Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/September 5, 2024

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Audrey Hale (a.k.a. Aiden Hale) was a 28-year-old faggot who is yet more proof women fail at everything, and are only good at making lead-sandwiches. Failing to become an art hoe, Audrey stalked a black girl in the hopes of becoming a lesbian couple, but God acted swiftly by having the black girl killed so race-mixing faggotry would not take place. Angry at the big man upstairs for denying her a girlfriend-free girl, Audrey got her revenge by shooting up a random Christian school in Nashville; getting only 6 kills (which by itself is not enough to break into the top 50) before being killed by cops.

The shooter broke conventions by not being your usual tranny; not being one of the many "men pretending to be women" types, she was instead a "woman pretending to be a man" type of tranny. The old media used this part of the story to try and garner sympathy for Audrey, genuinely believing the public would mourn the loss of a school shooter. This failed, and most of the public gave hell to the media that was trying to argue that cutting your tits off and shooting kids is an identity, and not a mental illness.

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