consist of a single nuclear family and maybe a cousin or two, honestly, it's a bit weird. The fact that like 100 legendary families which have existed since the beginning of the universe are now either extinct or poised to be so, and nobody seems to find it abnormal, is something you'll have to ignore.

The following is a short list of houses people bother to remember:

House Stark - Winter is Coming: The former ruling family of the North, who always compare themselves to wolves. The former head, Eddard, went down to the capital to help out his homeboy Robert Baratheon, but he got pwnt by the Lannisters. His son Robb raised the Northern army to avenge him, but along the way he shagged this one spic whore and that got his whole army killed at a wedding. Now the only true Starks left are children, which include an SJW sob story, a cripple, an aspiring serial killer, and some faggot named Rick.

House Lannister - Hear Me Roar A Lannister Always Pays His Debts: basically the Rothschilds. The ruling family of the Westerlands and de facto all of Westeros; these Selfish narcissitic cunts hoard up ca$h money and use it to buy their way out of problems. Tywin Lannister, the Godfather, kept things running smooth for House Lannister until he got nosc0ped by his dwarf son while taking a shit. Now it's left to a cripple and a USI bitch to run the family name into the ground.

House Baratheon - Ours is the Fury: The ruling family of the Stormlands. House Baratheon consists of three brothers who don't really get along with each other. Robert Baratheon, the eldest, was a bad-ass, El Che Guevara style revolutionary who brought down monarchies with his war hammer in one hand and his dick in the other. However, after he became King, he turned into a fat bitch who let himself get fucked by the Lannisters. He got killed by some farm animal, leaving his brothers Stannis, a religious fanatic, and Renly, a faggot, to squabble while the Lannisters fuck them both.

House Tyrell - Growing Strong: The ruling family of the Reach. House Tyrell is arguably the most powerful house in Westeros. Their future is questionable since their only heir is a faggot, but no one really gives a shit about the Tyrells because Papa Tyrell is a beta retard. House Tyrell currently has no living members.

House Tully - Family, Duty, Honor: The former ruling family of the Riverlands. The only members worth mentioning are Catelyn, who married Ned, Lysa, who married Jon Arryn of the Vale, and their brother Edmure, who is a retard who can't properly shoot a bow and who fucked up Robb Stark's grand strategy. House Tully is overthrown by House Frey and Edmure is captured at his own wedding, the Red Wedding. Only one member remains free, Brynden.

House Martell - Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken: The ruling family of Dorne. House Martell is a house of sandniggers. Doran Martell is the head of the house and is trying his ass off to avoid war with the Lannisters, which is ruined by his brother Oberyn's lover when she poisons Myrcella. Sand is by far the most common surname in Dorne, since every other fucking person there is a bastard.

House Greyjoy - We do not Sow: The ruling family of the Iron Islands. They're basically Vikings. Many times, they have tried to become independent, somehow conquering massive swaths of land on Westeros, only to be beaten back and confined on their islands just as quickly as they rose up. The lord is Balon Greyjoy, who hates his only heir, Theon. Theon himself is probably the unluckiest person in the Seven Kingdoms. They also believe in the religion of the Drowned God.

House Arryn - As High as Honor: The ruling family of the Vale. House Arryn is the most irrelevant house of all. Jon Arryn is assassinated after finding out the truth of Joffrey's parentage. Lysa Arryn is a deranged lunatic in love with Littlefinger, who kills her and takes over the Vale. (Lysa Arryn has a striking resemblance to Gabrielle Chana, a non-fictional person, in both appearance and behavior). Robin Arryn, Lysa's retard son, is the most annoying little shit in all of Game of Thrones. He still sucks on his mother's tit as a ten year old. The Vale is full of barbarian tribes.

House Targaryen - Fire and Blood: The former royal dynasty of Westeros. House Targaryen was kicked out during Robert's Rebellion. Rhaegar fucked Ned's sister and got killed by Robert Baratheon. His father, the Mad King, got killed by his own bodyguard, Jaime Lannister. Viserys Targaryen, Rhaegar's brother, got killed by Khal Drogo. The only remaining members are Jon Snow, who is unaware of the fact that he is a half-Targaryen, and Daenerys, who is a terrible ruler, so house Targaryen is pretty much dead. Brother-sister incest is literally their most ancient and important tradition. Because their peroxide-blonde hair is a recessive gene, they see incest as a necessary measure to retain their superior Aryan genes.

House Bolton - Our Blades are Sharp: Literally the edgiest house to ever live; they're so edgy it's their fucking house words. They live in a giant BDSM torture-house called the Dreadfort and enjoy such activities as torture, flaying, hunting women, and rape. They've existed almost as long as the Starks and used to be kings who spent thousands of years in a pissing contest with the Starks over who could kick each others ass more. Each compete with one another to out-edge the last generation, including but not limited to making coats out of their enemies, making giant tents out of people-skin, and pulling out entrails. They practice Eugenics to make sure every Bolton is a psycho nutcase; the only decent ones get offed pretty quick. The house was led by Roose Bolton, who ruled the North after murdering his king at a wedding in a Bolton attempt to get the edge over his ancestors. Ramsay Bolton later killed Roose. House Bolton was later annihilated in the Battle of the Bastards by Jon Snow and men that fought with him against the Boltons.

House Frey - We Stand Together: The new ruling family of the Riverlands. Walder Frey is a treacherous cunt who has about ∞ daughters. Everybody in their realm hates them. They own an important river crossing in the Riverlands and anybody who wants to cross it has to pay them. House Frey is constantly pissed over how little people respect them for being literally nobodies and so constantly do shit that makes people respect them even less. They suffered from a bit of an Open Season wherein everybody in Westeros competes to kill the most Freys while they bitch and moan and their allies shrug and snicker at them. Arya Stark baked Walder Frey's sons into pies, fed it to him, killed him, stole his face, then impersonated him in order to fatally poison all the Freys.

House Clegane - [house words unknown:] A minor family in the Westerlands loyal to House Lannister. Gregor Clegane the Mountain, and his brother Sandor the Hound are the only two known members of the house. Both are huge men and renowned warriors, and they hate each other. Gregor is renowned for being a ruthless murderer, rapist, and idiot. He is killed by Oberyn Martell and then Frankensteined back to life by a mad scientist. Sandor is renowned for being the King's bodyguard, before deciding it was a shitty job (and rightfully so) and going rogue. He is killed by a lesbian warrior as tall as him. GoT fanboys jizz out of all their orifices at the prospect of a "Cleganebowl", or in other words a fight between Gregor and Sandor Clegane. There is absolutely no evidence to support this claim. The GoT fanboys seem to ignore these facts and are hyped as fuck for no reason.

See Also

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