Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/November 14, 2022

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Native Americans, thievin' redskins, or simply "Injuns", as they like to be called, are red-skinned savages who happen to be the indigenous peoples of America. Their spirits have been crushed ever since. Most female Injuns become Teenmommies by the age of 13. They also have an undying lust for Lysol to huff.

Native Americans are relatively untrollable due to widespread depression about their decimation. Either that or they're too fucked up on alcohol and don't respond. The Indian reservations don't sell alcohol on Sundays, so an alcohol substitute was created by diluting a bottle of cheap hairspray, usually the 99 cent Aqua Net, in a gallon of water. This beverage in known as "Ocean" or "Montana Gin." When you drink it it makes you want to pass out on the railroad tracks. This usually results in the consumer getting pwned by a freight train.

If you're in search of the noble red, normally you can find them at the beer vendor, spending their government checks while clutching to their crack babies, bitching about how they live on a reserve yet never make the effort to get a job. Native Americans are so niggerish that they were at the technological level of Africans by the time white people arrived. They worshiped the ground and the Sun and the animals. Today, most of their reservations are still like typical African villages, with levels of crime usually only seen in black neighborhoods.

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