Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/January 7, 2021

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Adobe Flash is an alleged trojan horse computer virus designed to prevent people under 25 from ever procreating. While flash poses as that thing you need to make YouTube work, Flash is named after its ulterior motive. Flash's real goal is to make laptops run so incredibly hot that the heat generated will "flash" the users nuts with enough heat to render them sterile.

Adobe Flash also enables the neckbeards of various *chan sites on the interwebs to sit around and watch loops of stupid chan memes on their /f/ boards. Most notably, 4chan's /f/ board has brought about many great animations and games over the years.

In December of 2020, Adobe ended support for Flash Player, thus wiping a large amount of the internetz's old games (think: 1999-2007 era) out of usability. RIP Flash, you will totes be missed.

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