Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/June 22, 2023

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Bombermanfan (a.k.a. Tablecow, Digimon, Donnie, and Donald Rowland Buffkin; born February 11, 1993) is a 31-year old self-admitted carpet fucker, child rapist, and dog mongler in Jacksonville, FL, who has become notorious on several forums for posing as a woman and thinking that the name "bombermanfan" would go undetected to other users at the forum he had previously been banned from while using the username "bomberman".

He has a long and violent history of sexual assaults and homosexuality, and also has admitted to having a drooling problem and a tiny penis. After being repeatedly flamed and trolled on various forums and YouTube accounts and having nudes of him humping a carpet leaked, Bomber attempted to purge himself from the internet by spamming numerous misspelled emo-rants and issuing empty threats of hacking... CSIII, act like you know nigga!

He then made a lolcow out of himself in ED IRC by conducting pathetic floods, pleading to have his articles taken down, and threatening to take down ED by pasting YouTube links into IRC. You can find Donnie today using sock accounts to attempt to blank his own article because of him getting butthurt over it, as well as Chris-Chan, Kumichoo, Null, Taekesi, and a few others.

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