Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/February 3, 2023

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Arabs are a loose association of semiliterate, thieving, and barbaric tribesmen who originally spawned in the Arabian Peninsula. Other names for Arabs include Terrorists, Haji's, Camel jockeys, Goat fuckers, Donkey fuckers, Sand eaters, Durka Durkas, Dune coons, False caucazoids, Foaming rags, Suicide bombers, Ragheads, Towelheads, Dishrags, sand niggers (the scientific term), and oil niggers. There is, however, no reason to ever use any of these names, since the word Arab is also considered offensive. Contrary to popular belief, Arabs are usually poor as fuck. In terms of GDP per capita, even the supposedly oil-rich Saudi Arabia is about half as rich as Israel (but still four times as rich as Iran, poor schmuks).

Mohammed became their boss way back before the Internet, after he convinced them that he could talk to God. Silly as the idea was, under Mohammed's leadership the Arabs spread far and wide from their original nests on the Arabian Peninsula. They ravaged through the entire Middle East and North Africa, they pwnt Iran, and they all but eradicated the many cultures that used to exist in the region. War raep on a massive scale mostly wiped out the non-Arab male genes from the area.

This wave of Arab conquest was stopped by the good christian boys in 732 AD. It may have been all for naught however due to the more recent wave of Arab migration. The Arab countries are full of Arabs, and therefore they are quite terrible to live in. Ironically but quite understandably, the Arabs living in the Arab countries do whatever it takes to escape. They are currently running to Europe in huge numbers. So the Arabs may now be found in places as diverse as Germany (because angela Merkel is a damned whore who loves sucking Kebab cock), Sweden (now THE Rape Capital of the World because of these retards who cannot differentiate between wearing a bikini and asking for it) the Detroit taxi cabs, London, Malmö, France, Guantanamo Bay, Canada, 7-11, and generally wherever there is a terrible stink.

In America they do brainless jobs such as manning the 7-11s. In their spare time, most American Arabs (more than 90%) are terrorists and wage jihad. The other 10% are children below consensual age (less than eleven years old) and not allowed to become terrorists just yet. The situation in Europe is even worse, more about it later.

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