G-Zay/A response by G-Zay

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Seeing as people may believe what was written about me on the G-Zay page without questioning it, I'll provide my response to it here. The G-Zay page is filled with so much information that it is a useful tool for documenting who I actually am. The G-Zay page was written as part of a ongoing war between the users of GameFAQs and NeoGAF. A feud that I lost.

Who created the G-Zay page on Encyclopedia Dramatica

This is the most interesting matter for me, as I am a paranoid schizophrenic, I actually created it myself in order to garner attention as I have no fucking life. Because who the fuck would waste dozens of hours reading my entire forum posting history since 2005 in order to try and uncover every single aspect of who I am as a person? I am literally the most boring fuck ever.

Who created the page?

The person who created this G-Zay article is a nigger from London. Although he's currently unemployed and spends his days watching anime and playing video games (mainly JRPGs).

This is the only photo of me available online. It was taken in July 2008, just before Metal Gear Solid 4 released. Even in this shot, I am clearly a niglet.

Why would I waste dozens of hours rehashing my entire post history and make this page?

Other than the fact that I am unemployed and therefore has a ridiculous amount of free time, there are four main reasons I made this page:

  1. I like to think I am the most knowledgeable person when it comes to Final Fantasy. This is something I really care about.
  2. I would like to bolster my view count
  3. Yasumi Matsuno once responded to of my many many tweets, when he asked me to leave him the fuck alone or he'd call the cops.
  4. I hate Hiroyuki Ito and adore Yoshinori Kitase.

Those are the four main reasons. I'll explain them each more in-depth below:

The basics

Firstly I no longer edit Wikipedia. I haven't edited since yesterday, so therefore I can't be labelled a Wikipedophile.

Secondly, I use more than one account at a time on GameFAQs. In fact I have several.

I am a pedophile

The accusations are true since the claims come from my FinalFantasyXIII.net GalvanizA account, which I've already explained was not a joke account.

My fetishes

The only thing I have that comes close to a fetish is that I like to watch young children undress.


The info on the page is very well written. All that can be gained from it is that I am a pedophile with no job.

-Xenobreak 17:53, 15 June 2014 (EDT)