Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/September 1, 2024

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Battle for Dream Island (a.k.a BFDI) is a shitty Total Drama Island rip-off created in 2010 by two bored pedophile rice niggers, Cary Huang and Michael Huang (a.k.a the Huang Twins/HTwins) because they cannot get any pussy. The plot for this show is almost nonexistent and makes no sense; it's about inanimate objects with limbs fighting for a luxury island. The show is known for having terrible voice acting, recycled assets, royalty free music, boring backgrounds and spawning the steaming pile of shit that are object shows.

So far, the show has had 5 seasons. The first season is the main one which introduces us to the almost nonexistent plot for the first 2 episodes and then the rest is all random characters moving around in lifeless backgrounds. The second season was going to be a revival of the show continuing from where the first season ended. This one actually had a less shitty plot compared to the first one but then the creators decided to end it and make IDFB, BFB and TPOT, the 3 other seasons of the show which compared to the first two have no effort put into them and are just filler to keep the 9 year old fans mouths shut and satisfied, Keep in mind that it took them 5 years to come up with these.

As shown on Cary's channel and Michael's website, the Huang twins are capable of making interesting and well-made technology-related content; however they'd rather shit out 10 minute BFDI episodes instead.

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