Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/February 4, 2015

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Only a few choice words to describe this specific lol-cow diamond in the rough, DariusHunter (Powerword: Jeremy Geard). A quickly up-and-coming star who hails from the small town of Melbourne, Ausfailia, he's a special furfag who is high on the rise on the popularity on the giant gloryhole bathroom wall of a website FurAffinity who spends literal piles of money so he can get fame off of his porn of anthropomorphic beings so he can bask in the sun of cocksuckers and having other successful and well-loved cumdumpsters interacting with him. His inspirations seem to be in the same leagues as Dragoneer, Uncle Kage, and Allan.

If there was one thing Darius loves to keep stuffed firmly up his rectum, it's his beliefs in his Otherkin ideology. As if the image of Otherkin wasn't tarnished enough, The way he handles his pure and total faith is on the level of most Tumblr users. Like most dragonfags that have been chronicled on this site before, Darius firmly believes in himself that he was a mythical creature in a past life and that he is spiritually a flying majestic lizard, to the point that he even gets extremely flustered about preferred pronouns. He threatened at one point to revoke all outstanding payments he had sent out towards artists that were drawing him art, even ones that were already halfway finished with him, all because he didn't like how his fursona was referred to as a "character".

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