Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/September 4, 2024

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X, not to be confused with /x/ (Deadname: Twitter, a.k.a Shitter, or M Y P U S S Y I N B I O) is the first diagnosed internet disorder since AIDS, its symptoms include: hypersensitive people, corrupt NFT, increased levels of left-wing and right-wing retardation, failed artists, and the mistreating of others with death threats and illogical arguments. Typically in the vicinity of nonbinary furries moments from a looped rope and vegetarian feminists meeting to jerk off about whatever the current TikTok trending protest is against, all within the limits of 280 characters. Elon Musk bought twitter, then let go alot of people at twitter or X or Xer, doesnt really matter what the fuck this site is called. Elon B& ED's twitter account in early 2023.

Twitter abusers subject each other to a relentless feed of minutia in their otherwise meaningless lives, known as tweets 24/7/365. Ate some breakfast? Tweet it! Took a massive shit? Tweet it!

TL;DR: LiveJournal on crack. (No wait, LJ died years ago.) Or maybe: Slack on roids. Yeah, that's the ticket. it holds its own breed of crack.

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6 days ago