Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/October 27, 2011

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We all know that the purpose of ED is to deliver you the truth and nothing but the truth. Thus we cannot say that MyAdopts is a wonderfully talented site pooling with imagination. Good God no, it’s the opposite.

Welcome to MyAdopts, another furry community that thinks they have created something new to the internet. BMR777, admin of the site and known fatty fat uggo, sat down one day and wondered how he can introduce something new and revolutionary to the internet. Of course, he completely failed at doing that as he merely stolen components of other sites and combined it into a trifecta of worthless: furries, bad art and butthurt. Because he aimed it at a group of internet rejects, the content of MyAdopts range from stolen content to poorly-made content.

(( "You could always report ED" ))

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