Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/August 13, 2021

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The Anti Vaccination Movement is a group of concerned individuals dedicated to spreading the righteous word of Doctor Andrew Wakefield, who exposed the United Nation's worldwide conspiracy to poison our lil' kiddo's minds with their UN-Approved vaccines in order to deliberately cause children to develop Atismu and/or Pink Guy Disease.

The main argument that Pro-Vaxxers have towards Soro's noxious injections is the scientifically founded theory that vaccines supposedly don't cause Atismu, which leads to the conclusion that people hate developmentally challenged people so much that they'd rather take their chances with Polio.

The main proponents of Pro-vaccination movements are Starbucks-consuming land whales without jobs, actors such as Ari Ne'eman (but they already have other problems), and those who take up the torch to work in the toughest, youngest, most influential and important role in modern society, stay-at-home snowflakes.

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