Encyclopedia Dramatica:Good Joke:Word Count Ratio

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Here in ED, we use the Good Joke:Word Count Ratio formula to judge whether articles are funny or unfunny.

How to calculate

  1. Copy and paste the article into your favorite word-processing software.
  2. Do a word count
  3. Read the article.
    1. For every good joke, award 1 point.
    2. For every lulz, award 1 point.
    3. Add the two scores.
    4. For every verified fact, subtract 1 point.
  4. Simplify (good joke + lulz - fact) : (word count)
  5. You have the ratio!

The moral

Making your article as lengthy as possible doesn't make it better. No one is going to pat you on the back for stuffing your article with filler. Keep it simple, and get to the point as quickly as possible. Brevity is the soul of wit.

What to do if you find an article with a bad ratio

Give it {{unfunny}} (users) or {{crap}} (any article or user) as applicable. If you turn an article into not-crap, please change the {{crap}} template to {{notcrap}}.