Encyclopedia Dramatica:Quote of the Now/June 11, 2024

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We are contacting you from the Namecheap Legal and Abuse Team regarding your “MarioMario456” Namecheap account.

We regret to inform you that the encyclopediadramatica[.]top domain name has been suspended due to violation of paragraph 6 "Agreement not to use "services" for improper purpose and prohibited activities" of our Registration Agreement


- use the Services in a manner that is violent or encourages violence;

- use the Services for content that will profess hatred for particular social, ethnical, religious or other groups;

Thank you for understanding.

=========[ Please find the additional information below / attached ]=========

hxxps:// encyclopediadramatica [.] top/Brenton_Tarrant

hxxps:// encyclopediadramatica [.] top/Negress

hxxps:// encyclopediadramatica [.] top/Jews

hxxps:// encyclopediadramatica [.] top/Holocaust

hxxps:// encyclopediadramatica [.] top/Lolicon

hxxps:// encyclopediadramatica [.] top/Animal_abuse

hxxps:// encyclopediadramatica [.] top/Kevin_Mann

hxxps:// encyclopediadramatica [.] top/Offended

hxxps:// encyclopediadramatica [.] top/Reporting_Un-Islamic_content

Regards, Legal & Abuse Department Namecheap, Inc