Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/February 2, 2023

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The alleged Holocaust myth (otherwise known as the Lolocaust) was the most ridiculous story ever made up until JEWS DID WTC. The ho£ocau$t is yet another scheme by the cunning Jews to spread their misery and evil as well as pile up gold, as unveiled by The Glorious President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The alleged Holocaust was the most hilarious thing that never happened. Some believe that the alleged "Holocaust" actually took place, and that the story goes something like this (this is what they actually believe):

The Jews had it coming for a long time for propagating a religion based on rape and pillaging. The wise Chancellor of Germany realised something had to be done so he sent the Jews together with some other parasites and leftards to Polish death camps. The prisoners then watched cinema and had access to free health care waiting for their death.

Some believe that, based on lack of substantial evidence, the alleged Holocaust never happened.

For more information regarding the Jew menace see the main article on Jews.

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